My new phonecase is so goddamn cute!

I woke up this morning after babysitting once again feeling disgusted with myself and body, I felt ugly and all that icky stuff so I decided to distract myself by looking online to look at cute things. Well I decided to look for a new phonecase since I am bored of my Sailor Moon glitter case as it is just to thin to protect my phone cause I keep bloody dropping it hahaha.

Well I saw this cute little ghost 3D case.


And I fell in love with it! But guess what it glows in the dark!!!! This made me want it even more because I have to walk a mile to the bus stop for the bus to college 3 days of the week and come home in the dark, well I have to walk through a passage that a women got on New Years eve two years ago and many other incidents involving creepy males. And during Winter mornings it is pitch black and I get scared that I will get hurt so with this case being glow in the dark I can feel safer in a way hehe.


I got the pink one cause they didn't have the purple one left in stock in my phone size *cries* but it is okay I love it and can't wait to have it!!!



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Kyaaa~ that's so cute! Where did you get it? ^^
Reminds me of boo from super mario...cept nicer ver not the creepy one xD
Omg this is so cute . Good choice there ^_^ And it suit the Halloween theme too