Of storms and earthquakes

Due to recent events, I had to go to a remote place in my country for science! (and because I have to pass my microbiology-parasitology subject) But my folks wouldn't let me go because of the storm. I had to ride a ship in order to reach the place. I was willing to die for science (okno) but since my folks said no and the ports are closed, I just stayed at home where there is stable internet, food, and nice warm bed. Why did I ever consider going out of the house? Oh right. I had to pass micropara. orz

Anyway, I was supposed to leave today but stayed because of safety reasons. Then later this evening there was an earthquake in here. I barely felt it but I found out later that the place where I'm supposed to go at was the epicenter(?) of the earthquake. It had a magnitude 5.4 earthquake in there. Woah. If I had gone to that place, I would have been in serious danger. Magnitude 5.4 is a pretty strong, right? Yeah. Wow. I'm lucky.



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