☀ the princesses' exchange - kingdom of caeria ; Song Hye Mi / Kang Mina

  call me   Song Hye Mi / Kang Mina





hey I just met you > Song Hye Mi (송헤미) / Kang Mina (강미나)
especially for you > Baby Hye (헤아기) - Her sisters call her like that because she is the youngest.
Cutie (규티) - Jae calls her like that.
Miss Hye Mi(헤미씨) - The commoners call her like that. She personally asked them to not call her 'Princess' because it made her feel unaproachable.
Mimi (미미) - It's a shorter and cuter version of her name.
Minyeo (미녀) - Kihyun calls her like that. It means beauty in Korean.
Princess Hye Mi (헤미공주) - It's the name she will take when she will exchange her place with Hye Mi. 
I fell from heaven on > Hye Mi - October 29, 2000 ; 15
Mina - October 28, 2000 ; 15 
the blood pumping through my veins > Full Korean
never tongue twisted > Hye Mi // Korean - Native - It's her mother tongue.
English - Fluent - She learns since she is a child because as a princess she has to know how to speak mutliple languages.
Chinese - Basic - She has been learning it for a few months.
French - Conversational - She learned it thanks to a maid that was working at the castle.
Mina // Korean - Native - It's her mother tongue
English - Conversational - She learned it at school.
isn't she lovely? > Kim So Hyun (Actress)
isn't she wonderful? > Hirai Momo (Twice)
beauty is in the eye of the beholder > Hye Mi - She has a birthmark on her right hip that look like a Half Moon.
Mina - She has a birthmark on her left hip that look like a Sun.





