boys be hired
nicknames / aliases •
: CHEONSA (ANGEL) : honestly, seolji loves her parents but sometimes, she really wishes that they gave her a better name. because when her surname combines with the first syllable of her name, it sounds very much like cheonsa, meaning angel. it is v clear that seolji is anything but an angel so it's embarassing whenever her friends call her that to .
: HYUNG / OPPA she's seen as being a boyish figure to most of her friends, so it's just a fun way to play with her. no one actually calls her noona or unnie, they call her by the male honorfics. it doesn't really bother her, to be honest.   
: DUBU it's an affectionate nickname that her brothers and close friends call her by. it annoys her, mainly because she doesn't like people making fun of her cheeks, which is why probably why people call her that. 
birthdate & age • 16th april 1998 - 17
birthplace • busan, south korea
hometown • seoul, south korea
ethnicity • korean
nationality • korean
occupation • student 
languages •
: KOREAN / it's her mother tongue. as she was raised most her life in busan, she has a very strong busan accent and speaks with a busan dialect, though she's slowly mastering the skill of the seoul dialect. however, whenever she gets mad, it's her busan accent that slips out. 
: SEOLGLISH / her own special hybrid of english! it's usually with a thick busan accent and incorrect prounciation of words. she usually speaks seolgish when her friends are upset and she knows the easiest trick is to make them laugh by singing what do you mean by justin bieber. 

face claim •  twice's dahyun.
backup • lovelyz' mijoo 
appearance •
to sum it all up, seolji is adorable - it's clear from her wide eyes that disappear into crescents when she smiles, her slightly-chubby cheeks (due to her guilty pleasure of fried pleasure) that turn bright-red when exposed to heat and a smile that mirrors the ray of the sun. her looks are further elevated through her expert use in makeup - eyes lined to perfection, bb cream used to hide her flaws, makeup natural enough to seem cute and friendly. not forgetting her hair, seolji has really silky dark-brown hair that flows straight down her back. she takes very good care of her and constantly goes for treatment to make sure her hair is in top-condition.
what makes her more adorable is her stature, only at 153cm and weighing at 43kg, and without any outstanding curves. she's simply flat, though seolji has to admit that she has pretty nice legs, thanks to her family gene. 
other •
there's a scar that runs down the side of seolji's face that she hides with makeup but it's very apparent when she takes it off. it's due to when she was thirteen and one of her brothers had hid her textbooks and she had such a bad day and she'd just burst and started a fight with him. it'd gotten to an extent where seolji was accidentally pushed and her face scratched against a stray pencil lying nearby. it led to stitches and her brother, jaebum, had felt so guilty that he stoped causing trouble for weeks. until now, seolji uses it as blackmail. 
fashion sense •
— being very vain, it comes as no surprise that seolji really prioritizes fashion. she never wears the same outfit twice and will tend to mix and match or go shopping once in two weeks. her wardrobe is literally bursting with skirts, shorts, shirts and dresses. however, seolji has a preference for a-line skirts and pastel-colors. her style can be reflected through any popular kfashion blog like this or the k fashion tag on tumblr!
short description 
— upon first look, it comes as a shock that cheon seolji is a girl that is more often seen as one of the boys than a person actually for the boys. often seen with a makeup kit and mirror by her side, she's undeniably beautiful and should have a string of guys lining to woo her love. unfortunately, to her disappointment, she does not. maybe it's because of the way that she shouts a little too loudly, fights back a little too much, burps a little too unashamedly and isn't lovely or innocent or shy or gentle. "boys don't like that," people would tell her, "but it's okay because one day, you'll find someone who loves you for who you are." yet after strings of failed flings, crushes that did not nothing but crush her spirit, a relationship that broke her in ways that nothing else could, seolji has started to believe that love isn't for her. she puts out a pretense that she doesn't need a man, the unnie you would go to if you broke up with her boyfriend and she would buy you soju, shove you on the shoulder and say, "goddamn a girl needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" but deep down, ever since her ex decided to move back into the same town and the same 'you need to change for a boyfriend' speech repeated again and again and again and again, seolji is began to feel the loneliness of being single creep into her bones. 
