99 Truths

I'm tagging anyone who wants to do it! I was tagged by Taelighted because she tagged the same thing


1. Real Name: Helen

2. Nicknames: Hlen Nugget

3. Zodiac Sign: Libro

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Elementary School: Yes

6. High school: Nope ^^

7. College: I want to go to Yale in 5 years

8. Hair color: Dark black but it turns a caramel brown in the sunlight

9. Tall or short: Tall :)

10. IM or email: IM!

11. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats

12. There's no question here so...

13. Health Freak: Yeah, but I indulge WAY  too often

14. Orange or Apple: Oranges anytime

15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: That's funny

16. Eat or Drink: Eat

17. Piercings: Ears but they've closed up a while ago

18. Pepsi or coke: Coke

19. Been in an Airplane: Yes

20. Been in a relationship: Not unless you count me dating on Star Legends when I was 10

21. Been in a car accident: No (fortunately)

22. Been in a fist fight: No

23. First piercing: My ears

24. Current best friend(s): My besties Adriana and Sabrina. I'm sad I'm not close with the rest of my friends anymore

25. First award: I think I've gotten a preschool diploma

26. First crush?: Preschool. I think his name was Jack

27. First word: Probably 'mama'

28. Last person you talked to in person: my sister

29. Last person you texted: my cousin

30. Last person you watched a movie with: Sabrina and I cuddled on the bus on the way home from our Boston field trip while watching Nightmare Before Christmas lol

31. Last movie you watched: Nightmare Before Christmas!!!

32. Last song you listened to: Youn, Wild & Free by BAP (aka the kings!)

33. Last thing you bought: With my own money, some K-POP albums at KCON

34. Last person you hugged:  Adriana

35. Favourite Food:Fruits and veggies lol

36. Favourite Drink: BUBBLE TEA! (My current favrotie flavor is Taro)

37. Bottoms: Jeans/Skirts/Dresses/Sweatpants/Onesies/Jeggings. I'm fine with anything, really

38. Flower: Is this the part where I'm supposed to know the names of flowers? Uhhhh... white rose

39. Animal: Wolves!

40. Colour: All

41. Favourite Movie: I like a ton! But Miracles in Cell no. 7 is really good! Disney speaks to my heart and I LOVE  Nightmare Before Christmas

42. Favourite subject: I hate school

HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)

43. ( ) Got Baptized

44. (x) Celebrated Halloween.

45. ( ) Had your heart broken.

46. (x)  Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. 

47. ( ) Had someone question your ual orientation. 

48. ( ) Got pregnant.

49. ( ) Had an abortion. 

50. (x) Did something you regret. 

51. (x) Broke a promise.

52. (x) Hid a secret.

53. (x) Pretended to be happy.

54. (x) Met someone who changed your life.

55. (x) Pretended to be sick.

56. (x) Left the country.

57. (x) Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.

58. (x) Cried over the silliest thing.

59. (x) Ran a mile. 

60. (x) Went to the beach with your best friends. 

61. (x) Got into an argument with your friends.

62. (x) Hated someone.

63. (x) Stayed single for a whole year. 


64. Eating: Nothing.

65. Drinking: Nothing

66. Listening to: Nothing

67. Sitting/Laying: half-sitting-half-lying on my bed

68. Plans for today: Fan fiction plus homework and going to my grandparents' house

69. Waiting for: The weekend (yes, already).


70. Want kids: Yes

71. Want to get married: Yes

72. Career: I honestly don't know

WHICH ONE in a significant other:

73. Lips or Eyes: Eyes

74. Shorter or taller: taller please!

75. Romantic or spontaneous: Either

76. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship

77. Looks or personality: Personality. But looks are the first thing I see so I'm attracted to looks but personality comes first. Nam saying?


78. Lost glasses/contacts: No

79. Snuck out of the house: No

80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: No. Thankfully

81. Killed somebody: No (would anyone admit it here tho)

82. Broken someone's heart: No

83. Cried when someone died: Yeah


84. Yourself: Yes

85. Miracles: Yes

86. Love at first sight: No. Attraction at first sight, yes.

87. Heaven: I really don't know

88. Santa Claus: Why wouldn't I

89. on the first date?: I haven't had a first date...

90. Kiss on the first date: I'm single and still not ready to mingle

91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: My friensd give me the most comfort and love

92. Do you know who your real friends are: I think so, but things can change. I'm hoping they don't

93. Do you believe in God: No, but I still pray to Him when I'm late for my bus

94. Post as 99 truths?: What do you mean? *dances to justin bieber in the background*

95 - quote a famous person: An eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind - Ghandi

96 - say something funny: I was singing in the shower but shampoo got into my mouth. It became a Soap Opera

97 - laugh at yourself: hua hua

98 - last message: HEY~

99 - a picture of you


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Damn. I feel old..............
nnggg this seems fun! Can I do this??? and omg you're still in Elementary School? you make me feel old hahah><