Am I in the wrong?

 So I'm currently in a situation   ​Something has been bothering me for a while and it really is getting to me. I feel like I'm pathetic for posting my situation on here, but what the heck. Kay, so here I go:

So I'll just call this girl Youngji. So I met Youngji at the salvos store that I was volunteering at. Youngji and I talked and yeah, we exchanged numbers and went out once.  We texted on WhatsApp for a while, Then one day Youngji stopped replying to me when I was asking her if she was alright or something. Thing is, I know she reads my messages because there's those blue ticks (which means the message has been read). Since she didn't reply to me, at the time, I thought "Oh, she must be busy or something." and brushed it off. Next day I texted Youngji, asking if she was free on a certain day because I wanted to go to the movies with someone. Since she didn't reply to that as well, I just asked someone else who could. So then I texted her, saying "Nvm about the movies, I don't want to be a bother." and proceeded to apologise to her if she thinks I'm being annoying and clingy. Again, I asked Youngji if she was feeling alright. I had a feeling she wouldn't reply, but I just wanted to check up on her. I don't want her to tell me in detail, but just fill me in a bit so I can be content knowing that she's not ignoring me for the LOLs. So a few days ago, I was like "Okay, I'll stop messaging you for now because I don't want to seem clingy".So I did for a few days. I messaged her today asking how she's been. I mean, I get bored when I'm studying, you know? She read those and still didn't reply. So then I was like "Okay. Just uh... reply when you can."
Given this situation, do you think that I'm in the wrong? As I type this up, I have no idea why I'm crying. Probably because I feel like it is my own fault and I'm troubling them? I'm being too much? Or it could be I just cry for the wrong reasons or get too caught up in my emotions. Crying over something like this may seem stupid to you, but I can't help being a sensitive person.
Disclaimer: I have nothing against Youngji or KARA. I am neither a fan or anti-fan for that matter. It is only due to my lack of knowledge regarding girl groups and I only know Youngji because of Roommate S2 which is why I used her name. Please try to understand. I repeat - I do not hate KARA at all.



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Lol when I'm talking about people online and stuff I usually give them the most hideous common names that nobody even uses like Fred, Bob etc. Doesn't work for girls as much haha.

Honestly, I don't think it's your fault at all. I just hate seeing that people have read my message and then they just never reply. I think you should just wait until you see her again in person and then talk to her because you should not be crying if you have done nothing wrong.