《 belle! 》— Song Haeun

❝ Song ha eun
username. vanessa_90
nickname. nessa
activity level. 8 out of 10
character name. Song HA eun
other name(s).송하은 (korean Ashley Song (english) 宋夏​(chinese) 
giant baby - She is the maknae and tallest among the group
cats lover - she love kittens and cats
birthday. August 24th, 1999
birthplace & hometown. Korea, Seoul
ethnicity. Korean - Chinese
nationality. Chinese
language(s). Chinese - semi -fluent (her mother is chines and taught her Chinese from young)
Korean - native (she was born and raised in Seoul
English - conversational (She attended English lesson since elementary school) 
face claimTzuyu - Twice
height & weight. 172 cm and 50 kg
appearance.  No difference from the face claim. Haeun inherit both her parents' tall genes, having a height of 172 and weight of 50 kg. Being a believer of natural beauty, she rarely put on too much makeup as she believes being pretty inside is more important than being outside. She won't mind showing her bare face. However, she still keeps a habit of taking care of her skin. She got white complextion. 
❝ I maybe look young but i got charisma on stage

POSITIVE » Brave l Independent l Diligent l Humorous l Mature
NEGATIVE » Blunt l Cold l Possessive l Stubborn l Insecure


haeun is a mature and independent girl who hate to depend on others. She likes to do everything herself, her own way.  She was kind of stubborn on rejecting anyone who willing to offer a help. Although she is young, she gives off the mature aura, rarely showing a childish side of her. She often mistake as the oldest in the group. Unlike some members in her group, she doesn't bring trouble to the group. She listens to her unnies well. She is very over protective of her members, like they are her sisters. S She always protect them from being harm and hurt. 


haeun took pride of  being a trainee as she works very hard in order to debut. She never complaints about how hard the training is and continued to push herself. She pushed herself too hard that she often hurt herself during practices. She often stays very late un practice room to brush up her vocal and moves. She is being stubborn working too hard to hurt herself because she is insecure about her dancing and often being criticized by her dance trainer. She always the one lacking and often has this thought that she is bringing the whole group down.


she had a cold and expressionless look on her face. Her words came out is blunt and she doesn't care. This is how she speaks from her mind. She is not ashamed on telling what she thinks, even if it is right or wrong. 


haeun is brave and had an interest in horror. She always watch horror movies or novels for her free time. She often help her members to take care of insects in their dorms when her members came screaming to her for help. She got a strong heart. She loves going to ride like roller coaster or even go bungee jumping. haeun has a thing in variety. She acts funny in front of camera like showing her cute aegyo although her members always told her not to do it as it is kind of cringing. 

haeun was born in seoul in 24th august 1999. her name haeun come from two words. summer and grace. her parents wanted haeun to being grace in person and she was born in summer. her father was a korean and her mother was a Chinese who came to Korea to study when she was young. her parents own a bakery shop at the street of gangnam. she sometimes would go to her parents' shop and have a few of them. she would help them out when the shop is full with customers. when she was ten, her mother give birth to a baby boy, jungwoo. being a only child for twelve years. she finally had brothers to play with. Her brother brought up by hauen the most as their parents were busy at bakery shop most of the time. haeun would took care of him, play with him, scolding the him if he did something wrong. 
- from young, haeun had only one dream and that was to stand on stage to perform. she had been dreaming this for ages. she often thought does this only her her wishful thinking. she always stared at the tv sadly, watching idols performing on stage in fun.  her father knew about it and began secretly saving money. he enrolled haeun to enter singing and dancing academy when her daughter celebrate her 13th birthday. haeun was surprised at first but knowing her father use his hardworking money or her fees make her felt sad. without failing his father, she practice hard to make her father proud. after two years training in the academy, her trainer recommend haeun to take part upcoming cube audition. the trainer believe in her's skill. with the help of her trainer, haeun enters the audition and make it in with her first try. she was overjoyed and breaks the news to her trainer as well as her parents. they were happy for haeun as she finally one step ahead of fulfilling her dream. her father was the most happy as her precious girl had grew up.
- like color purple
- like cats 
- likes horror movies
- likes going to haunted house
- a big fan of anime, one piece. she collects quite a number of figures from one piece. ( x )
- her ideal type who is someone can be cool and nice. 
- just like her brother, can play instrument such as guitar and piano
- she can dance jazz, modern dance and hip-pop
- she came in second when enters a dance competition in middle school
- like the disney, cinderella. she wished one day she had a charming prince of her own just like cinderella
- loves chocolate
- like hugs & skinship
- dislikes mushroom as she is allergic to it
- dislikes waking up early
- dislikes smoking
- dislikes people talking bad about her and her members
- blood type a
- she is flexible
- she likes to cover boy group's dance
- she like aegyo, especially the confession song. (yoona’s part )​
- her hobby is dancing and singing
- her hobby likes taking photo when people asleep
- avoid eyes contact when nervous 
- pouts and glared when angry
- habit of hugging someone next to her when she is scared 
Father | Song Seung Ho | 42 | Owns a bakery at gangnam 
Mother | Kwon Ye Xue | 42| owns a bakery at gangnam
Brother | Song Jungwoo | 4 | study in kindergarden
Close friend | Jeon Jungkook | 19 | Idol - BTS
fellow member | NAm Joohyun |20 | idol - belle
Best friend | lee jaemin |17 | trainee at cube
Failure does not exist in my dictionary

