mated's fire mage ◎ yoon seol

characteryoon seol。
shu  dobibaby  9
— Yoon Bul / it's the Korean word for fire, which is basically her since she's the fire mage, and the girls use it as an endearing nickname.
— Seolny / a play on words with her name and "sunny." The sun looks like a big ball of fire, which is basically Seol herself, except more in a more vicious human form, so the girls call her this when she's being especially feisty. 
— Seollie 
/ when the girls are finished using their endearing nicknames with her, they often use this one to refer to her, which is basically her name with an "ie" at the end of it.  It's nothing special, but it just sounds cute. 
— Seolmate / Chanyeol, the pun master (as he likes to call himself), coined this nickname for her because she's his soulmate. Clever, right? Seol doesn't think so.

AGE 17
BIRTHDAY 12/11/1997

BIRTH PLACE Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN Seoul, South Korea

— Korean / fluent / as she is native to Korea, and has been learning the language ever since she was a baby, she's definitely fluent in this language, although she doesn't know if she's more fluent in this or sarcasm. 
oh you think i'm a ? well look who's talking.
imperfection is beauty。
people will stare, make it worth their while...
APPEARANCE Seol is often described to be "cold," and has a natural RBF that occurs more than she thinks. She often has a serious expression on her face, and doesn't really smile, but people can't help but notice her pretty visuals, along with her offputting aura. She's 165 cm tall, and weighs 51 kg, so she's rather thin and lithe. Seol is your typical Korean with the long black hair that flows past her shoulders and the pale skin that's the result of never going outside and experiencing the effects of having more melanin in her body. She has a small and thin face in the shape of a "V," and although it's not noticeable from afar, those who are close to Seol can see a tiny beauty mark on the corner of her left eyebrow, right above the arch. Although she has black eyes, those who look into it can see a "flicker of light, just like a fire," and Seol thinks it's ironic because she's a fire mage and she has a fire in her eyes - it's lame, she knows. 

STYLE Seol is a very simple dresser and because of her fiery powers, she's always warm, so she doesn't exactly require the furriest of jackets or anything. It's a little hot in the summer, though, but it's bearable. In the winter, she'll wear a thick cardigan or a thin jacket over short sleeves, or will just wear a sweater with jeans. She doesn't like wearing boots too much and is your average sneakers-lover. She mainly wears white Converse, but has some other shoes lying around in her closet. She often garners attention for how she keeps so warm while wearing so little, and while Seol says she deals with the cold well, it's just because she has a portable fire in her body. In the summer, she's often wearing tank tops or T-shirts with shorts, and if anyone couldn't tell, Seol isn't an elaborate dresser. Her closet consists mostly of short sleeves, sweaters, cardigans, jeans and shorts, and that's it. She's not a big fan of dresses, and only has one lying in the corner of her closet, mostly for school related events, which she never goes to anyways, so it doesn't matter. Seol doesn't care too much about accessories and has one or two hats lying around, but never wears them, but oddly enough, she has an affinity with sunglasses; they're probably her most favorite accessory that she owns and likes to wear them (but it intimidates people because she looks even more scarier with them on, since they can't see her eyes). Although it seems expected of her, her clothes are of very simple tones and don't exactly stand out all too much. They're mostly plain, one-colored shirts, or occasionally have a pattern on them.

looks catch the eye。
but personality captures the heart...

— The Fire Mage - She's the girl with the fiery personality and fierce powers. Literally a human Charmander, she's the one that wields the ability to smoke meat in a flash, make a campfire in an instant, light any dark path with a flame as big as her ego, and more. Although not many can look past her hot personality, she does indeed have a good hold onto her powers, after many years of controlling herself to not smoke her classmates into roast beef. Despite her abrasive personality traits, the girls still love her anyways, and recognize the good qualities that most don't see.
— positive: confident, straightforward, compassionate, supportive, intuitive, intelligent
— negative: indifferent, sarcastic, feisty, short-tempered, stubborn, egoistic