personality •
question: who is cheon seolji? 
answer: a) the most vain person to ever step on this planet. b) the fiercest, most protective person you will ever meet. c) a girl who never backs down from a fight. d) one with a pride large enough to fill korea.
the correct answer is all of the above. if one was to look at seolji, they'd see a very rowdy young girl. she's very loud and boisterious, and more often than not, uses violence instead of words. you know those gentle, sweet girls that smile and giggle? that's the very opposite of seolji. maybe it's because she's been raised up with boys or brought up in an environment where the louder you speak, the more chances you are of getting heard. seolji is often seen shouting, making comments that many deem to be inappropriate and rude, making a lot of noise and generally, being the girl that you do not want to take to a tea party.
what makes her rowdy behaviour even more amplified is her fierce character. rather than the damsel-in-distress, seolji's the type of girl who would actually fight the battle. she's been likened to a tiger, the way she approaches conflict without fear, reading to attack. when she wants to be, she can be a really intense and aggressive person. it's very admirable, especially since she's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. this, along with her strong-will, makes her a force to be reckoned with. when seolji puts her heart to do something, you can be sure as hell that she will go through with it till the every end. no matter how much you advise her to tell her to stop, she won't. because she's ing cheon seolji and no one (ok maybe except her mom and maybe one ofher brothers) can stop her. this is probably what adds up to her being a good friend. even though she might not take your advice or she might be a little rough at the edges, she is also very protective of her friends. behind all that loudness and smacks is a girl who would take a bus to seoul at five in the morning just to yell at her friend's ex for breaking her heart. she'll do anything to keep those close to her safe. it's admirable. 
on the other hand of that, seolji is well-known for her extreme vainess. for seolji, she believes that her main charm and attraction is her looks and she will do anything to take good care of it. ever since she became pretty in the third year of middle school, she realized the importance of looking good. thus, it is no shock to why she can spend two hours in a bathroom and spend over $100 on makeup accessories. her parents tend to moan and whine about "when i was your age we didn't have makeup i HAD TO GO OUT LOOKING LIKE THIS so stop spending your hard earned money on makeup and stop staring at yourself mfg CHEON SEOLJI" but deep down, seolji knows that they're proud to have a daughter as pretty as her.
the second most important thing that comes after seolji's looks is her pride. that's why she doesn't like showing emotions because she believes it makes her look weak, why she doesn't like asking questions when she doesn't understanding anything because she's too proud. she can't even take constructive criticism well because she gets really defensive and annoyed as she takes it as a jab to her pride. she's very big on the concept of ~ saving face ~ and wanting only to show the best side of herself. probably why she's so vain as well. 
weirdly enough, seolji is very indepedent?? people would expect seolji to be the baby of the family, in which everyone does everything for her but sadly enough, to seolji's displeasure, that is untrue. in fact, she is the one who does most things for the family because her brothers were babied by her parents and they don't know how to do simple things like unload the dishwasher or sign the parcel when it arrives. it's up to seolji! on a deeper surface, her independence is good as well because she doesn't rely on people for happiness, though it can be seen as negative, especially when she thinks she can do something by herself and when she can't, she thinks it'll be embarassing to ask someone. 

background •
cheon seolji was born to parents, cheon jinam and ryu jinah on the 16th of march 1998. she was their third child, a girl after two sons and her parents, learning from the mistakes of their two previous children, were determined to raise her up to be the best person she could be. even from young, she was instilled the ideaology of being strong and independant; her parents making her take part in chores even when she could barely walk. she learnt to be strong-willed, to stand up for what she believed in and fierce, to stand up for whatever she wanted to believe in. however, more importantly, seolji came from a fairly wealthy family - they were a family that could afford spurgling on meals without thinking twice and she could always have whatever she wanted. the only thing that stopped them from becoming one of the high-society was well, how they got their money. they were fishermen, who managed to expand their business to a wealthy, profiting company that had a monopoly over the fishing industry. 