love interest. Jungkook (Bts)
back up. V (Bts)
birthday. September 1st, 1997

jungkook is confident with his ability that he thinks he has lived up the reputation of being so called the golden maknae as he was good at almost everything. he can sing, dance and rap. it was kind not often to see someone like jungkook is a triple treat in the group. he willing to try something new to boost up his confidence. he quite an athletic person, love to exercise and plays sports. he consider himself the strongest and more manly than s. he gives off the charismatic feels within him when he is on stage. it was hard for people to believe that he is only eighteen years old for his age. he is more hard working than anyone, staying up late to brush up his practice. he want to show the side of him being upgrade and improved version of jungkook. coming from a eighteen years old makes everyone wanted to praise him more. jungkook always placed himself last in visual ranking as he thinks all s are more good looking than him. but he is so wrong. most of people think he is charming with his sweet voice, smooth dancing and handsome feature. he is many girl idol's ideal type. he may won't admit himself being cute but what he doesn't know that he would act cute and cheerful in front of his fans. who will not all for the good looking maknae? he is one tough maknae. he show no hint in fear as he is a brave kid. he loves challenges like going for bungee jumping, going on roller coaster and many more. he got a strong heart. 

jungkook can be straight forward at his words. he is blunt when came to talking to his hyungs. he won't hesitate speak up what from his mind, even his word might come out a bit harsh. the members won't mind a thing as they are used to the way his talk. jungkook acts being ignorant and being mischievous, especially in front of jimin. out of all members in the group, he won't call jimin hyung as he thinks jimin is more childish than him. he loves to make a living hell by teasing s, jimin is the most. he is not afraid of taunting jimin as he thought it is fun. when comes to meeting new people, he becomes shy, especially in front of girls. his ears would goes red and he shutters when he speaks. it is 180 change in him from when he is with someone he knew. if someone compliment him, he would shyly just smile at them and gives them a 'thank you' from his mouth. it was kind a cute side of jungkook. when coming to wake up in the morning, he is definitely the laziest. out of all members, he is the most difficult to wake up. 


Haeun and Jungkook first met was in a park. It took place whenhaeun was resting against the bench after a walk at the park. She then saw a cute cat coming to her. Being a cat lover, she immediately play with a cat, smile forming on her face. As she was busy playing with the cat and noticing her surrounding, she heard a voice. "Are this your cat?" She look up to see a boy who was wearing a cap. To haeun, he looks like a bunny. haeun swore to herself that she met this boy somewhere before but couldn't remember where.  Haeun looked warily at him and felt uneasy talking to him. She shook her head and continued playing with the cat. "Cute" She heard the boy whispered. haeun blinked and spent quite sometime on thinking what had the boy just said. "Are you saying the cat or me?" She replied but her eyes still at the cat. The boy was seem taken back and became flustered as haeun just heard him. The boy blushed and said he had to go. He left quickly while saying hope to meet again. haeun thought the boy was a very weird person.  After returning back to the dorm, she heard the members were at living room watching music show so she decided to join them. Just as she sat, the next group to perform was BTS. haeun then saw that the boy she saw earlier was in there.  Realization hit her that now that who is that boy. He is none other than BTS's maknae, Jeon jungkook. 


