Get to Know Me Tag

So GloomyDragon decided to tag everyone who wanted to do this... THEREFORE I too, will tag anyone who wants to do this!



  1. -What is your name?

  2. Helen

  3. -What are your nicknames?

  4. Hlen Nugget. Don't ask, I gave weird friends
  5. -When is your birthday?

  6. September 27

  7. -Where were you born?

  8. 'Murica

  9. -What is your star sign?

  10. Libra

  11. -What is your occupation?

  12. Student I guess lol, but mostly sleeping and fangirling. I don't get paid though :(

  13. -What colour is your hair?

  14. Black, but it's becoming brown, and in the sunlight it's reddish brown

  15. -What was the last thing you bought?

  16. With my own money? KPOP Albums, specifically BTS's Skool Luv Affair and B.A.P's First Sensibility

  17. -How long is your hair?

  18. A little past my chest, a little above my bottom ribs

  19. -What colour are your eyes?

  20. Chocolate brown

  21. -What's your best feature?

  22. I personally like my eye smile but I dislike the chubby cheeks that come with it

  23. -Do you have braces?

  24. No, but I might have to get a retainer because my gaps aren't filling in

  25. -Do you have any piercings?

  26. I used to have it for my ears but they closed after all 3 (or was it 5) times I got them pierced

  27. -Do you have any tattoos?

  28. Not yet

  29. -Do you have any pets?

  30. No, I can't trust myself after I've killed 18 fish

  31. -Are you left handed or right handed?

  32. I'm a righty

  33. -Mac or PC?

  34. PC

  35. -iOS or Android?

  36. iOS

  37. -Dogs or cats?

  38. BOTH

  39. -Who is your bestfriend?

  40. I don't have bestfriends, I have a squad XD They're all super dorky and funny and weird

  41. -What was your first award?

  42. I think I got a "diploma" for "graduating" pre-school

  43. -What is your favourite sport?

  44. I don't have one. I play tennis, volleyball, badminton, and swimming mostly, but all sports are fun to watch

  45. -When was your first real holiday?

  46. Like, the first one I celebrated? I'm guessing Christmas, the year I was born, since I would've been too young for Halloween, but if you mean a vacation... I think I was 2 when my family went to go visit my mom's side in Vietnam

  47. -What was the last concert you went to?

  48. I went to KCON NY 2015

  49. -Whats your favourite movie?

  50. I'm super indecisive... I love almost all Disney, some Pixar, and I'm basically a er for any kid movie tbh. High School Musical, 1-3 hits the feels hard but real life ones... Miracles in Cell No.7 was good

  51. -What's your favourite TV Show?

  52. I don't watch TV anymore, I stopped when I was around 10... But Doctor Who, Once Upon A Time, House, and Monk are the ones I watch when I do. And things like Cupcake/Cake Wars, the Travel Channel and Food Network

  53. -What's your favourite colour?

  54. I like very pastel colors, navy blue, black, and white

  55. -What's your favourite song?

  56. I said I was indecisive... So pass (although Adele - Hello, and PTX - First Things First and Misbehavin' are soooo good rn)

  57. -What's your favourite restaurant?

  58. I don't really go out to eat but there's this Seoul BBQ and Japanese cuisine place that serves amazing Korean food

  59. -What's your favourite shop?

  60. Koryo Bookstore in NYC! The only place I can get merch, excluding online

  61. -What's your favourite book?

  62. Indecisive... although A Dog's Purpose, Elsewhere, and 19 Minutes are good

  63. -What's your favourite magazine?

  64.  I don't read magazines

  65. -What's your favourite pair of shoes?

  66. My white, PU leather wedge sneakers and my high heel, black, PU leather combat boots. I love PU leather lol

  67. -What's your favourite season?


  69. -What's your favourite quote?

  70. I don't have one although I like many

  71. -How are you currently feeling?

  72. Hungry and in desperate need of a stress reliever. Also sad because my volleyball team just lost play-offs today. And angry because this S.O.B in my grade... Ugh, he said I wouldn't be able to make the basketball team if I tried, and he said saying that was better than giving me false hope and wasting my time. He's a b*astard, I shouldn't even waste my time on him.

  73. -Who was the last person you messaged?

  74. My squad. We have a group chat named the Raptor Squad

  75. -Are you single or taken?

  76. Single and looking to be taken by a K-POP idol in 10 years

  77. -What are you currently eating?

  78. I just finished a YoCrunch Oreo

  79. -What are you currently listening to?

  80. Nothing, although SISTAR, I Swear is stuck in my head, mashed up with MAMAMOO, Piano Man

  81. -What are you currently thinking about?

  82. I'm hungry and I wanna sleep but the next episode of Cheer Up and fan fic updates are calling my name

  83. -What are you currently watching?

  84. What I'm typing...? Isn't that obvious?

  85. -What are you currently wearing?

  86. I just got back from my game, so my volleyball uniform and spandex

  87. -Do you want children one day?

  89. -Do you want to be married one day?

  90. Yeah, although I have high expecations... So I probably won't but I do want to

  91. -Where do you want to live?

  92. South Korea is an obvious answer, but other than that, London is pretty but LA has more things to do

  93. -Do you believe in god?

  94. No. And it's supposed to be capitalized you dummy

  95. -Do you believe in miracles?

  96. Yes

  97. -Do you believe in love at first sight?

  98. Of course

  99. -Do you believe in ghosts?

  100. No, but in my dreams I do. Or should I say nightmares?

  101. -Do you believe in Aliens?

  102. Obviously. There should be at least one other life form out there, possibly in another galaxy

  103. -Do you believe in Soul mates?

  104. YES!

  105. -Do you believe in Heaven or hell?

  106. I'm not sure, because they makes sense to me, but at the same time, I believe in reincarnation so... I don't really know

  107. -Do you believe in kissing on the first date?

  108. It's not like you need to for it to be a good date, but it would be nice

  109. -Do you believe in yourself?

  110. Sometimes. You know those moments when you're really insecure, but then you're super confident? Yeah

  111. -Do you sing in the shower?

  112. Sometimes

  113. -When did you last laugh and what was it at?

  114. My friend and I send puns to each other when we're sad and I just lost play-offs so...

  115. -Where was the last place you traveled?

  116. Just in general or like, a vacation? Because I was just in the town my school is in. But as a vacation, I went to New York to go to KCON

  117. -Would you go skydiving?

  118. NO.

  119. -If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

  120. South Korea of course! But that's too typical, so Paris or Japan!

  121. -If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?

  122. Save it, invest in something, and then spend the rest on merch, a plane ticket to South Korea, and a VIP + Backstage concert pass to the concert closest to the date I'm going

  123. -Can you whistle?

  124. No, I fail miserably

  125. -Can you speak another language?

  126. English. My mother language is Vietnamese but I even though I try really hard. My sister says I sounds like a tourist. And I'm teaching myself Korean, so I know some

  127. -What's most important in your life?

  128. My friends, my family, my laptop, and music

  129. -Have you ever had surgery?

  130. No


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