I know myself like the back of my hand > Hye Mi - Calm, Caring, Hard-working, Protective, Kind, Childish, Cold, Cruel, Threatening, Shy, Insecure
Mina - Caring, Mature, Patient, Independant, Helpful, Responsible, Sassy, Rude, Cold, Harsh, Blunt, Brutal
clear as glass > I can be sweeter than honey - Song Hye Mi is a calm person, she usually doesn't fight with people because she thinks it's more important to talk about the problem instead of yelling at each other. She likes to sit in her room or near the fire place to read a book. She also like to take a walk outside the castle because it helps her calm down and relax, and it makes her feel like she is an ordinary person and not a princess so she can forget about the pressure for a few hours. She is kind and caring with the people she loves and cares about. She is a great listener and she is always here for her loved ones when they need her. She is very protective over them. She is very different from when she is in public than when she is alone, with her sisters, brother, friends or when she walks into town. People tend to judge her because she is a princess, so they think that she is arrogant or egocentric, which in fact she is not. She is very nice to the kingdom's people and even if she isn't the crown princess, if a commoner has a problem and she can fix it she will. She also very hard-working, she never takes anything for granted, and being a princess, she works twice as hard in evrything she does because she doesn't want people to think that she has everything she wants just because she is a princess and not because she works hard for it. 
Mirror, Mirror on the wall! Who is the coldest of them all? - As much as she can be calm and collected, if she is angered she can be the coldest and the cruelest person the world has ever known. She can use her princess status to punish someone. As stated before she is very protective over her friends and family so if someone hurt them they must be prepared to face the consequences of their acts. Once a commoner said something about her sister (The Fighter) to another person while she was walking by, he said that she was rude and not worthy to be a princess. Hye Mi turned around and said to him: 'First of all, I'm going to excuse your extreme stupidity for talking about my sister like that. Secondly, if she is rude it's because people like you gave her reasons to. And finally, and most importantly, if I ever hear you talk about any members of my family like that ever again, I can't guarantee that your tongue will stay in your mouth. Have a good day, Sir'. And she left and returned to the castle. She isn't afraid to threaten people to get to her point.
Stop behaving like a child! - Being the youngest is not always simple and sometimes Hye Mi feels like she isn't love as much as her other sisters by their parents. Since she isn't the crown princess and there are very few possibilities that one she will sit on the throne she sometimes feel left out. She wants to have the same attention that her older sisters and brothers receive from their parents. She can appear as a little childish sometimes. She can be needy for her parents attention but they often scold her saying that she should be happy to be the youngest because she doesn't have all the pressure her older sisters have. The only time she had her parents undivided attention is when they told her that all of their daughters would be sent to the kingdom of Sevein to marry a prince. She couldn't believe what she heard, she was in shock. She told her parents that she was too young to marry someone and that she all the time in the world to marry someone, but for now she wanted to live her life like any teenage girl. She wanted to travel and just be free. Her parents told her to stop behaving like a child and to listen to them because she didn't had the choice but to go to Sevein. Hye Mi was so angry at her parents and sad that she ran out of the castle and hid in town for a few days. 
I just want to be like them - Even if she isn't the crown princess Hye Mi still put a lot of pressure on her shoulders. She wants to be as good as her older sisters and brothers. She is quite insecure when she does something because she is afraid that she will do something wrong and that people will judge her. She would like to be like her sister (The Dilligent Daughter), who knows how to speak in front of a huge crowd. Hye Mi is just to shy to do that. When she has to talk in front of a lot of people, she blushes and she stutters a lot. She just find it really embarrassing to talk in front of a big crowd. She is also shy when meeting new people but once she gets to know them she feels at ease with them.
I may be only fifteen, but I'm a grown up! - Kang Mina is very mature for her age. Her actions are always well thought and she never does something on an impulse. Being the only child of her family, she has to be responsible and she has to know how to care of herself, she is independant. She helps her parents a lot at the bakery because she is very grateful for raising her well and because if they don't have much money they still let her go to school which can be quite expensive, so helping them at their work is a way for her to repay them. She also helps her friends when they need help. 
I care about you - She is very caring with her friends and her parents. On that point she is like Hye Mi. She would do anything for the people she loves and cares about. She isn't afraid to protect or defend them if they need it. She is also honest and always tell the truth to her friends and family. She tell what's on her mind without sugar coating it and sometimes she can seems blunt and harsh with people. She can also be brutal to people with her words sometimes but if she notices that her words hurt the person too much, and if it wasn't her intention, she will apologize. She thinks that telling people the truth is the key to a good relationship. For Mina the truth is always better to deal with than a lie if even if the truth hurts. She is also patient and she doesn't rush while doing things, because for her it's when you're rushing that you can make the most mistakes.
