〔 △ stolen from heebumdae

da rules.
001;open up any media player and put it on shuffle.
002;answer each question by posting the song title and band.
003;post no matter how stupid it seems to you!
004;don't cheat and try not skipping over any questions!
005;tag 3 people afterwards
this layout is so pretty i just can't  ]

da questions.
001;if someone stole your favorite item, what would you yell out in anger?
turn around by kyung & zico ] oH NO
002;you trip and fall in front of your crush, they say:
fabulous by ashley tisdale ] tru
003;a moment of disappointment hits you, what do you mutter?
love like oxygen by shinee ] did you know that oxygen slowly sets your blood on fire which is why antioxidants are a thing and people die of natural causes its p much bc the air we breath is burning us from the inside out :^)
004;if you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
my copycat by orange caramel ] i wanna get turnt af w my copycat
005;what's the best way to describe your closest friend?
fantastic baby by bigbang ] thats v true she's v fantastic
006;best movie of all time?
fountain mountain by THE otogibanashi's ] sounds like a c list high school comedy about the wildest party of the year thrown in someone's beverly hills mansion
007;best make out spot to take someone?
gravity by big earth little me ] is gravity the space or is big earth little me the space
008;a song that would play during a wicked torturing of your enemies?
she's thunderstorms by arctic monkeys ] because i'm thunderstorms
sighs wistfully when will a boy compare me to thunderstorms
009;a theme song that would play every time your parents enter a room?
kill bill by brown eyed girls ] eye emoji
010;you're walking home and you find 20 bucks, what would you say?
come on now by halo ] i probs would say that i always feel really guilty when i take money from the floor bc it isn't mine
011;your theme song?
the theory of relativity by stars ] a funky aesthetic tune
012;the end of the world is near, your reaction?
inspiring by taeil ] inspires me to become a better person just moments before my demise
013;a good song to kill to?
awoo by lim kim ] kill them w my twerking
014;someone broke your heart, what will you do now?
my number by cheetah ] i'll change my number / y saxophone sounds /
015;your make out song?
piano man by mamamoo ] i'm ready for some action / are you ready for perfection?
016;you punch someone in the face, what do they cry out do i say to them?
better have my money by rihanna ] don't act like tou forgot it
017;a rock is thrown through your window with a note on it. it says?
monster by bigbang ] wh
018;someone compliments you on something, your reply?
chivalry is dead by trevor westly ] if you compliment me there's an 80% chance i'll fall in love w u
019;what does the world and everyone in it think of you?
tender love by exo ] u know what, this is actually pretty true many people think i'm a tender fairy love princess #blessed
020;an opening fight scene song?
[ warrior by b.a.p someone's gonna die
021;if you were one of the 7 sins...which would you be?
if it wasn't true by shamir ] envy?? wrath??
022;your favorite bedtime story?
no words can describe my love for you by jang beom june ] sobs
023;the song you'll make your partner dance to when you get married?
your affection from persona 4 ] / thinks about yosuke hanamura on my wedding day
024;you and a friend are trapped on an island, how will you decide leadership?
primadonna girl by marina and the diamonds ] tru
025;how will people remember you when you're dead and gone?
stronger than you from steven universe ] thank you based garnet

my lovebugs.
i tag;everyone


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