21 Days with MBLAQ application~

I honestly really hate the idea of using blogs for applications but seeing this I really felt compelled to apply, MBLAQ are my sweet spot...



Username: Sovereign

Profile link : Here!

Availability : 5 (all the time)

Character Profile

Full Name : Jang Mirae

Nickname : -

D.O.B : 13th May 1991

Age : 20

Ethnicity : Korean

Language(s) : Korean, basic English/Japanese

Height : 157cm

Weight : 49kg

Get to know you !

Personality : [ long and neat. unique ~]

Over the years Mirae had withdrawn into herself. She keeps herself in her own personal bubble and likes it that way. Well, she says she does. Truthfully, she spent so long repressing her personality that she doesn't know how to express herself properly anymore. Her vibrance and energy always seemed to get her into trouble and caused upset when she blurted things out without thinking. After people started to take her vitality and straight forward personality in the wrong way she tried to bite her tongue. It got to the point where her desperation to think before she spoke went a step too far and she's often afraid of voicing her opinion on a single thing. She's often heard mumbling only to herself about the slightest mistakes, blaming herself entirely. It's even given her the outlook that she's socially inept and not friend or lover material. All she really wants, deep down past her stubborn repression, is somebody to take the time to get to know her and show her friendship through perseverence. If she was opened up to, she may eventually learn to mirror the action and slowly be coaxed out of her shell and show her true personality which is warm and pure.

Likes: Star gazing,
Sunrises, Sunsets
Nature in general
Water fountains
Different pocky
Fairy Tales
Ice Tea

Dislikes : Big crowds of people
Having attention drawn to her
Awkward situations
Direct Questions

Habits : Being overly defensive
Not looking where she's going
Shutting down when getting too flustered
She picks at her nail varnish too often
Twists her earrings around absent mindedly

Facts : She was thought to have ADHD as a child. It's completely repressed now as if it never existed and has turned inside out.
She likes to run track and go for long runs to cool off/clear her head and calm herself down.
She has two goldfish called Haku and Chihiro
She had a hamster called Totoro but it died of fright which she's never forgiven herself for after a cat got into her house.

Skill(s) : Math, she's extremely quick with it and has incredible logic.
Her imagination is vivid and very creative.
She likes to clean


Family Background :
Mirae is the eldest of two in her family. Her younger brother is 4 years younger than her and it was after his birth when the problems started to arise with Mirae. She felt very replaced and would act out to gain attention which lead to her loud, demanding personality which soon expanded into all areas of her life including school. It was there that it got worse because her parents were notified of her acting out in school, and wasn't able to make friends well because of her inability to say the right things.

Family Member :
Eunsun - Mother - 43 - Hairdresser
Kwanmin - Father - 47 - Hotel Manager
Daejung - Brother - 16 - Student


Ulzzang Name : Pony

Links : http://www.nautiljon.com/images/galerie/ulzzang_uhljjang_cyberstars/1/8/6081/6/4/pony_ulzzang_502046.pnghttp://www.nautiljon.com/images/galerie/ulzzang_uhljjang_cyberstars/1/8/6081/9/0/pony_ulzzang_486109.pnghttp://data.whicdn.com/images/19327409/pony_ulzzang_454276_large.pnghttp://data.whicdn.com/images/15513115/pony_ulzzang_499793_large.pnghttp://data.whicdn.com/images/15515943/pony_ulzzang_486120_large.png

Back-up Ulzzang Name : Kim Seul Mi

Styles : Simple. She likes sweaters that she can pull over her hands and fiddle with. it's a psychological thing. She doesnt have a problem showing skin but prefers to cover herself up in jeans or shorts. Quite boyish.

MBLAQ and You

A+ history : Mirae was channel hopping and settled on their sesame player, and considers herself a late A+ but an A+ all the same. She was in quite a foul mood when she began watching for the first time and found it impossible not to cheer up with their farfetched personalities. Obviously she expanded her interests with them and started downloading their music, which plasters a shy smile on her face whenever she hears it.

Your favourite MBLAQ's member : Sanghyun - He's witty and her ideal type. She smiles or blushes whenever she hears his little laugh or giggle and is truly infatuated with it. She thinks his eyes are the most mesmerising things she's ever seen and finds him fascinating.

Your favourite MBLAQ's song : Stay

Your favourite MBLAQ's MV : Mona Lisa

What will you do when you meet them : Stunned. She's quite anyway but her tongue will well and truly be tied to the point she feels quite frightened as she would be so overwhelmed.


Do you want to end-up with one of MBLAQ's members? Yes

Tell me the reason why you want to participate in this show ? MBLAQ give Mirae an escape. She doesn't feel like she has to hold everything in and feels relaxed listening to their music.


I hope this is alright if a little different, it took me ages to get it how I liked it!

Let me know if it isn't... ^^


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