yet, no matter how much money you earn or how much luxury goods you have, you can't change your personality, which is why seolji's parents are who they are today. they still hold characteristics from their village upbringings - talking with loud voices, being very rowdy and boisterous as well as being very geniune and sincere. this is probably why seolji's personality reflects on that. she talks loudly, burps and farts unashamedly, sits with one leg propped up because this is what she considers as normal, this is what she's been raised up with. it was okay, when they were at busan but when she was thirteen, before her first year of high school, she moved to seoul. her parents had decided to open a branch in seoul, claiming it was the first step to world domination. it had been hard at first - it was difficult to master the accent, she missed being close to the sea, she missed her whole life. but eventually, after she met im nayeon who lived in the house beside hers and started socializing, it got better. 
however, it must be noted that seolji's house is very very loud. mainly because she lives with two older brothers. the cheon household is known to have be very noisy - shouts from jaebum about how he's going to kill jaewon for stealing his socks, seolji and her father having another argument about basketball whilst seolji's mother giving occassional witty comments. despite being the only girl in the house, her brothers have not given her any mercy at all. they treat her just like any of their friends - making her smell their socks after a long day, leaving the toilet seat up, taking ugly photos of her. because of her fierce spirit, seolji never lets them get away with it, which is why they often end up fighting, leading to bruises all over their faces, scratches all over jihoon's and jaebum's arms and a loud, harsh scolding from their parents.   
lifestyle •
— currently, seolji still lives with her family in seoul, in a luxurious two-story house in gangnam. she wakes up at o'clock, which is around five in the morning in order to get herself prepped up. she takes about an hour and a half to get ready, as she needs to go through a vigorous makeup routine before picking out an outfit that will compliment her. then, either one of her brothers will send her to school (this involves in arguments over music choice in the car and most of the time, she's forced to listen to some random one direction song and most of the time, she sings along) or she'll take the bus. 
— after school ends, she goes to work at a ice-cream parlour, mainly because she needs money to pay for her excessive shopping habits. on her off-days, she tends to hang out with nayeon and her squad, going window-shopping or taking excessive amount of selfies, eating street food and playing arcade games. (honestly, these are the days that seolji treasures the most and sometimes, when she's laughing, nayeon's arms around her, sana on the floor because she just did the stupidest body gag, seolji wishes time could stop and she could stay in this moment forever.) she reaches home at dinner-time, has dinner with her family where they talk with their mouths full of food, sit with one leg propped up and laugh about each other's day. it's loud and slightly overwhelming but seolji loves it.  
relationships •
the reason to why the cheon house is so loud and boisterous every night: cheon jaebum and cheon jihoon. both are currently university students at a nearby school and will, one day, take over the family business. yet, despite their age, seolji is pretty sure that they're still, like, five at heart because they're still so loud and immature and dependant on seolji. take example, jaebum still doesn't know how to use the laundry and has to ask seolji for help every single time. jihoon is the of the family - the one who takes ugly pictures of both his siblings and blackmails them to do his chores, the one that always plays pranks on them just for laughs, the one who constantly hides their things just to see them get mad. this is often why he is the biggest victim of jaebum's temper and seolji's curses. yet, he is the glue that holds them together. jihoon's the more understanding and patient one, compared to jaebum and seolji. this is why people say that jaebum and seolji are very alike, in ways that they are both very aggressive and strong-willed. they often get into verbal spars but at the end of the day, with jihoon forcing them to apologize to each other over a rerun of their favorite drama, they go back to normal. like every normal sibling, they enjoy getting on each other's nerves: jaebum will purposely poop in the morning so that seolji has to spend her 2 hours in the smelly stench (seolji often exacts revenge by kicking his shin), jihoon hiding jaebum's earphones (leading to a physical altercation), seolji spilling embarassing stories to their girlfriends. yet, despite that, they're close and not only is jihoon and jaebum protective over seolji, she tends to look out for them a lot too. she once made jaebum's ex-girlfriend cry after she cheated on jaebum.
