AEON - Hannah Park

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HANnah park

vanessa_90 • nessa • 8/10



NAME » Hannah Park (한나박)


- Bunny ( She got bunny teeth and often being tease by her members)

-Miss  sunshine (She is the moodmaker of the group and being call by her fans)

BIRTHDAY » December 27 1994 (20/ 19)

BIRTHPLACE » American. Los Angles

HOMETOWN » American. Los Angles
ETHNICITY » Korean - American


Korean - Fluent - Her parents are Korean and they taught them how to speak

English - Fluent - She is born in American



BACKUP FACE CLAIM » So Hyun (4minute)


APPEARANCE » No difference with the face claim. Haeun inherit both her parents' tall genes, having a height of 172 and weight of 50 kg. Being a believer of natural beauty, she rarely put on too much makeup as she believes being pretty inside is more important than being outside. She won't mind showing her bare face. However, she still keeps a habit of taking care of her skin. Her skin got a little bit of tan from playing sports a lot. She got a long straight brown hair with a bit of curve.


STYLE » Hannah likes to wear something comfortable. She most of the times would wear shorts, skirts or dress. Her closet can hardly find any long jeans or pants. She prefers more on cute and lovely fashion. 

practice: 1 l 2 l 3
dorm: 1 l 2 l 3​ 
casual: 1 l 2 l 3
airport: 1 l 2 l 3
formal: 1 l 2 l 3

" I' m may look cute, but i have the charisma when on stage "



" I wish your eyes are only on me "



PLOTLINE » The Naive

STAGE PERSONA » Miss Sunshine
POSITION »  Lead Vocalist & Lead Dancer
BACK-UP POSITION »Lead Vocalist & Main Rapper
INDIVIDUAL FANCLUB COLOUR »  Lemon Yellow   ######

DANCING TWIN » Sohyun - 4minute
RAPPING TWIN » Lime - Hellovenus (For backup)
SPEAKING TWIN » Sohyun - 4minute
VARIETY TWIN »Sohyun - 4minute

» -

TRAINEE SPAN » 2 years

Hannah thought she is ready and decided to audition for JYP, hoping that her dream to become a top star performer would come true. In 2011, there was a audition held by JYP ent in LA so she went to enter the audition and sang 'officially missing you' by tamia. She even performs a jazz dance. Unfortunately, she got eliminated. The judges think Hannah still lack in practice and didn't try hard enough. They said a few harsh words. It made Hannah sad that she refused to see anyone and lock herself in the room for two months until his father talked some sense to her, letting herself out of her shell. With the encouragement from his father, she began practicing very hard, making sure to put in extra effort as much as she can. After two long years, she was ready so she entered another audition under another company, SM. Ent. It just so happened that SM was having its global audition in her hometown. Her hard work seemed to pay off as she got accepted. She felt lucky and happy that she finally becomes a trainee under SM ent.

Through her long years of trainingHannah faced some good and bad. She often being bullied by other senior trainees as they were jealous of her being praised by the trainer and Hannah . Hannah did not take it by heart and continued with her own things.  She watched many of the trainees she trained with were stress with the intense training that they quit and left sment. Seeing this, the first thing came into her mind that she might become one of them if she did not work enough. There is no way Hannah would give up after her last elimination from JYP audition. That had left a deep scar in her and she did not want to happen again.




- Anything sweet

- Hugs & skinship

- Singing and dancing

- Her members

- Cute animals like puppy, kittens & bunny


- Spicy food

- Horror movies and novels

- Bugs

- Wake up early

- Hated seeing her love ones sad or cry


- Spacing out on something that worries her

- Pouts when angry

- Hugging someone next to her when she is scared


- Sunging and dancing

- Pranking

- Taking photo of her members sleeping


- Favourite color is yellow

- Her blood type is A

- She can dance hip-pop, jazz and modern dance

- She wins a lot of medals at dance competition since middle school.

