Kris - Bad Girl & See You Again

Finally saw Kris's "Bad Girl" MV. I really loved the song! Definitely my favorite of his solo music so far. I couldn't take him seriously in the video. Every few seconds I was giggling at him. ^^ So glad to see him still doing well. 

Time to get delusional. I was reading a few different translations of the lyrics and one of them was "I'm having a mental breakdown" for 宝贝我选择崩溃 bǎobèi wǒ xuǎnzé bēngkuìImmediate ChaeKris feels.

Sorry not sorry hahaha!

Then my little O12 heart got broken with his "See You Again" performance. Whether it was for EXO, his friends and family, or he's just a huge fan of the Fast and Furious franchise, he shattered our EXO-L hearts regardless. 





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