Don't mess with me - Just like Hye Mi, if you hurt Mina's family or friends she will make sure you will regret it. She is very sassy and she often has the last word in a conversation. No one has ever left her speechless, she always has a witty comeback to anything that is being said to her. She has a mirror-like personality, which means that if a person is cold or rude to her she will be the same towards that person but if the person is nice to her then she will be nice to that person.
hard as stone > Born under the Moon - Hye Mi was born on October 29, 2000 at midnight. She is the youngest child of the king and queen of Caeria and she has two older sisters. Even if she was raised as princess, she always wanted to experience a normal life and not feel the pressure of being a princess. She went to school but she felt like she was treated differently because she was a princess and she really hated it, because she didn't feel different from other people and she didn't like being treated differently just because she was born as a princess.  She started to wander outside the castle when she was twelve years old. At first she always left the castle when everyone thought she was asleep but as she grew older she left the castle in plain daylight. All she ever wanted was to discover the world outside, travel and live her life as commoner. She wasn't really happy or sad with her life, she just lived it until the day when her parents told her that she was going to be sent to the kingdom of Sevein to marry a prince. After arguing with her parents, she left the castle sad and angry.
Born under the sun - Mina was born on October 28, 2000 at midday. She was in a middle-class family. Her family weren't the poorest people but they weren't the richest either. She grew with the smell of fresh bread and pastries because her parents were the owners of a bakery. She went to the same school as Hye Mi but they never met because they weren't in the same class. Mina was a good student, she work hard to obtain good grades. On the day that she doesn't have to go to school, she works at the bakery with her parents to help them. Being an only child has never been a problem for her because she never felt lonely and her parents always make sure that she felt loved. Seeing her parents work hard has left a huge impact on her, so she work as hard as them, whether it is at school or when she helps them at the bakery, to make them proud. She doesn't really like the princesses because she thinks that they got everything they wanted just with a snap of their fingers. Little did she know that an encounter would change her life forever.
Two side of the same coin  - After leaving the castle, Hye Mi was walking in town when a woman stopped in front and shoved a bag of flour into her arms, she said to her: 'Mina, give this to your parents at the bakery, your father told me he needed more flour. Thank you dear'. And just like that she left without leting Hye Mi answered. Hye Mi stood there confused for a few minutes before she started to walk again searching for the famous bakery, because she was intrigued as to why she has been taken for someone else. Once she found it, she entered the bakery and stopped right in front of the door because she was face to face with a girl that looked exactly like her. They stood in silence, just looking at each other for a few seconds until they both asked at the same time: 'Who are you?'. 'I'm Song Hye Mi and you?' 'Kang Mina. Aren't you the youngest princess? What are you doing here?' 'Nice to meet you Mina. Yes I am. I left the castle because I argued with my parents and while I was walking a woman just gave me this bag of flour and told me to give it to my father. I was intrigued to know why that woman confused me for someone else. Now I understand why'.
After introducing to each other, Mina and Hye Mi talked a lot about each other. Hye Mi explained her life as a princess and Mina told her what life was like as a commoner. Both of the girls nearly instantly became very close friends. Hye Mi explained to Mina why she argued with her parents and Mina told her that if she wanted to stay at her home for a few day she could and that's what Hye Mi did. After four days of staying at Mina's house, and being searched by her parents guards, Hye Mi had an idea. She asked Mina if she wanted to exchange their places for a few months. At first Mina was hesitant, because she didn't want to go to Sevein to be married to some prince but Hye Mi promised her that she would tell her maid to not let that happen at any cost. She even told Mina that she could give her money to live in better house and to never need anything again. Mina told her that she didn't wanted money but that she accepted to trade places. She trusted Hye Mi to keep her promise about the wedding. She also make Hye Mi promise to take care of her parents while she was gone. Hye Mi promised it and so that's how their adventures began.
I woke up like this, flawless > Hye Mi - She wakes up at 7:00am and she prepares for class, which begin at 8:30am. She never eat breakfast because she feels sick if she does so, so usually her maid, Sunny, prepares a snack for her to eat at school. After spending all of her day at school, she doesn't go straight back to the castle because she likes to wander in town for a few hours before having to go back to castle. Once she is back home, she goes shower and change herself into more comfortable clothes, then she studies and do her homeworks until it is dinner time. After dinner, she goes back to her room and she reads a book before going to sleep around midnight. 
Mina - She usually wakes up around 5:30-6:00am to help a parents at the bakery before going to school. Once she has shower and prepares for her day, she eats breakfast with her parents and then she helps them preparing breads and pastries until Yu Jeong come to get her to go to school. She spent her day in school, and when its over she goes to Yu Jeong's house, for them to do their homeworks together. After that she goes back at the bakery and she works there until it's closure time. After that she prepares herself for the night, she eats dinner with her parents and she goes to sleep at 10:30pm.
optimism enhancers >
Hye Mi 
Walking in town, or outside the castle in general