- A big fan of Red Velvet, her bias is Irene

- She does not know how to cook but learning

- She can play piano and guitar

- She is flexible

- She loves aegyo

- She has a thing for being a MC and in variety show

- She often mistake as the youngest among the group 

- She hate Maths

SNS » 

Instagram - @hannah_park_94

Twitter - @hannah_park_94



POSITIVE » Dynamic l Humorous l Diligent l Sociable l Trustworthy
NEGATIVE » Childish l Gullible l Troublesome l Stubborn l Insecure


Hannah was someone who is full of energy and positive in attitude, 24/7 nonstop. She got unlimited energy inside of her and does not easily tired out. Even after coming back from her tight schedule, she is still excited and jumpy. She always jump up and down non-stop when excited about something. She seems can't to stand or sit still for 5 minutes, loves going around pesters people. Hannah will run off and started asking for hugs and skinships. Yes, Hannah loves to cuddle with people. She is a pain in the neck to many, she is irritating, childish and mischievous, a very troublesome being. People wanted to strangle the hyper girl badly as she tends to piss off by her annoying act such as playing pranks and being clingy like a five years old kid. She always get into trouble with chanyeol who always the one being targeted in Hannah's prank. She loves to do aegyo which is too embarrassing and being irritated to the extent of wanted to cringe badly. 

Hannah took pride of bring a trainee as she works very hard in order to debut. She may act like a brat in the dorm but when come to singing & dancing; she removes her mischievous side and becomes a serious performer. She often get mistakes easily (mostly on her vocal) and always get scolding by the staff the most. She work twice as hard as any trainees in the company, often stay up late till midnight by herself in the practice, brushing up on her singing and dancing. She never doubts herself in her capability and never complaint about how hard the training is and continued to push herself. She pushed herself too hard that she often hurt herself during practices or getting a sore throat when she sings too much. The reason oh her working hard as she is always insecure about her looks. she always place herself last in visual ranking among the pretty girls. She thinks she look kind of chubby and not good looking like her brother and sister. She kinds of shrug it off when people compliment on her pretty face. Within her heart, she knew they say that only to make her happy but the reality that they think she is ugly. 

You can trust Hannah 100%. She is reliable and honest girl. Hannah is someone who you can rely on or seek comfort when troubles occur. Hannah hated seeing people being down and moody. Although she is not an expert in solving problems but at least the only thing she can do is comforting. She may not be the type of warm-hearted girl good at saying at words, but still you can trust her. She is honest with her words. if asking for opinion, she would straight away says what oh her mind, even if her words come out can be straight forward. She only said things which are true. If you trust her, she will trust you back. Although she trusts people easily, she often gets tricked as she is pretty naive and gullible. She believes what everyone said, even though it is only just a joke. She once heard someone told her that need to take off the shoes when enter the plane. Being a gullible person she is and never being on plane before, she really took off her shoes when she aboard the plane. 

There is no such word like 'lonely' in her dictionary. She makes friends easily. Hannah is sociable and comfy hanging out with people. She is not the shy type of people who stands at the back quietly. She was very friendly and cheerful, often the first one to initiate to speak first. Sometimes she will jokes with them or play some pranks, just to get attention. She loves attention. She did not like people ignore her but if they do, she will cling on them badly and never letting go easily. She can be pretty stubborn. She never really listen to anyone and follows her own way of doing.

Hannah is ambitious when coming to variety. She had a thing on becoming mc. she thinks it suite her very well as she was quite comical and got variety sense in her on stage, but sometimes it turns out to be in awkward situation for her. She is not the type of person who tried very hard to be funny. She acts cheerful on stage and loves to joke around. She is not afraid to show her true self as there is nothing embarrassing about her. She loves fans service so much that she is often seen hugging the person next to her, giving heart sign or does aegyo in front of her fans.  When off stage, she will act childish and clingy for attention. Just like being mention before, she won't tolerate being ignored. When everyone was tired and wanted to rest, she will get bored easily and starts pestering whoever she sees. When told to do something she doesn't like, she will try to use aegyo to get away. 


