welcome to honey pork : 임재리


Timestamp: 10 - 11 - 2015
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NAME: im jaeri. (임재리)
GENDER: female. 
AGE: 17.
BIRTHDAY: 10/02/98.
ETHNICITY: korean.
HOMETOWN: deerfield. 
OCCUPATION: high-school student. 

FACECLAIM: twice's dahyun.
BACKUP FACECLAIM: redvelvet's joy.





raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by im jaeri's pranks. it's no surprise to see three quarters of the town raise their hand. people have even said that you're not a deerfield residence until you've experienced the tricks of jaeri. the youngest child of the im family, jaeri's the baby, the one who is least likely to take over honey pork. there's so little expectation for her to be good so it's no surprise to how easy she takes life, choosing to waste her time annoying people, learning ways of getting under your skin, reminding people of embarassing moments of the past. despite all of that, they can't help but still love her because not only is the heir of the beloved honey pork, but she's the little girl that everyone has grew up with, the little girl whom they've grown to see as their very own little sister, smiling and telling customers to "have a wonderful im-perfect day!" and honestly, jaeri would never have it any other way.






► according to her class and everyone that has met her, im jaeri is undeniably the most annoying little you will ever meet in your life. she has a habit of pushing people's buttons, teasing them and making fun of them. she does things like bringing up embarassing situations that some people would much rather bleach it other of their memories, ("jaebum oppa! remember when you farted too hard and accidentally pooped!" "shut up, jaeri.") a lot, as well as imitating the way they speak. another really irritating jaeri does the best is repeatedly poking someone when she's bored and singing the same line over and over and over and over again. looking for a way to hate your favorite song? let im jaeri listen to it. however, looking at this from a more positive side, she's very cheeky. she's always looking for new pranks to pull, a glimmer of playfulness to add to a normally dull small-town. it's nice.   

► her cheekiness can often esclate to something larger, as she has a fondeness of causing trouble playfully. she can be quite mischevious when the time is inappropriate - playing pranks, telling jokes, fooling around when it's time to get serious. probably why she's seen as annoying. it's worse because she's very immature - maybe she's still young and hasn't experienced much yet but she just lives in this little bubble that everything will be okay. she's not mature, so please don't expect her to make the right decisions in life. 

► yet, despite that, she is still a friend of theirs, mainly because of her loving nature. despite her taunts and teases, deep down, they know that jaeri has their backs. no lie, she would run a mile for her friends and everyboy knows that the only thing jaeri hates in the world is running. if one of her best friends even posted a depressing tweet, you'd know that jaeri would call you immedieatly and try to salve the situation through making fun of other people. honestly, she's not good with kind words but she'll try her best. she always does for her friends. 


► on the neutral side, it should be well noted that jaeri is freaking shameless. girl can dance in the middle of the public street, sing badly at the top of her lungs in the middle of class, talk about how she fell down in the drain when she was fifteen. she's such an open book and it can get very very very embarassing to be in the same class as her. maybe the reason why she enjoys teasing and annoying people so much is because she gets sees them being embarassed, a feeling that she rarely ever feels. 

► this is probably why she manages to be so bubbly. she doesn't feel embarassed, so it's easy for her to start conversations with people she's never met before, smile at cute strangers, burst into banter with people she's only talked to once. it's a positive trait that she takes after her father and because of her ability to socialize and her aura of positivity that radiates around her, it's no surprise that she's known as the happy pill of deerfield.   

► last but definitely not least, jaeri is very carefree. she has an easy-going spirit, the kind of girl who would go out a day before her final midterms. whenever people are worrying, she's the type to throw her arms around you and say, "don't worry, be happy!" it's both good and bad, because juxtaposed with her trait of being very unmotivated, it tends to make her a little lackdasical about her future. because she's so happy being in this little town with her family and friends and all those close to her, she doesn't seem to have a particular drive in life. she's okay with being a housewife or just mooching off her parents' money.   


honestly, there's nothing particularly special to jaeri's childhood. im jaeri was born on the 10th of february 1998, being the youngest child of the im family. even from young, it was clear that jaeri was a baby that was incredibly hard to take care of. she was loud, constantly demanding attention and she would keep her parents up late at night. so, it comes as no shock to why jaeri's so annoying now - mainly because she's been annoying since birth. however, despite that, her parents still loved her and showered with all the love and affection that a baby could get. she was lucky enough to have an older brother, jaebum, who was in charge of babysitting her whenver her parents got busy at the restaurant, leading to their soft spot they both share for each other.

honestly, jaeri's never been anywhere outside of deerfield her whole life - she's only been to korea once, but that's okay with her. unlike most people, cough, im jaebum, jaeri isn't curious about the city or anything. she's happy with being in deerfield, happy with her family and being with people she's been with all her life.,

#RISE AND SHINE, LITTLE TOFU. jaeri currently lives with her family in a house close to the restaurant. even though her family is a little loud and they tend to get into arguments about the masterchef and where the best burger in america is, she loves it and she wouldn't have it any other way. usually, either jaebum or her parents will drive her to school and she attends classes with the same people she's known for years. let's be real, jaeri isn't the best student in class. she would rather spend her time poking someone's shoulder with a pen or talking animatedly about the latest manhwa than listen to the teacher. which is why there is no surprise that she is considered a teacher's pest - even her bright smile and her long history in this town can't save her from being punished. most of the time, you'll find her in detention because she talked too much during class or pulled off a really stupid prank like put a fart cushion under the teacher's chair. 

#WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS HERE; after detention and her occassional after-school activities, jaeri is most likely to be found in honeypork, doodling on her old notebook, attempting to do homework but instead, chatting with the stuff about the latest development in their lives or drawing on the walls of honeypork. in fact, there's a little space that they left for jaeri to draw in - it's not much but jaeri has a special talent in art and she's turned that blank area into a cute little comic of dancing food, which she works on when she feels like it. she gets really happy whenever a customer walks in because it means that there's someone she can disturb and talk to. it's not uncommon to see jaeri slipping into a booth with a family and just talking to them. sometimes, nayeon and junhyeok join her in the shop and they spend their time playing lame old video games or when they feel like it, they drag jaeri out of honeypork and go exploring in their little town or doing some crazy . 


#BBAE SAE! she's famous around town for her eagle dance; she performs it whenver there's a full house in honeypork, which is sadly rare nowadays. 
#EATATHONEYPORK: she shamelessly advertises honey pork everywhere. it's awesome and is one of the main reasons why she became the unofficial mascot.   
#I AM AN ARITST: she's really good in art. she likes drawing cartoons of food. some of the menu items are actually designed by her.  
#MIND YOUR LANGUAGE: jaeri doesn't like people swearing tbh and will blink a lot and scrunch up her nose if she hears a bad word. 
#INFINITY OR PERFECT?: she's one direction trash and everyone knows, in fact, she's president of the official one direction fanclub based in deerfield IS IT EMBARASSING? WELL JAERI DOESN'T CARE she even has a jar of money that she saved up so she can see them live one day. 

#LEAVE MY PHONE ALONE: her phone is her baby like you are not allowed to touch it, mainly because she has ugly photos of almost everyone in town. it's such a joy to see jaeri's birthday posts to people because they are often artfully-skilled collages of their derp faces
#ADVENTURE TIME WITH JAERI! once she changed all of nayeon's contact names to "john cena" and it took her a few weeks and eleven awkward conversations to get it back to normal
#MY NAME IS JAERI: her nicknames include dubu because of her chubby cheeks; jaeby, which is a combination of jae + baby because it's affectionate and cute; little piggy, because honeypork and she's their unofficial mascot 
#EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: jaeri tends to stick her own picture on the employee of the month board, even though she doesn't actually work there because a) she likes seeing her face there and b) it annoys ahyoung. ^   ^ 
#LOST AND FOUND! if you can't find something, 99% of the time, jaeri has hidden it. it's immature and frustrating and irritating but jaeri tends to do it. 



jaebum is the exact opposite of jaeri, to be honest. no one would even know that they were siblings, based on their personalities - the only thing they have in common is their smiles. however, despite all of that, they are pretty close to each other. even though jaeri doesn't understand why jaebum is so intent about leaving the town, she still spends most of her time teasing him, showing off to her friends ugly photos of him, singing badly to rock songs on television. out of her siblings, she is the closest to jaebum because they have a five year and jaebum used to take care of her, so he does have a soft spot for her. he geniunely listens to her whenever she's upset and with jaebum, jaeri openly shows her love for him, even offering to take over his shifts when he didn't want to. also, jaebum is your stereotypical protective older brother for jaeri because she looks a lot like him, he'll punch the out of anyone who touches her (no lie he broke the nose of jaeri's first crush "accidentally" whilst playing basketball)  



honestly, ahyoung rubs jaeri the wrong way. she doesn't like the way she had stormed into the town, demanding honeypork when she hasn't been there from the start. it annoys her to death and for something to annoy jaeri is a large deal because she's normally very carefree. so, she chooses to push ahyoung's buttons as often as she can - calling her ahjumma, making fun of how she's older than everyone else, the way she speaks korean, pulling pranks on her (like adding red dye into her hair shampoo ok it was immature and jaeri got into trouble but it was so worth it). ahyoung wants to be mature and ignore jaeri but honestly, she's such a little pest, like a mosquito that you can't get rid of. they hate each other's guts, basically. 


you know that one older person that you grew up admiring and wanting to become in the future. lee jieun was that very person for im jaeri. jaeri herself isn't sure why she loves jieun so much, but she attributes it to the fact that jieun was always there for her. jaeri likes to pretend that jieun is her sister because without her, jaeri feels incompletely as jieun is very much an integral part of her family. even until now, jaeri has this obsession with wanting to please jieun and making her laugh. in fact, jaeri has even drawn jieun a comic strip in which jieun was a superhero fighting against evil food. jieun just finds jaeri very adorable and even indulges her by teaching her how to cook. 


GRADE A LOSER LOLJK BEST FRIENDS  : IM NAYEON : 17 / "get in loser we're going shopping" "shut up jaeri we're not mean girls my s can't tell the weather" 
honestly, jaeri's whole life revolve around people with the surname 'im.' not only does she have that surname but so does her two best friends. in fact, that's how they met. on the first day of preschool, jaeri was seated next to im nayeon and im junhyeok and they've never looked back since. their friendship has lated ten years and still going strong. may people don't understand the concept of their friendship - how can someone as atletically gifted and determined as nayeon be friends with the cutest little in their class? it's simple, though, they just get each other. nayeon is jaeri's pillar, quite possibly one of the only people to motivate jaeri to study and jaeri is nayeon's rock, the one who never fails to attend all of her sport meets and cheer the loudest. gosh, it's cute to see little im jaeri waving her arms and screaming fanatically as nayeon gets first and junhyeok wants to die of embarassment and afterwards, nayeon pulling jaeri close to her and saying, "this is my lucky charm, everyone."  they tend to hang out whenever they can as nayeon can get pretty busy with her trainings.     



GUY BEST FRIEND : IM JUNHYEOK : 18 / "wow how did i ever end up with a loser and a sports crazy girl as my best friend help"
completing the whole im trinity is none other than junhyeok. quite possibly the only one in the whole world who would go along with jaeri's pranks and schemes, the only thing that separates him from jaeri is that he has actually got a sense of shame. they've been known as the troublemaker duo, even from young and teachers tend to separate them because they always end up causing some kind of chaos. he tends to hang out with jaeri almost every day of the week, strumming his guitar lazily, also procrastinating his homework because in his words, 'rockstars don't need maths to be famous.' jaeri loves junhyeok and honestly, would kill for him. like in the past, when junhyeok's girlfriend cheated on him, it was jaeri that sent messages to junhyeok on a daily basis, bashing and hating on his ex (because that's how jaeri shows her support.) they've known each other for so long that they literally can't be anything other than friends. 



initially, jinsil had been terrified of jaeri and after a few awkward encounters, they grew close to each other. they have a rather push-and-pull relationship: jaeri tends to get on jinsil's nerve and due to her bad temper, jinsil tends to explode at jaeri. but because they've known each other for so long now, there's no severe repocussions - they go back to talking as normal. like always. jinsil is also jaeri's favorite waitress, the one that she bothers the most whenever she's working. she has a slight inkling that jinsil likes her older brother, especially by the way she spoils him (and not jaeri) and often teases her about it. 


LOVE INTEREST NAME: kim hanbin. 


AGE, BIRTHDAY: 22/10/97
FACECLAIM, BACKUP: im changkyun, kim jiwon (bobby), song minho,
OCCUPATION: high-school senior.





kim hanbin is best known to be another problem to add into jaebum's already-problematic life, mainly because his youngest sister seems to have an obsession with making fun of him and teasing him. hanbin moved into town a few months ago and so happened to be live beside the im-family. as they were part of the self-appointed welcoming comittee, jaeri had went over to hand them some homemade kimbap. honestly, she isn't going to lie but she thought that hanbin was really cute. the thing was, he was really, really, really, really quiet. he barely spoke a word to her and he was just so awkward and stiff. she only saw him smile once, and that was when jaeri complimented his grades. 

soon, even if hanbin didn't want it, he became a huge part of jaeri's life. she'd wait for him to walk to school every morning and after a few weeks, hanbin had managed to talk more and she found out that he had never had any experience with girls, sent to an all-male boarding school, so he had the tendency to be a little very awkward. like the annoying person that jaeri couldn't help but be, she immediately pounced on the opportunity to make fun of hanbin for that. she'd purposely initate skinship with her, wrap her arms around him, stuff her hands in his pockets whenever she felt cold. 


at first, hanbin had froze whenever jaeri initiated such actions but soon, he grew used to them, only blushing ever so slightly because jaeri was cute. even if she could be a little annoying, he did like her presence and her playfulness. she made his life a little more interesting. however, jaeri would never admit this to anyone but the only reason why she continued to tease hanbin about his lack of girl experience was because she enjoyed being able to be close to him. she liked the way he smelled like lemons, the way he laughed even when she continously poked him and ruined all his favorite songs, the way he could focus and study intently even when she was hovering close enough to leave a peck on his cheek. gosh, she just really, really, really, really, really, really, really liked hanbin. for the first time in a very long time, jaeri was embarassed of her feelings for hanbin and gosh, it was so obvious.  jaeri never blushed - not even when she accidentally ripped her pants but whenever hanbin complimented her, red spots would grow on her cheeks. 

the teasing was still rampant and they still spent a lot of time together especially at honey pork- because hanbin was smart and her family was certain that if they spent enough time together, hanbin could transfer some of his smart cells over to jaeri. and gosh, hanbin really liked spending time with jaeri and even a day without her playful antics made him feel so empty. it wasn't until one day that hanbin gathered up the courage, whilst they were studying together, after much persuasion from both junhyeok and nayeon, and with the pretense of answering a maths question, wrote the sentence, "can i kiss you?" 


she said yes. 

