Get To Know Me Tag (I stole it, I know, I'm a badass.)

  1. -What is your name?

  2. Christine 

  3. -What are your nicknames?

  4. Chrissy, and at one point Booger
  5. -When is your birthday?

  6. July 3rd 1992

  7. -Where were you born?

  8. Weyburn Hospital

  9. -What is your star sign?

  10. Cancer

  11. -What is your occupation?

  12. Writer (I don't have an occupation due to health issues)

  13. -What colour is your hair?

  14. Burgundy

  15. -What was the last thing you bought?

  16. A couple of things actually, I got a book for my best friend's baby, A Bret Hart action figure for my Mom, Carrie Underwood's new cd for my older sister, boots for winter, the movie Home, candy, and finally, wrapping paper. (My brother and I were Christmas shopping for the fam fam.

  17. -How long is your hair?

  18. Can I say this? Below my s. (That was awkward)

  19. -What colour are your eyes?

  20. Green

  21. -What's your best feature?

  22. My eyes

  23. -Do you have braces?

  24. Nope

  25. -Do you have any piercings?

  26. Ears

  27. -Do you have any tattoos?

  28. Nope and I'll never get one

  29. -Do you have any pets?

  30. 7 cats and 1 dog

  31. -Are you left handed or right handed?

  32. Right handed

  33. -Mac or PC?

  34. PC

  35. -iOS or Android?

  36. Android

  38. -Dogs or cats?

  39. Cats

  40. -Who is your bestfriend?

  41. Emory

  42. -What was your first award?

  43. Does a participation ribbon count?

  44. -What is your favourite sport?

  45. Baseball and Soccer

  46. -When was your first real holiday?

  47. Halloween

  48. -What was the last concert you went to?

  49. Demi Lovato

  50. -Whats your favourite movie?

  51. The Princess and the Frog

  52. -What's your favourite TV Show?

  53. LOST!!!!!!

  54. -What's your favourite colour?

  55. Orange

  56. -What's your favourite song?

  57. I Need U-BTS

  58. -What's your favourite restaurant?

  59. Club Cafe in Weyburn (It's a Chinese/Canadian restaurant and it's DELICIOUS!)

  60. -What's your favourite shop?

  61. Bath and Body Works

  62. -What's your favourite book?

  63. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

  64. -What's your favourite magazine?

  65. Seventeen

  66. -What's your favourite pair of shoes?

  67. My "Hooker" Boots (High heeled boots)

  68. -What's your favourite season?

  69. Spring

  70. -What's your favourite quote?

  71. For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Begotten Son.

  72. -How are you currently feeling?

  73. Neutral

  74. -Who was the last person you message?

  75. Ken, my brother's friend (He's trying to get me into Game Of Thrones)

  76. -Are you single or taken?

  77. y free and single

  78. -What are you currently eating?

  79. Nothing

  80. -What are you currently listening to?

  81. Wake Up by Hilary Duff

  82. -What are you currently thinking about?

  83. Which cat is at my door

  84. -What are you currently watching?

  85. My computer screen

  86. -What are you currently wearing?

  87. A pink and white shirt with sequins and blue jeans plus cross earings. (We had church this morning)

  88. -Do you want children one day?

  89. Yup, for sure a girl because my dream is to have a daughter and call her Elizabeth-Hilda after both of my grandmothers. 
  90. -Do you want to be married one day?

  91. Yup, to Jeon Jungkook :P

  92. -Where do you want to live?

  93. On a farm in Saskatchewan (I don't really care where I just want to live on a farm.)

  94. -Do you believe in God?

  95. Yes I do, and I believe in Jesus too.

  96. -Do you believe in miracles?

  97. Yes, because I've seen them happen

  98. -Do you believe in love at first sight?

  99. How should I know? I'm y free and single

  100. -Do you believe in ghosts?

  101. Nope but I do believe in demons and angels.

  102. -Do you believe in Aliens?

  103. Yes, as my pastor said they are demons

  104. -Do you believe in Soul mates?

  105. Yes I do

  106. -Do you believe in Heaven or hell?

  107. Obviously

  108. -Do you believe in kissing on the first date?

  109. I sometimes write stories where that happens but in real life, no, not really.

  110. -Do you believe in yourself?

  111. Alot of the times, no.

  112. -Do you sing in the shower?

  113. Sometimes but I sing very quietly so no one hears me

  114. -When did you last laugh and what was it at?

  115. This morning at church, my pastor is a little eccentric sometimes

  116. -Where was the last place you traveled?

  117. My brother's house

  118. -Would you go skydiving?

  119. Hell no! That 's scary!

  120. -If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

  121. Korea, duh!

  122. -If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?

  123. Pay off the vet bill, get Cinnamon and Rose's teeth fixed, pay off debts, donate to different charities and maybe keep a little for myself.

  124. -Can you whistle?

  125. Yes

  126. -Can you speak another language?

  127. Nope, just Engrish

  128. -What's most important in your life?

  129. Jesus

  130. -Have you ever had surgery?

  131. Just once when I was little and my teeth had rotted. I had to have them pulled.


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haha I'm a bigger bad@ss because I'm going to steal something that's already been stolen XP
this is so cute :) 7 cats?!?!??!!??!?
tae1810 #3
nice buddy hehehe
skellingtonEXOlover #4
You badass. ;)
I wanna ask you something
i couldn't give a comment to every fanfic that i already read :(
Do you know why?
Hope you can help me