Hannah was born on December 27, 1994 as the second child of Jason Park and Kim Minhee, along with his twin brother, Danny Park. Her arrival had bring joy to the family and she was raised like a precious princess. As a child, Hannah was a very hyper and trouble maker little devil, being a spoiled brat and causing ruckus in the house. nor her parents of her brother could control her. Since starting to grow up, she rarely get scolding by her parents as they treated her like a treasure thus this is how she ended becoming a troublemaker. on other hand, when she was out with her family for an outing, she completely changed into a different person. She acts like an angel, would cheerfully waved at the neighbors and act cute in front of them. Seeing Hannah such an active child, her parents decided to enroll her to learn piano, hoping she could be less hyperactive and more mature. However, it didn't help at all. 

As Hannah became ten, she fell in love, not someone but dancing. One day, she was watching a music show on the tv when she saw idols such as boa performing on stage. She thought it was cool to dance as a performer and she wanted to be part of it. Without her parents knowing it, she secretly watched videos on dancing and learnt it herself. She asked her friend' to ask her brother to teach her how to play the guitar since she knew that her friend's brother was in a band. She practiced very hard and in no time, she can play both piano and guitar very well. Her parents fount out her secret after she joined dance club when she entered middle school. They were not angry at her but support her dream and desire to be a performer. Hannah was relieved that her parents were not mad at her.   



Jason Park| Father | 50 | Caring, protective, kind, funny, outgoing l he is known as a family man who loves his family very much.  He cares and protects them, not wanting any harm to his loves ones. To Hannah, he is her hero. Without him, she won't become what she is right now.  For her past 19 years, he had been kind and supportive of her, treats her as his little princess. 


Kim Minhee| Mother | 47 | Housewife | Independent, dominant, hardworking, caring, polite l She is an independent and hardworking mum who had total control of the household. She makes sure to keep the house in one piece, knowing her youngest daughter is the source of problem. She cares for her family. She is being well known for politeness within the neighborhood. She greeted nicely at people never yell at anyone. 


Danny Park| Brother | 20 | Students | Optimistic, energetic,  over-protective,  humorous, stubborn l Danny is what everyone calls 'happy virus', always happy and energetic. He is humorous by making your day feels better, he would crack some jokes and gives you nice things. To Hannah, he is nothing but overprotective and stubborn. He will always get in between and pull her away whenever she and her friends (male) are speaking to each other. He even glared at the male trainees who tried to being too close and friendly to Hannah for  his liking. 



Kai | her biased in exo | 21 | idol - exo | Hannah was a fan of exo. Her bias is the dancing machine,Kai. She admires the way Kai danced, sometimes it's powerful, sometime it's graceful. Kai and Hannah first met was when Hannah was introduce to exo members. Meeting her biased in front of her, she almost got fainted due to heart attack. kai may look charismatic on stage, he is actually friendly and shy. He often offer to help Hannah on her dance practice and gives advice that will help her in future. He acts like a kind senior towards Hannah and very protective of her. He might have starts to form a crush on her but he knew she only see him as a senior. 


Irene | Friend | 24 | Idol - Red Velvet | Irene and Hannah met back when Hannah first started as a trainee and the first person she met was Irene. Irene took her under her wing and took care of her, treat her like little sister. Irene protects Haeun when other trainees try to 'bully' her. As times flies, both became close with each other, too close that they were often seen holding hands together or  Hannah would place her arm over Irene's shoulder. They often have skinship with each other. 



BIRTHDAY » March 29 1991 (24 / 25)
GROUP » Red Velvet 

- Baechu (Means cabbage. Bae + Joo. Her friends call her that)



POSITIVE » Warm-hearted l Calm l Caring
NEGATIVE » Timid l gullible l emotional 


Irene is the definition of warm hearted. She was kind, caring and loving. She got the motherly figure in her. She willing listens to anyone's problem and comfort people when they are down. Being born the oldest, she got the experience of how to handle situation to take care of her members. She acts like a mature and responsible person in front of people. She often looks out for her family and friends before her. If any situation comes out unexpected, she is calm and quick to react to make sure everything is under control. she is very timid type of person and something quiet. She can be gullible sometimes, often being easily tricked by other because she got soft heart and trust people easily. When knowing she was being tricked, she would become emotional. She would start crying without reason. 


