Bored, rate my edit? (Warning, big pics)

I was working on this for a while. More complicated than it looks, lol.






And proof ^

How'd I do? Rate pls ty


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HaiThar #1
Very very very (x100) nice! I don't know how else to praise it other than it looks really good and real.
I agree with the comment below, UR THE BEST THONG THERE IS ^__^ *thumbs up*
Hello, my favorite thong in the world! I liked it. as a lil with a bit of experience in photoshop, I like it, except for the eyes! The creepy is something I adore, but you could've done a better job. Otherwise the rest looks great! Maybe put the rose's petals a bit darker using mask, just for the love of the emo inside of me. The teeth look great <3
That is seriously creepy ... seriously, way to go!!! The teeth look a little off (you can still see her normal teeth over her vampire ones) but it looks so cool.