opposites attract and that's the reason why seolji and nayeon are best friends: seolji is loud and brash but nayeon is calm and delicate. whenever seolji goes off on one of her raging, cursing spirits, it is nayeon that calms her down with her words and geniune demeanour. in return, seolji would do anything for nayeon, even presentating a powerpoint about why nayeon should be able to go on holiday with her family. it didn't even contain any swear words and seolji spoke in a normal, indoor voice! honestly, that's one of seolji's best achievement in life. they often have conversations about anything - laughing about the latest drama, crying over a sad novel, pulling all-nighters together, prank-calling people and nayeon is seolji's partner-in-crime when it comes to bullying her brother. whenever you see seolji, nayeon is often beside her. and most importantly, nayeon is the only person whom seolji can take criticism from, even though it does hurt sometimes. she is one of the catalyst to why seolji got a boyfriend - because nayeon recently got into a relationship and honestly, seolji was happy for her, really. but she couldn't help but wonder about her own single love life and when she voiced those worries to nayeon, nayeon had (kindly) said that, maybe, you're intimidating, i'm not saying you have to change, but boys are just scared of you. . . and it had hurt seolji in ways it shouldn't have. 
"the worst mistake i ever made in my life was to love you" 
they say that your first love sticks with you forever but for a cheon seolji, she disagrees with this statement. there is no one in the world that she despises more than daehyun. they started dating when she was just sixteen, a year ago and when he was a senior. he was the first boy who told her he loved her, the first to confess so how could she say no, espcially when she had a crush on him first? it was all sweet and sugary during the honeymoon phase - talking to each other until seolji's phone bill increased (she got scolded a lot for that), going on dates, taking tons of cute photos ('we're so aesthetically pleasing' - he'd say). however, after that stage, things got bad because seolji started to see the real daehyun. he'd ignore her if she did something wrong, giving her the cold shoulder until she apologized again and again. it was so hard for seolji because during that period, she was so weak for him - she'd do anything to make him happy. so, it had hurt when she found out that daehyun was flirting with another girl, a few weeks shy of their anniversary. when she attempted to bring up the topic, daehyun shifted away, focusing on her faults and about why do you always wear makeup? do you want guys to fall for you? eventually, after talks with nayeon and her brothers, she realized that this behaviour was unhealthy and broke up with him. he left for university soon afterwards and they've never talked since. 
"hi my little cinnamon roll did you sleep well?"
the cutie patootie that completes nayeon and seolji's squad! to be honest, sana is actually the only person that seolji is semi-decently sweet to because she's just so cute and innocent and should be protected from the world. they became friends after sana was picked on for being japanese and unable to speak fluent korean. she'd found the girl crying and seolji got really offended and from then on, decided to protect her. she brings a lot of joy into seolji's life because she's very quirky and is also very clumsy.
trivia •
— quite surprisingly, seolji has more female friends than male friends because she has this strong, female-president aura that girls take comfort in. 
— she's never seen without a mirror and she has the talent of taking 100 selfies in a span of five hours, it's incredible how many poses she can make
— is so foul, people often say her good looks are wasted because they don't match with the words that leave her lips. her favorite saying is " me in the " 
— her voice is so loud, you can hear it even a mile away LMAO whenever they needed the class to shut up, just get seolji to scream. 
— she has a beauty / makeup youtube channel called "notacheonsa" where she posts tutorials. she has quite a loyal fanbase - many of which watch just because they enjoy her swearing and occassional glimpses of her hot older brothers. 
—  TEACHERS HATE HER seriously she's always getting sent out of class  
— she once paid a kid to buy her chocolate on valentine's day bc it was sad that all the pretty girls got one and she didn't  (she scares all the guys) 
who hurt you? i'm out for blood. 