After seeing her indifferent stares and the familiar sound of her easily burning someone with her sharp words, people can probably guess that Seol is not the sweetest or sugariest girl on the block. In fact, after being nominated for "the one most likely to kill you with their stare," it's clear to people that she's probably an angry teen with eyes of a demon - which isn't entirely wrong. Despite her scary aura, it's apparent that Seol has her good traits, and isn't just a monster sent from the rulers of Hell themselves. She is one confident girl, and it's astounding how much confidence she has in herself. She doesn't flaunt it around as if she's trying to make herself seem better than others, but it just oozes out of her, which a lot of people tend to notice unconsciously. Seol is not one to doubt herself and even if she was wearing a horrible outfit (which would never happen, honestly, the girl only wears sweaters and nice clothes), the sheer amount of confidence she would display would just make her look like a celebrity in that hideous outfit. As obvious as it can be, Seol has a straightforward side to her, and lying is not her forte (unless if she's trying to cover up the fact that she's a fire breathing dragon, then yes, she's good at hiding that), but her inability to lie can be quite endearing at times. She finds it difficult to hold back what she's thinking, and the cold, hard truth often spills out of , whether she wants it to or not. The words she may say might be blunt, but her compassion usually makes up for it. As unexpected as it may seem, Seol is more compassionate than you would think. She empathizes well with people,  and for some reason, a lot of people like to go to her to rant, although it might seem a little weird because of how blunt and sassy she can be. However, once you finish ranting, Seol usually has a few words to say about it, and is oddly good with advice, even though she never really tells you what to do. She's supportive and cares about others more than she shows it. Her girls are her best friends, and she is fiercely overprotective of them, though she doesn't exactly show it. When her pals make decisions, she knows it's not her place to disagree with them, but to be by their side, no matter what. Although most people tend not to like her all too much because of her many, many flaws, they have to admit; Seol is actually really smart, and although she doesn't flaunt it off, it's just a known fact that she's a naturally gifted child. It's something to envy when she gets high test scores without even studying, but they all know that she worked hard for it anyways, so it makes them a little less salty about it. 

Although Seol has her endearing points, she also has an array of not-so-endearing traits to back it up. Although she's a compassionate and empathetic person, most times, she's usually indifferent and doesn't react to much. She is neutral on everything and doesn't really have many concerns over much. Seol's compassion actually dwindles from time to time, and when people say something stupid to her, she feels very indifferent about it, but when people have something to say to her that isn't a way to induce a headache, she is compassionate about. You just have to figure out if it's a real problem or not for Seol to empathize with you. As most can tell, she's a sarcastic and feisty girl with a strong aura that tells you that you shouldn't mess with her. The words that come out of are both blunt and fire (which is kind of ironic), and you do not want to be a victim of her sarcastic comebacks. She's known around school as "the girl who sasses everyone," and that's what people call her when they don't know her name (but who doesn't?). Seol really does not know how to shut that blunt mouth of hers, and she blames it on her overbearing honesty, but dang, this girl really can't keep her opinions to herself. She also knows how to stand her own ground, and if you do something to provoke her, she might just even fight you (although no one has actually done that yet). Seol has a lot of courage and determination in her, so if you ever want to face her feisty self, then you better e wearing extra armor. Because she literally embodies fire, she tends to be a little short-tempered, as well. To her, it doesn't make sense how fire and short-temperedness correlate, but it just does, and she just so happens to be both firey and short-tempered. She lashes out quite easily sometimes, but one of her main emotions is annoyance because of something stupid that someone did or said. It's actually really hard for Seol to keep her cool (haha get it), and she just bursts with anger most of the time. As an addition to her short-temperedness, Seol is also a stubborn child who always needs to get her way. Because of her ambitious and determined nature, she rarely backs down from her own opinion, and always wants to do things the way she wants to. She doesn't care if people agree with her, she's just trying to do things the way she wants to do them. She always thinks she's right (which can be blamed because of her intelligence), and it can impose problems sometimes. However, if everyone is fighting against her opinions and ideas, then maybe she'll just back down from the argument, but you're gonna have to lose an arm first. As one can tell, Seol is very good looking and she knows it. If she had to flaunt only one thing, it would be her good looks that she is clearly aware of. She tends to be quite egotistical and always stares at her own reflection in the mirror. She compliments herself as if it's no big deal, and acts a little snooty about her appearance sometimes. Seol probably has a crush on herself or something, but it's very clear that she is one egoistical girl with the personality of a tiger and the charms of a kitten. 
dig a little deeper。
i live for me and no one else

