Future plans

This has really been in my mind lately. I have a year of college to my name, it wasnt the greatest. Now i've been working and involved a little with my church but i still feel stuck. I'm looking in getting a Culniary Certificate, and hospitality management certificate, since I currently cook and bake as a job, and I enoy it. Now the crazy part I've been thinking.... 

So I have always been into a lot of different cultures mainly spanish until i became a fan of K-POP ^^ the Korean culture is interesting and everything looks beautiful. I feel like a can relate to it haha like the way they do or see certin things. Also i really love the language, and it would be awesome if i could speak it! 

So i was thinking of doing a language and culture program in South korea. Crazy I know but i have looked into and have found some great programs that fit to my learning style. 

I really just wanna go out there and challenge my self and do somehting that I enjoy. I'm just a little nervous on how others will view me with this idea in my head, its different then what other people do but, I've always been a bit different. So I guess just wish me luck in my future plans? haha I hope I can figure things out.

So thanks AFF friends, you all make this community like a family, you all listen to people like me haha. Love ya ^^ <3

Fighting!! :D


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