prewritten app (3) (wip) cha siyeon #00cc00

full name。cha siyeon ; 차 시연
・[ amber ] a name she went by while she lived in the states,
mainly used by acquaintances and close friends
・[ yeon-ie ] a playful name used by younger female family members
and friends
birthdate。december 31 1996
birthplace。anyang, gyeonggi province, south korea
hometown。anyang, gyeonggi province, south korea
・[ korean ; fluent ] native language
・[ english ; fluent ] before returning to korea to pursue a music
career, siyeon studied in the states as well as taught herself beforehand
・[ spanish ; conversational ] because her school in the states
required her to take a foreign language, she chose spanish
appearence & style。
↱ siyeon has a pale complexion as well as monolid eyes. her lips have a
natural gradiant tint to them, giving her a doll-like appearence. siyeon has
jet black hair.
she absolutely hates wearing skirts and dresses, unless it's for formal events
or just special occassions. her go-to outfits are a pair of skinny jeans, t-shirt
— sometimes even pairing it with an oversized hoodie, and sneakers. siyeon
always makes sure to incorporate snapbacks into her outfits.
weight & height。49 kg 166 cm
face claim。ahn sohee
backup fc。omg's yooa
personality traits。
・[ positive ] selfless, determined, playful
・[ negative ] possessive, unpredictable, naive
↱ siyeon always putting others before herself, it pains her to see anybody
anything but happy. she is always willing to give people what they need even if
siyeon is in pain or unhappy, she'd rather take care of others than herself.
when put up to tasks, siyeon never backs down. when she starts she never stops
until it's finished to her satisfaction. she loves to smile and see others smile. she'll
use her cute antics and make jokes just for laughs.
siyeon is very possessive over the things she owns. she hates people touching her
things and if she finds out that her things were messed around with, there will be
hell to pay. she's also kind of naive and may believe anything she hears. if you
tell her that it's safe to jump off a plane without any equipment, she might just try
it out. with her it's hard to tell what she may do next, but whatever it is it may be
silly or crazy shocking.


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