haeun met Jungkook again when she past by the Han River and saw Jungkook was playing basketball with the rest of BTS member. haeun wanted to pretend she didn't see Jungkook and walked away quietly, however she stayed and watch with no reason at all. She did not why she stays. They were not even friend the first place and she didn't know him well. When the BTS was having a break, she saw Jungkook came jogging towards her with a smile, showing his bunny teeth. Jungkook was surprised to see hauen at Han River. They exchange awkward gretting while Jungkook introduced her to his hyungs. All BTS members were friendly towards her and they teased Jungkook being grown up into man. Jungkook blushed and shoo them away while haeun just stared with a naive look.  Their interaction got cut as she got call from her leader asking where she is. Knowing she is going late for practice, she decided to leave. She remembers she bought an extra energy drink from the convenience store so she took it out and have it to him. She quickly left the place before Jungkook could even stop her. Jungkook watched haeun left with still have the energy drink in his hand. The BTS members kept teasing about Jungkook of having someone he like but Jungkook just yelled at them to shut up. 


Meeting Jungkook again at Han River could it be fate to haeun. Jungkook was at the basketball court late in night without s by his side. Jungkook had the shy smile when he saw haeun. They stated silent for a few minutes as neither of them knew what to said to each other.Jungkook decided to break the silent by asking to invite haeun to play basketball. Haeun was not  good at playing it but she agrees to play.Jungkook taught her to play basketball by demonstrate a few basics. Once haeun knew the rules, they started playing. Along the way, haeun seems to lost and balance and was about to trip. Jungkook managed to catch her and both fell on the ground with haeun on top. Both of their head were a few inches with each other and Jungkook started sweating and blushing of being too close to girl. On other hand, haeun apologized and moved away from Jungkook. She asked Jungkook if he is okay and saw his face was red. She asked Jungkook why his face was red? Is he having fever or something. haeun was pretty oblivious about the earliest closeness but Junkook was blushing like mad. Jungkook just said he is fine and continued with their game. When haeun shots a goal, she  excitedly hug Jungkook out of sudden. Jungkook was taken back by her action. haeun did not notice about her action but keeps on hugging Jungkook, saying she finally score a goal. 

After getting to know each other, they became close and they would exchange phone number. Haeun would start texting Jungkook whenever she got free time or before going to bed. Same goes to Jungkook. They see each other as only friends but to others, they know that the two friends have feeling for each other. Neither of them ever confess to each other as they kind of oblivious of dating stuff as both of them are still too young to know what is love. They act as senior-junior relationship in front of camera but when off stage, they act like very close friend since they are the maknaes. haeun would not hesitate mentions in the show that she and jungkook have good relationship and sometimes would hangout if both of them are free. 
status. They are close friend at first but near to future they would realize their feelings toward each other and confess. 
❝ i'm a dreamer. i have to dream and reach for the star
stage name. Ashley
persona. Poker face doll
position. maknae, triple threat
back upvisual, vocal, dancer
fanclub name. Summer
fanclub color. #CCFFFF

talent twin. sohyun (4minute) 
back up. tzuyu (twice)
Speaking twin. sohyun (4minute)
back up.tzuyu (twice)
training year(s). 2 years
trainee life. haeun began her trainee's life by practicing hard. it was fate was not on  her side as she started being criticized on her singing and dancing. the training was getting harder and harder as the days went on. haeun thought of quitting as ​she watched a few trainees before her left the company due to harship of the training. but she refused to give up. she did not want to see her father's disappointed face and not wanting to waste his hardwork on spending so much money on her. so she continued to work hard and began to improve. there was once the ceo of cube happened to hear haeun's voice and thought it was better haeun to learn rap instead as she got the tone suitable for rapping. willing to give it a try,  haeun started learning rap. everything gons so far that she was in cube for 2 years.  
pre-debut experiences. Nil
scandal(s). nil
comments. I finally finish. I hop you like her ^^
- Appear in variety show such as weekly idol
- Jungkook invites Haeun to BTS's dorm


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