☀ the princesses' exchange - kingdom of sevein ; Cho Jangmi

  call me   (cho jangmi)




hey I just met you > Cho Jangmi ( 조 薔薇 )
especially for you > 

🌹 Wild Rose Her name means a rose, but rather than an elegant rose, she is more of a wild rose with a lot of thorns. Especially because of her extremely selfish, me centered personality.

🌹 Daughter of Evil Wasn't meant to be an insult to the king, but an insult to her instead. She has a "let them eat cake" personality, and the citizens who hate her, refer her to this, or sometimes, Princess of Evil, depends days. 

🌹 JjangMi A combination of her name, and the word "Jjang", meaning she, herself, thinks she's better than some of the people she knew, and doesn't hesitate to say this about herself, when she proves herself worthy.

I fell from heaven on > 09/04/1994
the blood pumping through my veins > Korean
never tongue twisted >
🌹 Korean This is her mother tongue, and of course she needs to learn it when she "wants to communicate with the citizens"

🌹 English She took it to broaden her horizon, because english is frequently mentioned as the "international language", and she wants money, power, and glory for her country, so she learned english.
isn't she lovely? > Lee Jieun (IU)
isn't she wonderful? > Son Naeun (A-Pink)
beauty is in the eye of the beholder > A crown shaped birthmark on her waist.




I know myself like the back of my hand >
active, charming, perky, high class
(0) flirtatious, anti-heroes
(-) stubborn, selfish, egoistical, materialistic, pretentious, messy, careless,  high-maintenanced, rude
clear as glass >
🌹 "Primadonna girl, yeah, all I ever wanted was the world. I can't help that I need it all, a Primadonna live through rise and fall." 🌹
About Jangmi, truth be told, she has more negative side, than the good side. Even her own butler can't deny the nickname of "Daughter of Evil" to be inaccurate when it comes to the second princess of Kingdom of Sevein. She's not even the crown princess, yet her attitude was way worst than anyone in the kingdom that had ever existed. She is selfish. When it comes to everything, her world is me-centered, and isn't shy to throw a tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants. Hard to believe people like her even existed. She solely lives to order people around, and messing everything up. Her world is Jangmi-centered, basically, everything is Black and White for her. Jangmi, and everything not Jangmi. Her priority, is obviously, herself. Unlike royals who would die for their citizen, she is the exact reverse. Screw citizen, I'm never changing who I am. She is the type of person who would increase the tax if she found out the citizen doesn't even like her. Though, not only that, she is also incredibly fake. When she meet people that interests her, or of higher-rank, long gone were the brash and rude princess, and there came the incredibly kind, bashful, good natured girl. The before after was incredibly dramatic, as far as her butler would cringe seeing another fake side of her. This was what caused her to be a hit among male royals, who doesn't know the real side of her, and chose to not believe the word of mouth about her real attitude. She is messy, and careless, she tends to leave things everywhere, thinking that there would be her butler who would follow her through thick and thin. She is also, high maintenanced, as she even refused to blend in with the citizens, often saying she "happens to have a fever that day" or "is incredibly sick she can't even walk." which was obviously, a lie, as she is well, and fine, eating afternoon tea, staring at the streets with a disgusted look on her face, though her admirers would send her tons of get well soon message, believing her lies.

🌹 "Would you do anything for me? Buy a big diamond ring for me? Would you get down on your knees for me? Pop that pretty question right now, baby." 🌹
Though thankfully, there's two sides to every coin, and though not much, she do has some good sides to her. She is active, in going to business meetings, and sealing deals that would be beneficial to the country. Not to mention with her admirers who would necessarily die for her, this adds some perks to the country, such as extra defense from the neighbouring king, who is her fan, and would give her an army if she asked. She has this "little devil" charm to her no man could ever point their hands on, but they know it exists. Especially when she flashed them that teasing smile of hers, unlike the normal princess who was usually full of innocent charm, she has a slight adult side to her that no one really knows the origins of. Not to mention she is perky, and, at times, entertaining. In royal balls, she would entertain those high class royals with on point conversation, and would sometimes dance, or play some songs on the piano for entertainment, though her butler called this the other side of her. Moreover, she is a high class girl, and she knows it, therefore, her attitude is filled with class and poise. Though most wouldn't really express this out loud, they all think that she resembles Marie Antoinette in a lot of way. Their grace, and their "let them eat cake" personality, makes her a ruler of finesse, though not necessarily grace, as she is messy and careless, and has as much grace as a newborn duckling.

