I've Made a Realization

So, I've been thinking about this for a while. I think I'm lucky to have friends who will understand, but I'm scared to say anything. I know that they wouldn't have any problem, but I'm still scared.

You may not know this, but many of my friends have different ualities. Maria and Shania are Bi. Alex is gender fluid, Reece is bi-curious, Hallie is figuring this out, but we're pretty sure she's Demi. And Alania is Pan. I'm lucky to have so many friends around me who all accept things like that. But I have a problem now.

I can remember being 9 and wondering if I was Bi.But I put it aside because I didn't feel anything for anyone around me. And now thoughts keep popping up. I feel myself realising how beautiful some people are to me. I keep missing them and thinking about what it would be like to kiss them. I did some research and came to the conclusion that I might be heteroflexible. 

Like, I wouldn't date them, but I'd do other things with them per say.. I don't know. I might change my mind later. I mean, I kind of like to hold hands with Maria and Alania, and I like it when Hallie smiles. I don't know. I just think I'd be okay with something like this. I could be Bi. I just thought I'd tell you guys first to see what you think, them maybe tell them. What do you guys think.


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Wushupandabear #1
I don't know. I've felt like this for a while. It its not like that until I take the time to look closer. And I feel slightly attracted, but I don't know.
lalophobia #2
maybe you're drawn to pretty things, and your actions reflect your want to see those things? like, idk how to explain it XD