40 secret!!! (stolen from "shinygirl" ke, ke, ke . ... . )




40 Secrets About Yourself

Be HONEST no matter what.



1. What is your natural hair colour?




2. Where was your profile picture taken?

From google but I edited it.



3. What's your middle name?

Solomon. As in "King Solomon's Mine" by Sir H. Rider Haggard.



5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?

I think so.



6. What is your current mood?

So, so.  . . .



7.What color underwear are you wearing?

White. My mom refuses to buy me any other color so whatever.



8.What makes you happy?

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes. . .. .. What?! I'm a winter person . . . .



9. What’s The Last Thing You Bought?

Dog food for my daughter. "The great white labbrador."



10. If you could go back in time, and change something about yourself what would it be?

Be the inventor of the Wheel!

Greatest invention of all time!



11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would it be?

An Eagle or a Hawk. I love flying in style.



12. Ever had a near death experience?

Several, mostly with regards to driving. Hey I'm a "Car Drifting" enthusiast and I've been driving since I was 10 and with competion it kind off goes with the territory.



13. Something you do a lot?

Reading and sleeping then back to reading. I eat if I remember that I need to.



14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?

"Like Now" by DBSK.



15.Since when did you start liking your crush? Be Honest.

Since she said that she likes me.

Yeah I'm a goof, I don't usually look around and check people out until they catches my attention that is.



16. Name someone with the same birthday as you?

Hmmmmmm ... .. . interesting. Nick Nolte was born on the same day as I am and so does Bobby Eliot (Hollies drummer) cool! I cannot believe it, so does Teri Hatcher, y ehhhh.



17. When was the last time you cried?

I honestly cannot remember. A year ago????



18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?




19. If you could have one super power what would it be?


Be the man of steel!

Able to leap tall building in a single bound, faster than a bullet. Although the X-men have really cool mutations.



20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite ?




21. What do you usually order from Starbucks

"Choco frapp."

Anything with chocolate.



22. What’s your biggest secret?

That I use to hold funeral with dead ants inside a match box complete with the eulogy as a kid.



23. What's your favorite color?


Purple, Green, Red.



24. When was the last time you lied?

Think . . .. . . Never!



25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?

As per usual.



27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

Hot Choco-milk.



28. Do you speak any other language?

I talk English, Tagalog, Fukien, Spanish, sometimes Ilocano and off course I'm learning Korean and Japanese.



29. What's your favorite smell?


No particular reason, I'm just drawn to the smell.



30. If you could describe life in one word what would it be?




31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?

A few minutes ago.



32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?

Yes, under an umbrella, ella, ella, ella. . .yeah . .. 



33. What are you thinking about right now ?

That umbrella kiss. ...



34. What should you be doing ?

Tsk .. . . Sleeping!



35. What was the last thing that made you upset?

Can't remember really.



37. Do you like working in the yard?

I could not say Yes nor No as I'm just okay with it.



38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?


Yes, I'm cocky.



39. Name 5 things in your closet.

Shirts, pants, socks, underwears,  . . . .. ahmmmmmmm. . . . .hangers.



40. Do you act different around your crush?

I don't think so. Okay! You got me there.

I act a little more annoying than I normally do!









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Creepin on yo blog posts like a creeppp XDDDDDDD And you've been kissed under an umbrella?! SOOOOO DAMN CUTE. I've always wanted to be kissed underwater... or in the rain... *sigh*...

omo under umbrela? me never ;(

i dnt kno any of the top row langs bt i know both the bottom ^^
cindy92pillay #3
lols~ very interesting bunch of questions! and your answers...L.O.L. ;p
Teach me how to drift TT^TT