PAST Seol was born into a family that had a variety of magical talents. Her mother was a proficient healer that harnessed the power of earth, while her father, just like her, was a fire mage. She got her fire talents from him, and learned a lot about wielding her powers by him. The two were hotheaded, like their powers, and because of that, they shared a very close relationship. Yoon Seo, Seol's older sister, was born three years before she was, and she seemed to possess the power of water. As the two grew up, they clashed frequently, and it could probably be blamed on the fact that they had conflicting powers that did not mesh well together. Their parents tried to make them get along, but whenever they did, it seemed to end with them breaking up into a vicious fight. This continued up until Seol's second year of high school, when they had the worst fight between each other. Seol doesn't like talking about it, but Seo had riled up Seol so much that she accidentally hit her with a burst of fire. Her mother immediately intervened to heal Seo, while her father had held Seol back, yelling at her for what she had done. Seol would admit that she did it in the spur of the moment, but the guilt that came from seeing her sister in so much pain hurt her so much that she resolved to stay away from her family. In the middle of the night, she escaped and let a note for them to know that it was her voluntary decision that caused her to leave. It was rough for a while because Seol had no place to live, and there were countless times when she wanted to just go back home, but she resolved to never do that, until she felt that the time was right. She met the girls when they found her living close to where they lived, and somehow, Kwon Miyoung and Go Minhee approached her, saying that she smelled like "fragrantly burnt toast with a hint of cinnamon," and that's when she was introduced to the girls. 

— Fire immunity: the immunity to fire.
— Pyrokinesis: the ability to create and manipulate fire.
— Healing fire: the ability to heal using fire. 
— Fire absorption: the ability to absorb fire.
— Fire magic: the ablity to use fire magic. She can shoot large bursts of fire from her hands.  

— She doesn't especially like water, and hates getting wet, other than when she's showering.
— That means she cannot swim. Even if you shoved her into a baby pool, she might drown because of her flailing.
— She has an odd way of comparing prices (ex. "This loaf of bread costs $5, but I could buy 5 sticks of shish kabobs with that money.").
— She has a strong fear of bugs and spiders, and might burn down a wall because she saw one. 
— Seol can cook, but she prefers not to because she's unmotivated as heck.
— She only cries when she's super angry, but fun fact: her tears come out as hot water (her immunity to heat and fire prevents her eyeballs from burning off though).
— She's honestly horrible with anything involving a point of direction. 
— Though she thinks it's lame, Seol is a superb bargainer, and always gets her price when paying for things. 
— Despite her being the embodiment of fire, she cannot handle spicy food at all. That's the only hot thing she's not immune to.  
— Beyonce is her dirty pleasure - just don't tell anyone.
— Her favorite types of food are salty, but not too salty, if you know what I mean.
— Honestly, whenever it's summer, she's extra short-tempered because of how hot the weather is and how hot she is. 
— Seol is actually very athletic, but she hates exercising, period.
— Though she would never see why she would ever need to do this, Seol cannot wink at all. 
— Practically a walking thermost, everyone holds her arms in the winter because they're always warm. 
— Once, she got in the yearbook for "most sarcastic girl of the century." Seol has to admit, it was indeed a feat for her. 
— Whenever she's sad, she is prone to being annoyed at Chanyeol more. 
— She used to play the flute until she made it melt when she got angry at someone. The poor flute just had to be in her hand at the time.
— When she was little, whenever she got angry, steam would come from her ears. She's gotten a lot better at controlling her temper now. 
— Seol doesn't like to study, so she never really does, but is a good test taker after years of experience, so she doesn't really need to in the first place anyways. 
— Being sick was no good for Seol because she would end up at degrees around 120 (aka super hot fire), when she was usually around 100 when she's healthy. 

never forget。

Father / Yoon Hokwon / 48 / hotheaded, short-tempered, observant, stronghearted
Being as they are both fire mages, the two are acutally very close, relationship and personality wise. The two are both hotheaded and short-tempered, but there are perks to both of them that others might not recognize. Since they both have the same powers, he taught her much of what she knows about being a fire mage, and has even adopted techniques from him. Since her leave, Seol hasn't been in contact with him for a while, although the flame inside her still reminds her of him. Hokwon, however, misses Seol very much, and waits for her return everyday.
— Mother / Yoon Sumin / 45 / patient, kind, oblivious, protective
As her mother, Sumin cares a lot about Seol, even if she might not be as close to her as Seol is with her father. Sumin, being a healer, is very gentle and the epitome of an ideal mom. She does household chores well, and although she might not be as observant or cool as one would want, she's ideal for Seol. Despite her patient personality, she's not afraid to keep Seol and Seo in check, and is often the one to reprimand them if they did anything wrong. Sumin is a very family-oriented woman, so Seol leaving really struck a chord in her heart. 
Older Sister / Yoon Seo / 20 / wily, carefree, daring, charming
Though the two are sisters, they have contrasting personalities and it might be due to the fact that Seol is a fire user, while Seo is a water user. They clash often and their relationship can be described as the relationship between Athens and Sparta. The two did have some good moments, but most times did not, and could not be tamed easily. It all ended when Seol accidentally hit Seo with fire, and resolved to leave until she could actually control her powers well enough that she wouldn't hurt anyone close to her again. After Seol left, Seo has been unable to look at fire the same way.

