No more fanfiction?

Okay, so, this is both good news and bad news.

My stories are in draft, why?

As of right now this is not a 100% for sure thing (more like 99.9%), but…I am pretty sure I am finished writing fanfiction. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not against fanfiction, quite the opposite actually; it’s a great outlet for all the creative fan’s out there and I really encourage people to try it. However, I want more.

For me writing has always been a passion, something I really enjoy so the idea of turning that passion into something greater is exciting. I am seriously thinking of publishing. As I’ve said this is not a for sure 100% thing, but it’s an option.

I will still be on AFF making posters and hosting contests and etc.

So this is not goodbye, but rather…er, what the hell would you call this?


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