ENDING: they're in a relationship !! they're each other's first love so it's a lot of cute new experiences and fighting and them learning to be better people from each other (hanbin learns to be more sociable and jaeri becomes more focused) ## character development ## 


[ SHE GRINS CHEEKILY, EYES SPARKLING WITH PLAYFULNESS. ] hello, in case you haven't heard, my name is im jaeri and i am undeniably the cutest and the youngest of the im family! what makes me even better is that i'm also the unofficial mascot of honeypork. [ SHE SHOOTS A WINK AT THE CAMERA. ] are you jealous? heh. 

my family! [ SHE BEAMS PROUDLY, SHOOTING HEARTS AT THE INTERVIEWER. ] this place smells a little weird and it's kinda old and there's probably moldy food underneath the table but what can i say? honeypork is love, honeypork is life.  


amazing, adorable and the best thing ever happen to deerfield! [ SHE GIGGLES BEFORE SMILING BRIGHTLY. ] that was over three words, but it's okay, right? we're all friends! [ OFF-CAMERA, YOU SEE JAERI NUDGING THE CAMERAMAN, BRINGING OUT HER CHARMS. ]


my home! [ SHE NODS DEFINITELY. ] i feel so much happiness here and i have so many good memories here so i never want to leave! [ A SMILE PLAYS ON HER LIPS. ]


[ HER EYES GLITTER EXCITEDLY AS SHE CLAPS HER HANDS TOGETHER. ] this is awesome! this is what i've been watching for to spill! so, im jaebum is my brother and also, basically the biggest slob to live on this planet. he leaves the seat up, he once wores pads on his head because he thought they were safety protection gear, he fell into a drain when he was nine. i really can't believe that girls actually think he's hot! they must be crazy, right? [ HER FACE CONTORTS AS SHE MICMICS THE SOUND OF SOMEONE VOMITING. ]  


one of the best people to exist in this world! there's nothing i can tease jieun unnie about! 


[ SHE ROLLS HER EYES BEFORE MAKING HER ACCENT SOUND LIKE AHYOUNG'S. ] don't you mean aunty ahyoung? we have to be respectful to elders, jaeri, you can't be so rude and mean all the time. [ SHE PUTS ON A FAUX INNOCENT SMILE.] she's just some cousin that thinks  that just because she lived somewhere other than deerfield, she's better than us. i hate her! 


[ SHE BURSTS OUT LAUGHING. ] no chef oppa has paid me to say their names! this is weird! but to be honest, i can't pick one. i love everything! 


forks to stab you, spoons to defend myself from ahyoung ahjumma's death glares and chopsticks poke people with! [ HER LAUGHTER ECHOES THROUGHOUT THE ROOM AND THE INTERVIEWER CAN'T HELP BUT SMILE ALONG. ]


[ THERE'S A SADDER SMILE, AS SHE TUCKS A LOOSE STRAND OF HER HAIR BEHIND HER EARS. ] i miss him! i'm sure he is in a happier place now, but he used to be one of my favorite people! i loved watching him work. 


[ A WINNING SMIRK AND A OF THE EYEBROW IS SHOT AT THE CAMERA. ] because there's me, im jaeri, duh! we also have the world's laziest person aka im jaebum, the most irritating old lady with red hair and the a pretty cute cinnamon roll! how could we not be special?   




- hanbin and jaeri kissing and jaebum accidentally walks in on them and vomits all over the floor HAHAH 
- war between ahyoung and jaeri (ahyoung trying to get jaeri out of the restaurant and jaeri just pulling pranks on her)
- jaeri getting into trouble in school and jaebum just sighs and has to drag her out of there and all her classmates swoon at how handsome her brother is and she's literally screaming about WHAT A LOSER HE IS. 

- serious!tense! moments that are ruined by one of jaeri's pranks HAHAH
- jaeri and junhyeok and nayeon hanging out at honeypork and they're stereotypical teenagers with junhyeok playing the guitar, jaeri and nayeon laughing and their homework splayed all over their table, fries all over the floor and jaeri has never felt so much happiness 

PASSWORD: honeypork_jaeby 



jaeri im


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