NJ Concert was OFF THE HOOK!!!

Just got out of BigBang's concert.  FREAKING EPIC!!   I didn't know I had a soundcheck ticket til they checked them and handed me a wristband..  EPIC!!  We got in there and i was on the SECOND ROW by the extended stage..  I have posted some vids and pics on my instagram..  Dee Benefield..Look for the Kiss me I'm Irish icon.  Cass, I didn't get to pinch him...but there is a Daesung vid just for you....

I am SO TIRED!!  Lined up at like 7 am and just got to the hotel after waving to the band as they left.  They were just AMAZING!!  I am so hoarse I sound like a squeaky mouse, but I wouldn't trade this night for the world.  I was so close, I got sweated on by GD!  Lol..he ran past and I had sweat on my glasses....  You can see from the pics that when they came down to the second stage..I WAS RIGHT FREAKIN THERE!!  I was SOO HAPPYYY!!


Night all my AFF VIPS!!  Enjoy the pics!!


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I know! I loved the show! Whats your IG? I'd love to see your pics & vids! I was a bit further away. Lol
chanriskrisyeol #2
It must have been freaking amazing! I wish they'd have a stop in France (I still hope).
But I can't see you pics?
You were f-king close! Wow, great pics and vids, feels like I been there a bit. Following you now on Instagram :-)
aaaakh! I want Dae's video tooo :"3
Ahhhhh sounds so perfectly crazy ♡♥♡♥
I have no voice either, lol...
Best Concert Ever!