Probably Depressed. Probably Not.

So yeah, according to an online test that I took, I might have moderate to severe depression. Now this isn’t really a shock for me, because I have been suspecting it for a while. I took the same test months back and it said that I have borderline/mild depression then.


Now, I know that online tests aren’t really reliable, but there is no way for me to approach an actual psychologist and ask her/him to test me for depression without her/him informing my parents. And there is no way I want to let them know. Maybe it’s an Asian culture or something, but I feel scared of what they think of me.


I’ve always been an outcast, especially in primary (aka elementary) school. It wasn’t only until Primary 5 (11 years old. IDK what year that is) that did I start finding a group to hang out with. I used to spend most of my time in the library reading. Yes I skipped going down to the canteen for food because I don’t have anyone to sit with. Then when I did have a group of ‘friends’, it wasn’t the type of friends mothers would want their children to hang out with. Was I being desperate? Perhaps so.


To be really honest, I didn’t want to post this, especially when some of my friends here know me in real life. Afraid of being judged? Well, Asia is rather conservative in this kind of sense. But I really have nowhere to ask for advice. My parents? Out of the question. My brother? He’s too addicted to being on the internet. My counsellors in school? They’ll definitely tell my parents.


I don’t want to be attention-seeking. There are two types of people in this world with depression, I feel. Bear in mind that this is only my personal thoughts, and in no way reflects the thought of the world.

  1. People who make a big deal out of their depression and use it as an excuse for everything.
  2. People who battle it silently.

You see, I have a friend who is type 1 (yes the same friend in Friends VS Kpop). She’s not really being very obvious but sometimes (okay, usually) goes, ‘I don’t want to do my homework. I have an episode’ (For people who don’t know, an episode is apparently a period of time where it just hits you hard and you don’t want to do anything. Well, at least according to her.) and uses it as an excuse to do almost everything and nothing.


I don’t want to do that. Sure it’s one thing to quietly tell my friends that I have depression, another to blatantly shout it out to the world and hide behind it.


I have no idea where this all came from. Actually, I do but that will be in another blog post because I hate really long blog posts myself.


So yeah. I’m really grateful to anyone who even bothered to take time off to read this. Rereading this, it makes me sound like a real drama queen and everything but I am not. I don’t even know where to go with this, but probably hoping there somewhere out there, someone will just simply listen to me.


Yeah, so I’m probably going to just keep it to myself and find ways to make myself happy. Am I being in denial? I don’t think so. But I don’t want to take meds so I’m going to have find ways.


Love y’all. Keep smiling. <3


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Hi hello. Please don't feel embarassed about this stupid stigma surrounding our culture. I have friends who suffer from depression too and there's nothing wrong with them. Don't be afraid to be open about your feelings okay? I'm here if you need me. :)
I had depression every since i was 8 years old and its long hard battle but i go to see a therapist now to help me to be able to cope.
You don't sound like a drama queen, don't worry. Depression is horrible and if it lasts for months, you should definitely go to therapy and try with meds, see if they work for you. I'm like you though^^ no therapy, no telling parents, no meds, and it's not nice. Well, eventually, if it becomes too bad for you, you'll definitely seek for help. Good luck with that <3
I hope that you'l feel better soon. Stay strong and seek for help if you need.
kyouya3 #5
Hi, it'll be lying if I say 'I feel you' because obviously I have no idea what you're facing and the condition you're in. But, I was in deep depression sometime ago. I'm still on healing pace now. Anyway I just wanna say it'll get better, there's no way you can be on the bottom or the top of life all the time. So life just have to go on. It's different for anyone but the same w/ 'don't give up' and it'll get better. I sure hope you feel better soon. For side note, I'm also Asian and living in rather conservative country so I kinda get what you mean. I thought about going to shrink but it costs too much and ppl will stamp you negative if they know, well, it's but hey, I'm manage to go by okay till now. Oh, writing helps too, at least for me, whether writing fic or personal diaries.