FIRST MEETING » Hannah and Irene first met when Hannah bumped into Irene accidentally while she was not looking where she was going. She made Irene fell on the ground since Hannah is taller than her. Hannah quickly apologized and help Irene up to her feet. When she saw Irene's face, Hannah was awestruck by Irene's beauty and she thought she had a crush on the older. However, Hannah felt wrong as she believes a love relationship between the same gender was impossible so she shoo her though of felling for Irene. Seeing Hannah was new, as a senior, She took Hannah  under her wing and showed her around the SM building, letting her familiarize with the place. Hannah first impression on Irene was she looks shy and quiet; sometimes  act caring to her.  After the tour, Irene had went back to her practice but Hannah couldn't bare to let her leave. Irene promised Hannah they would meet soon and hangout together. 

RELATIONSHIP STATUS » Close Friends / Treat each other like sisters

INTERACTIONS » After meeting each other for quite sometime, Hannah grew attach to Irene. Irene would act motherly towards her and took good care of her like a little sisters. Hannah often get bully by some other jealous senior  trainees as Hannah get praise from the trainers. Irene knew it and protect her by telling the bullies off. Hannah felt war in her heart and started to think she really fell for Irene. Thanks to the bully incident, Hannah and Irene both became very close with each other, too close that they were often seen holding hands together or  Hannah would place her arm over Irene's shoulder. They often have skinship with each other. Once Hannah and Irene was together in a room, Hannah playfully ask Irene if there is someone she like but all she got was Irene's blank and sad face. Hannah was taken back by the look of Irene's look. They both became quiet and none of them talked about it until Irene took Hannah back to her dorm, she saw her ex-lover nearby. Irene was stunned while Hannah was confused. Hannah watched Irene staring at the person with an expression that Hannah couldn't describe. Was it love? Later on, Hannah then realized that Irene used to date but broke up after two years. Hannah and Irene first met was the day when Irene and her ex-lover broke up. Irene admitted that she still like her lover and wanted to get back together. Hannah felt her heart broke into million pieces when she heard that. After that day, Hannha would caught Irene still trying to get back at her ex-lover but being rejected. Whenever seeing Irene being down, Hannah would try her best to cheer Irene up and maybe one day, Irene would accept her. 


» Ship name: Hanene

» Hannah would sometime went over to Irene's dorm for sleepover, on the same bed. 

» Both Hannah and Irene would hold hands when they walk together 


CONCLUSION » Hannah confess to Irene but Irene did not accept as she still like her exl-lover. Bur deep down she knew she was lying. After spending all this time together, with Hannah by her side always cheer her up had let her slowly open up to Hannah. Hannah had make her forget about her ex-lover. She was afrais if she and Hannah are dating, the people around us would not be accepted and the company may kick Hannah out. After rejecting her, Irene thinks Hannah would cling on her again but no.  Hannah may still hangout with Irene but she was not as energetic as before and she doesn't do skinship anymore. Hannah must be very disappointed that Irene still thinks her as a little sister. Everything change when Hannah had a big quarrel with her members in the dorm and ran out alone. Hannah were gone for hours and did not came back. The members were worried and tried to find her but they found nothing. They decided to ask Irene for help since they were quite close. After hearing this, Irene immediately help to look for Hannah. she was afraid of loosing Hannah if something bad happen to her. After hours of searching, Irene finally found Hannah at a park that they used to hangout more often (It is also the place where Hannah confess to her).  Irene could not risk of repeating the mistake again of losing someone, she decided to forget about people judging them and confess her true feeling. Hannah thought she was lying just to pity her but when Irene really kiss her, her doubt is gone. Without risking being know, they date secretly behind people's back. 



COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS » This is my second app! I just hope you like her.  Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.. Just to let you know, i put ex-lover for Irene instead of boyfriend/girlfriend. Maybe you can decide for me who is going to Irene's ex-lover. I don't mind if it is male or female, from same company or different company) 



- Appeared at variety show such as weekly idol




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