Friend / Kwon Miyoung / 126 / charming, eloquent, rebellious, impulsive
Seeing as her and Minhee were the first ones to figure out that she was a fire mage, Seol and Miyoung are rather good friends. Since Seol is extremely hard to tame, Miyoung usually doesn't mind her antics, as long as she doesn't set anything on fire, which luckily hasn't happened yet. Since Seol can be very short-tempered and hard to be around sometimes, Miyoung has to keep her in check, but otherwise is a good friend. 
— Friend / Go Minhee / 200 / king, impulsive, outgoing,clumsy
Minhee and Miyoung were one of the first to figure out Seol's true identity, and being the outgoing vampire she is, Minhee befriended Seol instantaneously - or at least that's her thinking. Seol has an intense personality that is very bipolar at times, so someone like Minhee is someone that Seol has to get used to, before she's comfortable around them. Fortunately, after a while, Seol found herself used to Minhee's presence.

acquaintances / water mage / ? / ?
Because of how Seol had hurt her sister, who was a water user, with her fire powers, she is often very reluctant to be around the water mage, who reminds her too much of her sister. Seol feels guilty about hurting her sister still, and every time she looks at the water mage, it feels like a reminder of her past. It's safe to say that these two are not close at all.
park chanyeol。
do kyungsoo, kim jongdae, oh sehun
— Chantroll / since he likes to joke around a lot, the boys have coined this nickname with him because trolls are tricky creatures.
— Big Idiot / it might be a pun alluring to his height, but Seol calls him this because she can't be bothered to actually call him by his real name, right? 
— Elf Boy, Dumbo / Seol alternates between these two nicknames because of his unusually large and pointy ears, so he sort of looks like an elf boy at times, and Dumbo at other times. 

— positive: optimistic, easygoing, energetic, playful, protective
— negative: clingy, loud, arrogant, impulsive, stubborn

As most can tell from his bright smiles and booming voice that never seems to stop, Chanyeol is a very playful and optimistic person. He's the type to look at the bright side and is never usually upset about something; rather, he chooses to make jokes out of things instead, and that's probably his form of dealing with stress or sadness. It's weird, but whenever someone is around Chanyeol, they always feel happier than before, and that's probably because of his cheeky smiles and grins that always seem to brighten up everyone's days. Though everyone seems to be tired as heck in the morning, Chanyeol is seriously a morning person and is energetic from the moment he wakes up until the moment he falls asleep. He literally cannot stay still, and some wonder how he's able to be so energetic, but it's a mystery to everyone, even himself. Chanyeol, however, loves being energetic and playful, and most times, he acts like he's on a sugar high, even though he's not really (though some question it). He tends to be very playful and often plays pranks on his pack members, often annoying them, but it makes him happy, so he doesn't really care. Despite the constant jokes and pranks against them, he never really means them as a bad connotation, and when others insult his friends, he tends to become overprotective of them. For some reason, this childish little wolf turns into a motherly figure when his friends are insulted or threatened, and will probably whoop some if he needs to (but rarely does). Whenever he's not baring his fangs at threatening figures, though, Chanyeol is very easygoing, and doesn't usually start fights. He moves with the wind and isn't the type to get mad over changing plans or someone getting annoyed at him. He would just rather do his own thing and feel content while doing it, rather than just blindly following along and not enjoying it in the long run. Because he is so easygoing, he's easy to talk to and befriend, and that's probably why there is a line of girls waiting for him.

