I'm panicking...



It is currently 3:05am here and I am up doing college work that is due today for my Communication and Culture class, it is my assessment that is online which is annoying cause I don't understand how to use the online classroom system yet. I've been trying to complete this for the past week and a bit but it's so goddamn hard that I am having to take a lot of breaks due to headaches and the fact that google doesn't even know what I am asking for, it's like a load of definitions and then I have to put the words into a sentance then I have to answer a question. I have about 5 more definitions and sentances to do I think and then the answer but it's all due before 12am tonight.... I was going to do it when I got home from college today but then I realised how slow I am....


*Cries* I did have a test for my dyslexia yesterday and the women was fasinated with how I hear sounds...apparently I don't hear the whole sound of a word but the middle so I make mistakes with repeating what someone has spoken verbally.... lets hope I get the extra I need in exams.

okay back to work I go


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