Summer rain
Sunny days
The smell of freshly baked bread
Peanut Butter
pessimism causers > 
Hye Mi 
Arrogant and rude people
Very Hot days
Dark places

Careless people
Green color
Unreliable people

time well spent > 
Hye Mi 
Being outside the castle
Writing, whether it's her day or stories
Listening music

Being outside when it's sunny outside
Eating the bread when it's just out of the oven
Playing with, Fluffy, her cat
all the little things in between > 
Hye Mi 
She is OBSESSED with chocolate. It's the best food in the world for her
She would like to have a wolf as a pet because she loves that animal
She can stay awake late at night but she has a hard time waking up in the morning
She needs to have a little bit of light in her room at night because she is afraid of the dark
She has arachnophobia since she is a child. She can't stand the sight of a spider
Jae is teaching her how to play the guitar

She is allergic to dust
She hates the color green but she loves the colors pink, black and burgundy
She is right handed just like Hye Mi
If she could eat only one thing for the rest of her life, she would choose peanut butter
She sleeps ith her cat, Fluffy 





family means nobody gets left behind >  Kang Jung Su | 40 | Father | Strict, Protective, Cold | Baker | alive
Kang Soo Young | 37 | Mother | Caring, Kind, Supportive | Baker | alive
through thick and thin > Lee Sun Kyu | 25 | Friends | Hard-working, Loyal, Respectful, Protective, Responsible | Maid | alive. Hye Mi's calls her Sunny because she is always smiling and when she enters a room it's like the sun is literally in the room. She is Hye Mi's maid and she is also one of her closest friends. They met when Hye Mi was introduced to Sunny when she was 10. Her parents told her that from now on she would be her personal maid. Sunny is one of the only person to know that Hye Mi trade places with Mina.
The Prince's Courtesan name | 18-23 | 
Friends | Mature, Smart, Straightforward, Stubborn  | Her brother's 'girlfriend' | alive. She is one of Hye Mi's friend. She met her when her brother introduced her to their family. They have a good relationship and she is someone that Hye Mi can trust.
Kim Yu Jeong | 16 | Best Friend | Funny, Caring, Childish | Student | alive. She is Mina's best friend. They have known each other since childhood. They are like sisters. Yu Jeong discovered nearly instantly that Mina and Hye Mi had trade places because Hye Mi didn't act like Mina. Yu Jeong helped Hye Mi blend in when she was acting as Mina. 
last choice > name | age | rival | personality traits | Princess of Sevein | alive. She was Kihyun's fiancée before the princesses from Caeria arrived in Sevein and since Mina, who was taking the place of Hye Mi, was now his fiancée they naturally became rival.





if you're wrong, I don't want to be right > Park Jae Hyeong (Jae of Day6)
all I ever wanted > Kihyun (Yoo Kihyun of Monsta X)
the adam to my eve > Jae ; September 15, 1996
Kihyun ; November 11, 1996

bringing back the bacon > Jae ; Music Student
Kihyun : Prince of Sevein

magnetic attraction > Hye Mi & Jae - They met when Jae came to the bakery and bought some pastries. He asked Hye Mi about her saying that he was new in town and he wanted to make friends. She was shy at first and she didn't know what answers she should give him because she didn't wanted him, or Mina's parents, to know that she wasn't Mina. For two entire weeks, he came to buy pastries and each time he would asked Hye Mi about herself or he would compliment her. One night he came below her window and he played her a song on his guitar. She slowly fell in love with him but she tried very hard to suppress her feelings because she wasn't suppose to fall in love with him. But her feelings were too strongs. For Jae, it was different, when he saw Hye Mi for the first time he instantly fell in love with her. He found her cute when she was blushing when he complimented her. He really wants to know her so he decided to court her. Her secret was very hard to keep because she wanted to be with Jae but she was afraid that if he knew that she lied to him he wouldn't love her anymore.
Mina & Kihyun - They met when the princess from Caeria arrived in Sevein. At first they didn't get along because Mina didn't liked Kihyun's personality. Mina wasn't really interested in him and she would rather spend her day with Sunny. Kihyun wasn't really interested in her either, he didn't want to marry someone and he prefered flirting with girls more than being in a serious relationship. But during a dinner they were sitting next to each other and Kihyun saw that Mina was bored so he asked her if she wanted to have a walk in the castle 's garden and she accepted it. They talked for hours and got to know each other. They found that the other wasn't so horrible to be around and they became to feel something for each other. From that moment, Kihyun acted like a gentleman with Mina but she was still a little bit cold towards him because she didn't wanted to fall in love with him. 
you're weird but I like you > Jae - He has a great heart. He is very kind and sweet with people. When his friends or a stranger needs help he will do anything in his power to help them. He is always here to protect and defend people if they need it and sometimes he ends up fighting because of that. He can become extremely if you mess with someone he loves. He is also very funny. He likes to tell jokes and to pull little pranks up. He is hard-working when it comes to music because it is his passion. 
Kihyun - He is very confident is his abilities. He is good at sports and he was a good students. He is good and he knows it. When you first meet him, the first thing that comes to mind is 'cocky' because he likes to brag about his skills. He is also very flirty with girls, he likes to compliment them or he will stupid pick up lines like 'Did it hurts when you fell from heaven'. He doesn't care if the girl is a princess or a commoner, as long as it is a girl he will flirt with her. But he also has a caring side that she shows mostly to his sisters and later on to Mina.




comments // suggestions // questions ; I hope you'll like my characters ^-^ It took me a long time to do it but I'm glad I have finished it and I'm sorry if the app is long but I wanted to describe the two characters well. Also I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language. I hope my app is not confusing since there are two characters and that everything is understandable. I had to change the birthyear of Kihyun and Jae to fit the , I hope it's okay ^-^ Anyway I really hope you'll like Hye Mi & Mina :)
scene requests ; Jae seeing Hye Mi walk out of the castle and ask her for explanations. She tells him everything.
Kihyun hears Sunny and Mina talking about the exchange and that how he learns that Mina is not Hye Mi.
Hye Mi's parents discovering the truth
layout credits to _milkshake @ fallen angel. do not steal.


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