hard as stone >

🌹 "Evil flowers bloom daintily, with vivid coloration. As for pitiful weeds around, ah, became nutrients and decay off now." 🌹
It wasn't necessarily her parents plan to gave birth to the spawn of satan, but alas, Jangmi was born about 21 years back. Being the second daughter of the kingdom should've made her gain less special treatment, as she wasn't even the crown princess, but somehow, her parents believed that all daughters should be loved no matter when they gave birth to them, and no matter the order. Her over the top ego was probably caused when she was in Kindergarten, and she had been quite the looker since she was young, and teenage boys would follow her around, and since then, she started developing the motto of "people should be used as much as possible, and if they had no use, then disposed them." and especially since she started developing this nature since she was practically 5, this became an extremely huge part of her personality. When she don't want to eat the carrots in her dishes, a boy would volunteer. When she forgot to do her homework, someone would give it to her. When doing chores are too harsh, her arrays of butler would be there in a snap. She became the personification of Satan, as she ages, as she never became more caring, and mature, instead she became worse. Her favorite butler became tired of her, because yes, she was that bad. Dressing had to be done by him, even if she is an adult now. He should stay by her side 24/7, even when she showers, and he should be available with the ring of a bell. When she netered high school, that's the peak of her egocentric nature, especially since high school boys with raging hormones are practically dying to be her boyfriend, even if they know it's impossible. She developed a careless nature since she was about five, as she noticed how there's many servants in her castle and "well let's make use of them as much as I can." and that became a habit of hers. Now, she is quite useful in businesses with other countries since many Kings and Crown Princes wanted to court her, though she is still thinking as she wants the best of the best, and won't settle for just any "normal" King or Crown Prince, she wants the King and Crown Prince to the country with the most money, the best army, and the most land.

I woke up like this, flawless > 

🌹 "When I wake up today, right by my canopy bed, is a steamy hot bagel sandwhich and a voice saying 'Good Morning, Princess' " 🌹
Jangmi usually starts her day with her butler, waking her up, and followed by a breath of a freshly ground tea, and warmed breakfast prepared by her beloved, one and only, butler. The tea depends days, but her favorite is Vanilla, as it has quite a natural sweetness to it, though regardless, she is a tea lover so all tea is fine by her. Her breakfast also usually depends on her butlers choices, though she is specific on no repeating food for at least 3 months, and her butler reluctantly follow her orders. An exception was made for Salmon Bagel Sandwhich though, as those were her favorite. Her breakfast was always served on a silver tray, along with a sweets tin, while another maid will gave her a foot bath, and a group of orchestra will play classical music in her room. Following suit, she will shower with a bubbly bath prepared by her butler, as he stood beside the bathtub waiting for her, listenting to her ranting about everything. Soon enough, he will dress her, then, they began their day. She almost always have a business meeting daily, as her parents would always send her to a meeting when a male King or Prince participates, because the probability of the meeting to be successful when they send her is almost 99.9%, though when female royals came, she wasn't even allowed a minimum of a kilometer distance to be near the royals, as she has a tendency to ruin deals with female royals. After, she will eat lunch, prepared by her butler again, or sometimes the chef, though rarely, as her favorite food is the food made by her butler. If the meeting was finished, she will be in her office till dinner, either reading, brushing up on her violin, or just doing random activities, such as drawing, her hobby. Afternoon tea will be served daily at 3 p.m, and then she will continue her activity, which is most probably drawing, and then she will end the day with a dinner. Before crashing on her bed, she will dipped her body into the bubble bath, as usual, accompanied by her butler, with occassional chatting, then ended with him dressing her, before she finally crashed her bed, with him accompanying him until she's out cold.

optimism enhancers > dancing, drawing, listening to classical music, tea, salmon, money, power, glory
pessimism causers > when people don't follow her order, when they ignore her, when they treat her rudely, when boys don't fall to her charm, peasant
time well spent > drawing, painting, playing piano (an example) or violin (an example), going business meetings

all the little things in between >


🌹 Lip biting when she's frustrated

🌹 She is the weakest out of all the Sevein Princesses
🌹 She is surprisingly good at drawing as she drew her butler once, like this, for his birthday a year ago
🌹 The reason she asked her butler to accompany her to bed was because she is afraid of the dark
🌹 Has the most male lovers out of all the Sevein Princesses
🌹 Has the most citizen haters out of all the Sevein Princesses
🌹 She is good at playing the piano, and violin, and her favorite song to play is this
🌹 She is afraid of the dark, ghosts, and dogs
🌹 Is secretly a good vocalist (such as this)




through thick and thin >
Oh Sehun | Sehun | 21 | Friendly, Trickster, Playful, Bright 
Up until now, Sehun is Jangmi's only friend who managed to stay with her troughout 21 years of their life. Not only they are childhood friend, he is also the only guy who's type isn't the "Sweet Devil" type, thus, making their relationship purely platonic which Jangmi likes, a lot.  They knew each other's dark side, and together they are the devil duo, as described by people around them, for their nature that hugely resembles each other. Jangmi and Sehun hangs out a lot, everday, and their business meetings are always something Jangmi looks forward to, which happens a lot, as he is the Crown Prince of one of the neighbouring kingdom.





