ARGH ..... Beginnings

   Well this seems somewhat pathetic now that I let it all out on this blank page ….


Basically, I am an avid reader of AF. However I am in denial about my own feelings on this. I feel as though I may tend to prioritise reading fanfiction over my general life. Not that I’m a busy person, (well not any more).

So as I sit here sounding all up tight and ….. It’s probably because I am (don’t worry my mum reminds me so you don’t have to). And I think that I’ve only recently started to recognise the looming fact that fanfiction may pose as a barrier between me and reality.

Now you’re probably wondering ‘what’s with all this unnecessary crap in which you spew, human?!?’

Well do you ever get those moments when you’re like….. ‘I’ve nothing, and I’ve still done nothing. Yet I feel inspired so I shall do something else completely irrelevant to get my mind of it’

Well….. This is that. For me.

I decided that rather than delete my AF profile for the second time, then come back to it the next day and reactivate it like the weak little duck I am. I think I shall sail the writer’s ship… or at least try.

I’m hoping that writing will give me more of a purpose to being on here. So then when the time comes and I have to pursue the rest of my life I will feel like I have truly achieved something.

Geez…. Oh geez….. I probably sound like just a waste of space.


Currently I’m in my last year of A-levels and I am planning on going to Uni next year. So I hope you can kinda see why I’m slightly worried about my ‘obsession’…… obsession???.... I suppose I don’t see my relationship with AF as an obsession necessarily because I don’t think it’s bad…. ARGH, I don’t know.

I just…..


     Well let’s see how well this author thingy pans out. Hmmm?


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