A Non-Attached Third Wheel

This blog post represents my opinions, and my opinions alone

Let me ask you this: do you have a very, very close friend who has a boyfriend/girlfriend? I do, and my best friend does. 

I am incredibly happy for her, especially since they celebrated their 1:st year together a little under a month ago. They're incredibly much in love, they are really great together, I feel she has become a stronger and better person from meeting this nice guy, and they have a lot of common interests, dreams and future plans. In short, they are just really great together. 

However, notice how I used 'they'? Yeah, I did because I'm not included there. Please, don't get me wrong! I'm so happy for her and them as a couple, I think the guy is very lucky to have met, and is with, my best friend, and I want and see a long, long future for them together. 

But, I can't deny the fact that her relationship has changed our friendship. We still care a lot for one another, though.

Yet, I miss those days when we used to hang out very often, if not everyday in school, when we used to talk about love, dating and boys, when our plans often only revolved around us and no one would have to be included in the process of planning. Because, the things I've just recited rarely happens these days.

One reason's that I'm still in school, while she left her program a few years ago because it wasn't her orientation, and currently interns. The other is, obviously, that we have very different schedules. These are two things that I can't control, and wouldn't even if I could. 

The third reason, and final one I can think of, is that she has a boyfriend. With him comes plans automatically, because they're a couple and naturally want to spend time together. I don't resent him for it because I like him. He's a really good guy with his priorities and morales right. I still, however, wish for more time with my friend.

I guess I'm simply sentimental as our time together as friends have diminished a lot faster than I would've liked it, due to school, dreams and love. 

Oh, those days. . . so to speak cornily.

This blog post represents my opinions, and my opinions alone


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:'((( I'm crying because of this blog. *huhuhu* I miss my bestfriend! *cries*
rhapsodysiscaa #2
I feel the same few years back. I ever been in your situation and also your best friend's situation.

I miss the time when I can talk to her every single time but now, it's like she sat beside me but everything is just so different. Not to mention that her boyfriend is my close friend too. I don't like being the third wheel--always the third wheel anyway. They asked help from me... To cover up their relationship and stuff. I feel like... I'm being left out and also used by them. I was quite sad and didn't talk to them for a week. I feel quite down.

When I'm in your friend's situation, I have this obsession with my boyfriend. I don't feel like talking to anybody else but him and I think I made my friend really really upset. She still brag about it up until now. It's been two years and she's jealous because we don't talk much that time. Oh well, can't blame her too. I was wrong.

The point is...... I don't know what I'm writing but yeah TvT Oh well, sorry for making you confuse. *runs away*