if you're wrong, I don't want to be right > Myungsoo (Kim Myungsoo or Infinite L)
all I ever wanted > Lu Han (EXO Luhan)
the adam to my eve > 
Myungsoo ; 03.13.1992
Luhan ; 04.20.1990

bringing back the bacon > 
Myungsoo ; Crown Prince of Caeria
Luhan ; Butler

magnetic attraction > 
🌹 "Don't look at anyone else, and don't look away from me. I like your strong attitude, so hurry up and hold me tight." 🌹
To begin with, Jangmi first met him in her "on-mode" in which she was all dolled up, with an all dolled up attitude along with her, expecting him to fall in to her grasp as easily as it usually happened with normal guys, but what welcomed her was a blank face saying "isn't the mask heavy?". In which she was flustered and decided to laugh it off while clenching her fist. She was pissed, thus ended up doing tons of things to impress him. Wearing a beautiful mascara with fake eyelashes that made her eyes look incredibly beautiful, though he just replies with "are those caterpillars on your eyes.", or when she makes her lips more shinier than usual with pink lip gloss in which he replied with "did you just eat oily food?" because of the sparkle, and when she uses a sweet smelling perfume, he calmly replied saying "you smell just like my grandma.". This became a daily routine for her as she followed him around, even asking Sehun about "should I wear a cleavage showing shirt?" in which Sehun replied with "your are flat you know?". He succumbed to her charm in the most unexpected way though. When in a ball, and she was in the forest, in which she met a citizen who trespassed and her bad attitude showed, as she mentioned to the citizen "You can look as much as you want but you'll never be one of us, you know?" with a smirk, as the citizen ran away and cried. Following the incident, he emerged from the shadow, and she replied with "This is the real me. Do you regret having an engagement with me? Then break it. I will find another guy just as easy.", expecting he would end it once and for all, in which he just replied with "No, I like this side of you more, you know?" while smiling, and they became closer since then. Summing it up in a song.

🌹 "The number one princess in the whole wide world, you should know how to treat me well, alright?" 🌹
He had been her butler since he was 17, and when Jangmi was 13, when her old butler was too old to work for her. She took an instant liking to him when he baked her her first favorite Salmon Bagel Sandwhich, and she loved that part of Luhan most. He is the only one of lower class that she shows her very slightly less bratty side too, even if it's just drawing him a picture of him, in real life, for his birthday. Summing it up with a song.

you're weird but I like you > 
🌹 "And amidst the heat of the dazzling sun, I spoke with you because I have nothing to do." 🌹
A straight laced guy who haven't even communicated with other females except for business purpose, was most probably the easiest way to describe Myungsoo. He is beyond smart, not only that his athletic game is on point, moreover, he has a ridiculously beautiful face to boot, though nothing could really beat him in the department of cluelessness. While most guys would like the Sweet Devil side of Jangmi, he prefer the real devil side of her instead, and he deserve a smack in the head for thinking that. He had an apathetic personality, as he doesn't even care about girls, and thought of them as an annoying presence, with their constant chattering, except when Jangmi shows her sadistic side, that's the only side of girls he like. He abide by the rules, and wouldn't hesitate to scold Jangmi if she went overboard though. He is tough, and doesn't speak a lot. Even when he's with Jangmi, he just smiles and nods once a while, though he mostly kept his poker face expression on. He also somewhat has a problem solver side to him, as he somehow just knows how to deal with Jangmi's sometimes, clumsiness.

🌹 "The number one princess in the whole wide world, of course I know by heart how to treat you well, don't I?" 🌹
He is extremely patient, being able to deal with Jangmi for 8 consecutive years took a lot of patient for someone to be able to handle. He is caring though, and good natured. He believes that there's a side to Jangmi that would make everything not so bad after all. His patience are running thin though, as she gets worse and worse each day, depending on him on everything. He has good intentions though. He doesn't want Jangmi to be able to depend on him her entire life, as he is worried on what would happen to her if he was ever to be gone, and he is now on his path to learning to make Jangmi an independent young woman. He seems to be having a hard time with that though, as he can't seem to handle seeing Jangmi hurt, or confused. He knew about her more than her parents sometimes, as her parents are mostly away on business trip. He is everything to her, her chef, her butler, her bodyguard, her servant, he is everything combined into one person. He is also the first person to jump on Jangmi's defense if something were to happen with her, or if she seem to need his protection.





comments // suggestions // questions ; none! wish you the best of luck! o u o <3 
scene requests ;
 Myungsoo seeing Jangmi insulting citizen and he was impressed and Jangmi's like "???"  ;  Jangmi dressing up and Myungsoo's blank reaction to Jangmi  ; Luhan being jealous or having a mini heartbreak when the engagement was confirmed by both party  ;  Luhan being jealous of Myungsoo ;  Luhan Jangmi and Myungsoo triple date o u o
layout credits to _milkshake @ fallen angel. do not steal.


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a ha hello.
well, we were asked to discuss a nice medium for myungsoo's personality.
so . . um . . what do you think myungsoo's personality should be?