first time

today, it is my first time to get myself behind the wheels. yet I still scared and nervous for the first time experience. talk about how many times the engine died and i have mistaken the function of those paddles. and blame my short legs, I still cant reach the clutch even the seat was on the end of its limit. the instructor just laugh at me and yeah the chill still there even it has been over 5 hours. damn! it is so hard to control a manual car. i am afraid !!! does driving a car was that scary?! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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Yeah quite scary but you'll eventually get the hang of it. Dont be like me. Once i got my license, i never again drove a manual car OTL
Haha..same la..adoi...nak kawal stereng tu tunggang langgang lg..XD
AhSongyi #3
but if you can drive manual, you can drive auto too. my parents always say that you have advantage if you can drive both. not just auto
Yes, for the beginner. Wait until you have learn for a few weeks you will get the hang of it ;)