My friends.....

Interact with me. I'm lonely. And tired. And sleepy. And drunk. And listening to kpop.

Tell me about your day

Tell me about your crush

Tell me about your life

Tell me about where you live (I live in Alaska)

Is it warm where you are at?



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Ize_Kevin #1
Well sit that fine down and Let me tell you the story of how a legend was born. Kidding. My mom and dad were one day and ed that's why I was born. So my day went great since my friend called and made me cry. Thank you for asking. I'm not drunk like you but hey I'm tipsy. Beer and pots. Much wow. So flavor. And ummmm. My crush's name is Yu LiJen. Cute. So my life? I'm awesome. And I live in China. Yeah it's pretty hot here considering we're the main cause of global warming.
my neighbour's dog ate the network cable .____.
mockingbae #3
I live in New Jersey (wow how boring) and it's not cold enough for the heater to work but it's cold. Basically the weather is infuriating. Current crush: that's a hard one. My classmate that moved here from Canada is the cutest thing on the planet but they're super oblivious. /sighs/ At least I try.
How's life in Alaska?
bored as usual during school.. failed a test. My crush is my English classmate whose a korean dude n hes not like cute or anything but like more handsome in my opinion n hes kinda but not rlly XD he sometimes wears glasses which makes him look adorable XDDD my life is ok? just need a boyfriend lol. Live in Hawaii and its chilly during the morning and especially at night but sometimes warm in the afternoon AHAHAH
My day . I worked all day. But I did get a cute new wolf plushie. Idk what to name it yet. Definitely after one of the boys.
I live in North Carolina so right now it's pretty warm (70) during the day, and pretty chill at night (40's) I also got my new contacts today for my Fem! chanyeol. o3o
It's still warm here in New York
Drink a lot of water~ If you are drunk, you will surely
have a bad headache tomorrow morning O-O Be safe
and drink responsibly ^-^ I live in Texas and it is
warm/hot right now :( My air-conditioner is broken so
I have been hot all day. It's going to be a long night this
night because of the hot temperature :( How is it in Alaska?