First Times and Dreams

So this post will be my very first post about my first drabble. No, this wont be about that particular first time. It was quite bad and fueled by to much alcohol. Not a pretty sight. Anyway, It's 2:28 a.m. and I should be asleep but I went to bed early last night, so I wake up like this. I had a dream (several really) about me writing a story on here. The first few times I thought up a good story idea but then I overwhelmed myself with to much info and plus my dad had passed away at the time of the first dream. I was at work and no real way to write it all down and by the time I got off work I just wanted to not have to think. Which leads me to tonights dream and a possible solution to my dilemma. I still want to write about the world I had in my head but to avoid over whelming myself as a first time writer I will turn it into a drabble or maybe even a one shot. Who knows *shrugs*


I haven't figured out who I will write about yet or what will happen in the story (working ideas and all). It may or may not have in it. I read a lot of on here but writing it myself...not so creative. Maybe something implied for a first story? I think I want to think of a plot or scenario first and then figure out who the characters will be. I ask my friends on here: What is your creative process? Do you do like I may do? Do you pick your characters and then write the story? Do you do something different? If you don't wish to put it in the comment section, please just send me a personal message on here. Any tips would be appreciated.

It is now 3:09 a.m and my alarm will be going off in 2 and a half hours and this week started out so bad. Can only hope today will be a better day. :)


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