Keep a Secret ; Application


basic info

aff username - Lovinghimx3

aff profile link -

character name - Kim Sunye

birthday - October 13, 1995

character's age - 16

height & weight -  170 CM & 49 KG

appearance wise

looks -

uljjang name - Kang Su Ra

style -  Casually, she's a big fan of dresses with a cardigan or jean jacket over it. Or a cardigan over a tanktop.  She also likes wearing sweaters because it feels really comfortable.  She also likes regular logo t-shirts, skirts, and skinny jeans.  Never would you see her wearing flare, boot cut, etc.  It has to be skinny jeans.  As for shoes, she likes boots, high top sneakers, and some types of heels.  Formally, she likes wearing  dresses that goes up to her knees.  She's not a big fan of dresses that are to short or too long.  When partying, she tends to wear tight clothing.  As for sleepwear, she tends to wear t-shirts, baggy hoodies, drawstring sweatpants or shorts.  She also likes wearing fluffy socks.












extra - 

She has an infinity tattoo right behind her neck --->

Ear Piercings ---->


it's the inside that counts.

personality -  This girl has 2 personalities.  In fact, she's able to control and handle it really well.  When she's around other people, she's this happy and cheerful girl with a very laid back personality.  But when she's alone, it's quite different.  Being alone allows her to think about things and sometimes it makes her quite sad.  She also becomes really quiet.  So basically, when she's with others, it allows her to keep her mind off of things and be free but when she's alone, she  becomes sad and quiet and begins to over think.  By the way she acts towards others, people have no idea what she does and don't even have a single suspicion about her.  People think of her as a goody two shoe but that's not true at all.  That's why the saying "Never judge a book by its cover" exists.  She's able to handle and control her personality so well that people don't even question her.

She's not the gullible type and it takes her a while to trust someone.  If you want to be her friend and get to know her, you're going to have to give her time and you have to be patient.  She's not the type to easily trust someone but she will slowly try to open up to you.  As for her secret, she will never tell a single soul.  She's not a big fan of skinship and she doesn't like when people touch her because it makes her feel uncomfortable.  If you touch her inappropriately, she will go and karate chop you.  

She's also the type that keeps things bottled up and keeps them to herself.  Instead of telling people her problems, she writes them down in her diaries.  Her heart is also a marshmallow that can break really easily.  You can call her a hypocrite because she's the one that tells her friends to take care of themselves and to do this and to not do that, but she's the one that's not taking care of herself.  She's really protective of her friends and will backfire if you hurt them.

likes  -

  • Snow
  • Reading
  • Ramen
  • Candy
  • Shopping
  • Anything strawberry looking, flavored, or shaped
  • Pillows
  • Fruit
  • The color purple
  • Music boxes

dislikes  -

  • erts/Creepers
  • es
  • Cheese
  • Judmental people
  • Curry
  • People with no manners
  • Bugs
  • Spider webs

hobbies  -

  • Reading/Writing
  • Drawing
  • Listening to music
  • Just staring at the sky

habits -

  • Tends to bite her lips a lot
  • Hugs her knees a lot
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Sleeps on her side ; curled up
  • Doesn't like eating fruits as a whole, for example, if she's eating an apple, she would cut it into slices
  • Yawns with a hand over
  • Raising an eyebrow when confused

trivia -

  • Tends to sleep on her side with her body curled up
  • Sleeps with the blankets over her head
  • Favorite color - Purple
  • Has a lot of diaries hidden somewhere in her closet
  • Her room has a balcony, so she's able to sit there and stare at the sky or star gaze
  • She tends to get nightmares a lot 
  • Though she has an addiction, she's a pretty good student


it's the adam family~

background -  She was born in California, New York.  She's an only child so she was very much loved.  Never would anyone ever think that she would be addicted to sleeping pills.  This all happened during senior year of middle school.  Before all that jazz, she was an angel.  When senior year came around, she joined the in crowd and met the wrong people and followed the wrong paths.  She was desperately trying to fit in and not feel left out, anymore.  She began acting ghetto.  Soon, the senior prom came around the corner and because she wanted to fit in so badly, she decided to do what someone told her.  He told her to take these pills and she did.  Not long after, she became addicted.  She never told a single soul about this, not even her parents.  The reason they moved to Seoul was because of her parents' career and they decided to settle there.  

family -

  • Kim Sohee ; Mom ; 43 ; Nurse
  • Kim Jinho ; Dad ; 47 ; Teacher

how do you interact with your family - They would love to talk to her and spend time with her but she's always locking herself in her room and keeping her distance.  Because of her addiction, she feels that she has went behind her parents' back and whenever she sees her parents, she feels guilt.

