
 I'm sure everyone has seen the notification on the homepage explaining SOPA and PIPA. They are bills congress is trying to pass to censor the internet. If this bill get passed, all the Asianfanfics users who live in the US will not be able to access the website. Heck, if this bill gets passed; there may not even be a website. It's not just, but sites like Google, Youtube, and Facebook too.

 I love Kpop and writing. This website allows me to express that love. I'm sure there are a bunch of authors/readers who feel the same way. We can do something. By signing this petition, you are speaking up and letting your voice be heard.

The exclamation point is the link.


Take a stand with me, friends?


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I can't even do it. I don't live in the us, so my zip code doesn't count OTL
I've take my stand, I'll help spread the word by copying the content of the blog for you :D