Cover Designs Collections

Am I getting improved or not? >_<

i_choose_to_love_you_by_fatimdoki-d81fik 4444___8888_by_aisyah98_by_fatimdoki-d81 i_want_you_back_by_lattte94_by_fatimdoki

voice_mail_by_sakura_katsudon__redo__by_  rain_by_vancess13_by_fatimdoki-d8457jl.j

subject_7009_by_whaleyouwait_by_fatimdok  official_bussiness_by_whaleyouwait_by_fa



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v-kookiee #1
you are, but the color combination is off. The background is dark, but the picture is not. Try reducing the contrast and lightness. If it still doesn't work, try placing a texture (on top of all the layers) that matches the mood of the poster and switch the mode from "normal" to "lighten only" or " Screen", if it doesn't work, try using the other modes. Idk about you, but for me, i think it's better if you'll reduce the background photos (like the clocks and roses) and try for something simple and attractive--it's just my style anyway, you can do whatever you want. "Private Lover" on the other hand, looks perfect.