got a secret, can you keep it?

what's your dark secret - She has an addiction and she's addicted to sleeping pills.

does anyone know your dark secret? - Nope

what do they think about it  -

the perfect two

love interest -

  • Nam Woohyun
  • Lee Hoya

his personality -

1)Woohyun ; The guy any girl can ask for.  He's extremely protective of his friends and loved ones and will always be there to protect and help them.  He's also very considerate and an attentive listener.  With him around, there's no such thing as awkward or silent moments.  He's the one that's always brightening things up.  He's a jokester and likes to fool around but he has a serious side of him.  He's also very smart and bright and gets really good grades.  As a boyfriend, he's very romantic and cheesy.  He's also a very faithful person and will not look at any other girls once he's with someone.

2)Hoya ; Very charismatic.  He's a very serious and calm guy.  You will never see him bouncing off walls or going crazy.  He may be cold but as you get to know him, he's a very friendly and considerate guy.   You'll also begin to realize that he's a pretty fun guy to hang out with.   He's willing to be there for you and lend you a hand or give you a shoulder to lean on.  However, he's not the type to ask for help.  He's very competitive and is not the type of person to give up.  He is not the type that's easily defeated.  As a boyfriend, he's very serious and knows exactly what to get his girlfriend and knows exactly how to make her happy.  Same as Woohyun, he's very faithful.

what's your relationship -  They are quite close to each other and they hang out quite often.

you're my heartbreaker

love interest - Choi Minho ; SHINee

his personality - Though he has a cold aura, he's actually a very cute and fun guy.  People might get intimidated as soon as they see him, but never judge a book by it's cover.  He's a total dork and always around cheering people up and making people laugh and smile with his unique sense of humor.  He's also the type of person that's always at the gym or playing sports, he loves keeping fit.  Same with Hoya, he's a very competitive person and never admits to defeat.  

how would you feel if he was the one that knew your secrets - Angry and shocked but somehow relieved in a way.

would you feel okay if I made your love interest from infinite the bad guy? - Anything's fine with me. :3

why can't we be friends? why can't we be friends?

friends  -

  • Bang Minah ; Girls Day
  • Lee Hongki ; FT Island
  • Shin Dongho ; U-Kiss

their personalities -

1) Minah ; She's a very cute and adorable girl with the best eyesmile out there.  Though being the dork that she is, she has a very serious side of her.  People don't know but she doesn't take no bullcrap from people.  If you hurt her friends or loved ones, she will go crazy on you and will go ninja and karate chop your .  She can be quite agressive and violent.  She's also quite straight forward and blunt.  But other than that, she's a really considerate and friendly person.  She will always be willing to sit there and listen to whatever problems you have and help you find the best solution.  This girl is quite different than many other people but she doesn't mind it.

2) Hongki ; Sunye calls Hongki an Umma.  Why? Because of his divaness.  Not only is he a diva, he's also a person that nags about this and that.  He can be quite annoying and irritating.  But he's a very funny guy and he has his own unique personality.  He's also quite stubborn because he does things his own way and is always saying that he's right.  Quite conceited, as well.  He's also very friendly and is not the type to hurt people but he will if they hurt his loved ones.

3) Dongho ; The female looking one.  If he cross dresses, he looks exactly like a girl and guys would be attracted to him and girls would think he's y.  He's a very immature and childish person and has a lot of manners.  Once he meets you, he will give you like a million bows.  He knows exactly what to do to soothe people and calm people down.  He's a very loyal and honest friend and will never go behind your back.  He's a softy and can be quite sensitive, though.

how did you meet them -

1) Minah ;  They met during the first day of school.  Sunye was walking and she slipped because of a banana peel that was laying there in the middle of the road and Minah came along and helped her while people laughed and made fun of her.  After that, Minah also helped Sunye get around the school building.

2) Hongki ; Sunye was sitting on a bench, all alone, while eating her lunch.  Hongki was also looking for a place to eat his lunch but there really was no place that was suitable or vacant.  He saw an empty spot next to Sunye and asked if he could sit there and they began talking.

3) Dongho ; Sunye left her folder on a bench and Dongho came by and saw it.  Thank goodness the folder had Sunye's name and homeroom on it, or else it would've taken him years trying to find the owner of this folder.  He did have to go through a lot of trouble, though.  Eventually, he returned Sunye her folder.

rivals - Gayoon of 4Minute ;  They were childhood friends and also went to the same school together.  At first they were unseparable and they were best friends, but for some reason Gayoon decided to  spread this embarassing rumor about Sunye.


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