Although he may be a happy-go-lucky, tail-wagging cutie, he also has flaws to him that are not so adorable as his previous traits. Because of his booming personality, it just so happens that he has a very loud voice that travels for miles. Honestly, whispering is a foreign concept to him, and everyone can hear what he's saying because of how loud he's being. Usually, teachers have to constantly scold him for being so loud while he's talking (or doing anything, really), and no one can deny that even though Chanyeol is attractive, face-wise, he really needs to shut that mouth of his. He can also be very clingy and stubborn concerning people and things that he finds important to himself. One of his least favorite things in the world is being alone and feeling lonely, so if the last person on Earth ever had to leave him, he would probably cry and whine for them to stay by his side until they starved - anyways, he's practically one of the clingiest people you will ever meet, and it doesn't help that he literally holds onto your whole body to prevent you from leaving. His pack members don't know how they deal with him when he goes on a clingy rampage, honestly. However, people don't know what's worse: his clinginess or his stubbornness. For some reason, Chanyeol is too stubborn for his own good, and is often refusing to change his opinion about something, even if he's completely wrong about it. Once he sees something that he wants, he won't stop until he gets it, and it was really annoying when Chanyeol wanted free tickets to a movie, and he made everyone he knew call in for him, so that he could win. Even if the world was against him, he would be the type of person to still continue to do whatever it took to get the thing he wants, even if it was nearly impossible to get it. Chanyeol doesn't like to think of himself as a stubborn brickhead, but more of a determined, ambitious hottie. Regarding that, he's also very arrogant about his appearance, and sometimes flaunts his good looks, as he knows that he's attractive and wants people to praise him for it. His tall height is a bonus to his smoldering facial features, and Chanyeol will ofen make a remark about how good looking he is. It tends to annoy his pack members whenever they're talking about something, and Chanyeol puts in about how attractive his features are, but they let it go, which fuels his need to say some more things about how attractive he is (whoops). In the end, someone probably has to smack him around a little bit to make him come back down to Earth. Aside from his stubbornness, arrogance, loudness, and clinginess, Chanyeol is incredibly impulsive, and does things recklessly. His motto in life is "YOLO," embarrassingly enough, so he just does things without thinking through them, and will often times will make others question why he even thought about doing it in the first place. He might not have an explanation for why he does the things he does, but hey, it's the fun that counts right? Whenever he tells that to his pack members, all they do is shake their heads and leave because he's giving them a headache, which is perfectly understandable. 

— He loves eating good food all the time, if he doesn't get any, he starts to whine.
— Chanyeol is more of a Korean pop person, rather than an American pop person. 
— Luckily for Seol, he hates eating spicy food just as much as her, and the two of them cannot handle anything even remotely spicy at all. 
— Chanyeol likes wearing shirts with weird designs on them, and the boys often question his fashion style, but don't say anything about it. 
— He spends his free time learning more jokes, like the nerd he is. 
— His specialty is making puns, but origami is also one of his cool aspects too. 
— His teeth are the whitest of the boys, and also the sharpest, for some reason. 
— He has glasses, but those are because he wants to make a fashion statement (the lenses aren't even real). 
— He hoards cologne like no tomorrow. He might even have a bottle of perfume lying around too. 
— Honestly, Chanyeol spends at least 30 minutes on his hair in the morning because "I gotta look good for the girls! I don't want my soulmate to see me having ugly hair."
— His ideal type or "dream girl" was someone cute, had a perky, hyper personality, and had a quirky sense of humor, so when he learned that Seol was his soulmate, he didn't know how to react at first (though he had to admit, his heart started beating fast when he first saw her). 
— Since he has to keep his hands moisturized, Chanyeol has tons of lotion bottles lying around; not the girly ones, though. Never the girly ones. 
hehehe after studying the earth's rotation for 24 hours, scientists decided to call it a day.
soul(mate) searching。

FIRST MEETING  Seol and Chanyeol had a very uneventful meeting, honestly. This was around the time where Seol and the girls had recently met, and she was still getting acquainted to the whole "there are other supernatural people around me," so there was a lot on her mind. Chanyeol just so happened to be her seat partner, after he plopped his in the chair next to her, and the teacher announced "The seats you're sitting in now will be your seats for the rest of the year!" He tried striking up conversation with her, but it was clear that Seol wasn't interested in talking (although he didn't get that at the time, so he kept rambling on and on). Eventually, she just told him to shut up, and rather than taking it in a bad way, Chanyeol was intrigued with how rude this girl could be, and this sparked an interest in him. It was rather odd, in Seol's opinion, but after that, he continuously talked to her, making Seol even more annoyed with him because he seriously could not shut up at all! One day after class, she lashed out at him and told him to stop talking so much, and that's when Chanyeol felt the spark again; that was when he knew she was his mate.
He didn't know that she was a fire mage (although he did wonder why she smelled like burnt toast with a hint of cinnamon) until he noticed that she was warmer than everyone else and that she hung out with the girls that also smelled like supernatural creatures (whatever that meant). He asked one of his pack members about a girl in the group (he thinks her name is Go Miyoung or maybe Kwon Minhee), but Jongin confirmed that she was a fallen angel and that her whole crew was made up of different spiritual creatures. Now, Chanyeol being the idiot he is, did not deduce that Seol was a fire mage until he overheard Minseok talking about some "fire mage" or whatever, and mentioned her name. 
The next day, Chanyeol approached her in private, and revealed that he knew that she was a fire mage and the two were soulmates, but Seol only scoffed at his declaration, and said, "Yeah right. I'm not interested in a soulmate right now, and I clearly don't want him to be you." Now, Chanyeol is a pretty stubborn wolf, so believe him when he says this; he's not giving up on Seol. While she was walking away, he loudly announced, "I'm going to be your mate. Just you see!" Seol just rolled her eyes at his stupid declaration.

