I Need A Title!!!

          Hi lovelys!!! So i recently made a poll and i need help to decide on my new title. My new story is about a guy and a girl who fell in love in the past but the girl came from a royal family while the guy was poor. They promised to love eachother but the girl was forced to marry a prince. Even after she married him, she still loved the poor guy. They would always meet up and stuff. After they were caught, the king had sentenced to kill the poor guys but the princess didn't allow it so they banned him from meeting her. After months, the poor guy was heart broken and he grew sick. Soon after, he died of an illness and the princess was heart broken also. She wanted to end her life so, she goes to find a witch and paid her in gold to cast a spell on her which would kill her. The witch did and days after the princess died. Then, in modern days, they are fated to be together but the boy is mean now. Nothing wrong, just the society that he was in changed him. They are both kingkas and queenkas and they fall in love at the end. What should the story title be?

The White Knight and His Diamond


Remember When I Found You?

Answer in the poll. (Click on the word poll.)


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