Firework (taken from BearLover)

Put your iPod/iTunes on shuffle;

For each question, press the next button to get your answer;

You must write the name of the song no matter how silly it is;

Have fun!


What song does she/he sing to you when she/he proposes?

"Run this town"

Yes we will run this town together, but why should we just stop at this town?! We can have global domination! /shot/


What does she/he think after you kiss?

"Tick tock"

Awww he thought it was too short, he didn't want it to end 

How does you significant other think of you?

"Since you've been gone" 

He doesn't want me to go? Or he does want me to go?! Yeah let's stick to the first meaning... 

What describes your future family

"Straight through my heart"

Awww I love them so much 


What do you think of your enemy?

"Dark side"

They belong to the dark side 

What do you think of your parents?

"Shake it off"
Meh, your words have got nothing on me /shrugs/ jk jk 


How does your enemy view you?


What my enemies are going to set me on fire with a lighter?! 


What will your children be like?


Uh no, they're going to be one of those rascals that never stop moving aren't they?! T^T


What does your secret admirer think of you?

"Wrecking ball"

Bahahaha, I came in like a wrecking ball and broke his heart


If someone says ‘Are you ok?’ you say?


He is irreplaceable /cries/


How would you describe yourself?

"On the floor"

...what even?! 


How are your grades?

"Turn up the music" 

Grades smades, turn up the music and lets dance xD 

How will you die?


While I believe in God /nods/ 


How do you feel today?


Really now?!


What is your life purpose?

"Every little part of me" 
I will show the world every little part of my talents xD jk lol


What do you like in a girl/guy?

"One time" 
I only want them for one time?! No dude... I'm really loyal, I don't do one night stands -_-


What’s your motto? 

"Wildest dreams" 

Even my wildest dreams shall come true, MarkMi will happen people xD 


What do your friends think of you? 

"All of me" 

Awww they love all of me


What do your parents think of you?

"Running scared" 

WHAT???? WHY???! What did I do D:


What do you think about very often?

"Caught on fire" 

…is this why my parents are running??


What is 2+2?


Well actually there are numbers and words in that question so I'm kind of right xD 

What do you think about your best friend(s)?

"Die young" 

D: ????! Now I see why my parents are running :/ 

What is your love story?


Yeeees it's so romantic that you need to replay it 


What do you think when you see the person you like?

"Wild ones"


What do you wanna be when you grow up?

"Call my name"
Is it just me or does that sound somehow dirty...? /shot/


What will you dance at your wedding?

"Round and round"

…interesting song choice 


What will they play at your funeral?

"Wide awake" 

WTH?! I highly doubt I will be wide awake 

What do you think of your parents?

"Chasing the sun"
They chase the sun as they run away from me...-_-


What is your hobby/interest?

"In the city"

I do stuff in the city... Stuff…

What is your biggest fear? 




What is your biggest secret? 


Get out, I ain't telling you nothing 


What do you want right now? 

"Live like there's no tomorrow"
To live like there's no tomorrow, I actually have an exam coming up so I completely agree with that xD 


What will you name this note?


Some of the answers though.... I'm scaring myself lol 


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Oh gosh the funeral part..wide awake xDDD