Do I really have to read it urg


I took English Literature and Language at college and for Literature I had to buy a book called 'The Handmaid's Tale' and we had to read it and over the week off we had to read it again...well I haven't actually even opened the cover yet because we had to do research on the book before we all got it and well it is of a topic I find absolutely pathetic and just pure nonsense. I honesetly will become angry and I will end up throwing the book in the fire because I really don't want to read about how women are only worth Child bearing and have to have with a man and pray that they get pregnant in order to live...Like why on earth would I want to read such crap. 

sorry as you can see I don't like anything like this and I am honestly regretting even chosing Literature now. 

The book is 45 chapters long and I have to read it by Tuesday yet I can't even bring myself to open the bloody thing. I have had it sitting in front of me for hours and I just can't. I am not risking myself getting angry and losing control of emotions plus I will lose interest so damn quick I won't even read it. 

I have skim read the first few pages and it already pissed me off so yep god knows how I am going to pass English


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Oh god, can't imagine how I would feel reading that is unfair, you have to do some things you will dislike, why not just get it done and over with? You can do it!
Lol Im in my second year of a levels and im also taking eng lit and lang.
For our first year we had to read the Bloody Chamber which is all about old fairytales being written in a way in which 14 year old girls are ualised a lot and it's just with like a 30 year old dude and a teen so you might as well read it and get it over and done with tbh.