RELATIONSHIP  After the incident of him declaring that he was her mate, he's been awfully affectionate with her, despite Seol's constant "I don't want a mate." Chanyeol just has to reply with a very loud "Yes you do! Everyone does!", but Seol just scoffs and ignores him. He constantly aggravates her with his loud and neverending talking. Honestly, she isn't all too interested in a mate because firstly, boys like Chanyeol are not her favorite at all, and secondly, she has more important things to focus on, such as improving her powers, instead of focusing on something as measly to her as love. Chanyeol would chase after her everyday, often declaring his love for her, but to Seol it just sounded insincere. What did he know about love and soulmates? Seol was starting to get extremely annoyed, especially when he calls her his "Seolmate." From an outsider's point of view, it seemed like a game between a cat and a dog, and wondered what Chanyeol saw in Seol, but no one really cared about the two, except for the line of girls that are interested in Chanyeol. One night, however, Seol was feeling a bit sad when the boys were around, and just snuck out to the backyard, which was quiet and empty. Only Chanyeol noticed her leave, so he followed her out, and saw Seol tearing up, which was a new sight. He had never seen a girl cry, much less his soulmate, so it really shocked him, but he sat by her and brought her into his embrace. Seol was reluctant to tell him why she was tearing up, but after Chanyeol's loving support, Seol spilled everything out; the fact that it was her sister's birthday that day, how much she missed her, how she wanted to go back home, and basically everything. Chanyeol listened quietly to her rant, and when she was finished, he stayed with her the whole night and kept her company, showing Seol a new side to him that she's never really noticed before. To be honest, Seol probably would've never had fallen in love with him, if it weren't for everything about him that just seemed to understand and compliment her personality. She had never liked someone as loud as him before, and his energetic and playful personality was somewhat new to her, but after spilling her whole life story to him and having him react so unexpectedly, Seol knows there's a sweet side to him (it's her favorite, actually). Although the idea of a soulmate was still odd in her mind, after having Chanyeol comfort him like that, she's starting to think that he's not an idiot with a cloud for a brain - sort of.

CONCLUSION ⁍ After much debate with herself, Seol will eventually accept Chanyeol as her mate. He has constantly shown her all of his qualities, good and bad, and even though some of them are not what Seol likes, she somehow likes it on him. For some reason, she trusts him with many of her secrets and will always come ranting to him if the girls are unavailable; Chanyeol is always there for her, as a mate and as a friend, and although Seol doesn't remember that sometimes, he makes it clear that he cares deeply for her, and treats her like a gem. Oddly enough, although Seol has a fiery and sarcastic personality, which usually pisses the heck out of people, Chanyeol loves it and finds it very endearing (but Chanyeol is weird, so it's not really a surprise). He tends to be somewhat cheesy with her, always calling her his "Seolmate," and sharing his lame puns with her. However much of a loser Chanyeol is with Seol, it's undeniable that the two have strong feelings for each other, and honestly, it wasn't a surprise when they started dating, but it was just a surprise that it happened to be those two that actually ended up together. 
last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS  amazing story idea!! i love supernatural au's, so this was certainly a sweet treat <33 HAHA. thank you for reading my app, I hope you both have a great day <33 oh btw this is very awkward cause i saw another applicant with the same position and love interest whoops. but ya LOL

— interactions with the girls! 
— gossip among the girls (although Seol doesn't participates in much of the gossip, she just listens LOL)
— Seol accidentally setting something on fire because she wasn't paying attention
— the girls go camping, and Seol has to constantly make a campfire for them
— Chanyeol clinging onto Seol, and her threatening to smoke him into a crisp LOL

PASSWORD  supernatural


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