What I'm afraid of in the FUTURE with us.....

today i am soooo happy!!!! why? because kenny actually bought me a promise ring. his promise to me was that he would NEVER EVER leave me and marry me in the future. i amm soo happy that he promised me that. but one thing that im afraid of is that later on in our relationship, he might not keep that promise and leave me. i hope he doesnt leave me in the future. if he does then im going to be scarred for the rest of my life. like i said in only of my other blog posts, 'he is ONE and ONLY boyfriend that i wont let go easily unlike my ex boyfriends'. i hope he doesnt he tired of me and plays with my feelings again. i REALLY LOVE him. this was all in my mind while kenny and i went out to the park and hang out. but if he does play with my feelings i will regret giving him another chance. if theres anybody else out there feeling like me. please comment and leave suggestions to keep us together!!! thanks!!!!! :)


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