It has to be said

Okay so I'm having a huge problem and it , its been on my mind for a long time and I don't know who will read this or if you'll comment or actually do empathize with this but I'm going to go ahead and say it anyways. SKINNY SHAMING IS AS BAD AS FAT SHAMING! Putting down one body type to make another feel good isn't what should be going on, just like someone saying "you're too fat loose weight" could lead that person to drop weight the wrong way, saying "You're all bones and nobody will love you, eat more" could lead that person to eat all the wrong stuff and become obese or loose weight even more. Its so frustrating to hear this because obesity shouldn't be applauded and if you're worried about a persons health you should help them and not make them feel worse, or if the person is naturally skinny, not make them feel like they should be more curvier or thicker to fit societies outlook on bodies. It triggered me yesterday when my aunty said "Don't hug her she's got nothing on her bones" to a 7 year old whom is naturally thin only to make a overweight 10 year old feel more secure about herself! Anyways its been eating my brain away and I had to let it out anonymously so yeah I'm sorry for bothering you with this and I hope you have a fantastic day/night/morning/evening/afternoon wherever you are! Love chuuuuu ^_~ xoxo


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KimDangYul #1
Wow, that was deep. But I do agree with you noona, people really should stop shaming others for their weight. In my opinion, people should all be equal, no mqtter what you body size is, your skin/hair color, where your from, what rase you are or anything else. But humans are evil, selfish beings - I say this as a general statement, not everyone is like that - so I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon.