Help for make layout

I comeback after take a long hiatus. after this, i want to learn make a layout.

I search any tutorial but i don't find any match and always end up with fail.

i'm so frustated. i always try but failed.

Before, i've make 2 layout. When it appear in draft it looks nice but after i post it, it looks so bad and in a mess but i've check the code.

anyone, can you help me for this? or recomended some layout tutorial?


Ok, thankyou. God Bless You




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kryzelnut #1
hello, yui! hope you still remember me, EHEHEHEHEH. anyway here is layout tutorial i've used!;ved=0ahUKEwi-_7es16XJAhVLFpQKHQQHDf0QFggZMAA&usg=AFQjCNEEEqe2i_NQLX878PtMJfYW-z0v1g&sig2=Xo_awLT-0E7LwvWT1PQNVA