(before anything starts, seolji stares pointedly at the cameraperson and slams her fist on the table.) "what the is this - i'm supposed to be honest here? there's no way this is ever going out to public, right? because if it does, i'll get my dad's fishing equipment and tie you up and feed you to the fish" (the cameraperson nods meekly in response. seolji is satisfied and begins to fix her hair, touching up on some of her make up.) "WAIT HOLD UP I NEED TO MAKE SURE I'M 10/10 WOULD HIT IT"  

how did you find out about 
— (she pulls her leg up, resting her face on her knee.) the internet, duh!
what is your main purpose of hiring a fake boyfriend 
— (she fluffs her hair, dabbing some lipgloss on her lips before resting her chin in her hands.) wow, you guys don't beat around the bush. I DON'T WANT TO ADMIT THIS AND SERIOUSLY, I WILL KICK YOUR TO SATURN IF ANYONE FINDS OUT BUT it's my ex, daehyun, who might i add is a ING PIECE OF . (she raises her voice, her expressions growing more animated, and she stabs the pen on the table repeatedly.) i could go days and days about how much i hate jung daehyun but no, i'm better than that! he's just a figment of my past. moving on, he's decided to move back to busan to be closer to his parents anD ME, i don't want him to see me alone. it's so shameful - the cheating ex-boyfriend with a new pretty girl and me? all single and hating boys and hating love. (for the first time, the camera sees a sadder version of seolji, the fire in her eyes dimming.)  i didn't want to resort to this - in fact, i did have a crush on this one boy and he turned out to be this boy who was chasing five girls at once.  (she mimicks punching his face and kicking his shin and lets out boisterous laughter, the familiar seolji returning.) my best friend, then, offered some advice that maybe, maybe, if i was a little sweeter a little softer a little more feminine, i could have someone. and that was honestly the breaking point for me. i'm just so SICK of people telling me that seolji, you need to be more quiet!! seolji, you need to be sit like a girl!! seolji, you need to not tell people that how many times you poop!! seolji this seolji that my god i'm just so ing sick of it. i don't need a man to be happy but i do need people to understand how it feels to be asked to change change change. so, i thought, if i could get a fake boyfriend, i could kill two birds at once: show jung daehyun what a big loss he made by cheating on me and also, show people that i don't need to change to be loved, you know? 
what is your ideal type of boyfriend 
 it's simple: they just have to be cute and love me for me and protect me and fight my brothers with me (she lets out a burp and grins victoriously) 
how long do you need to hire this fake boyfriend •
— FOUR MONTHS (her voice echoes through the room and she crosses her arms, leaning back against her chair.) that's how long daehyun is staying for UGH WHY CAN'T HE LEAVE FASTER HE'S SUCH A ING  
do you think you'll fall in love with your fake boyfriend •
— no?? lol?? i have self-control! (she looks mildly offended.)
have you dated before 
— (her voice falters slightly as she nods her head.) yes and i only have one thing to say to that son of a .  (she raises her middle finger.)
if yes, please explain how the relationship was like for you 
— WELL ME IN THE I HAVE TO BE HONEST UGH (she kicks the floor, rubbing her hair aggressively, deep in thought.) UGH FINE, JUST REMEMBER THAT MY EYES WERE COATED WITH WHEN THIS HAPPENED! (she shoots a glare at the cameraman before sighing.) they all told me he was bad news, but i didn't listen because i was happy! finally, there was a one guy who would accept me for who i was and without thinking twice, i dated him! for a year! WHAT A BIG ING MISTAKE. (she lets out an almost-strained laugh.) he was sweet at first, like an ideal boyfriend but he would make me feel bad and i would never know what i did wrong and i'd apologize again and again and again and god i was so ing weak back then. i would try so hard to please him and to be good enough for him and it still wasn't enough. because he found another prettier, younger, better girl. he was in love with the idea of a girlfriend and not me. i wish i knew that earlier.  (tears well up in her eyes, and she angrily wipes them away with the sleeve of her hand. the movement is so rough that it causes friction and there's red marks on her face.)
if no, please tell us what you think your dating style is like 
— n/a.
what is your ideal type of date 
— EVERYTHING I DIDN'T DO WITH MY PIECE OF EX (she yells, which is really really loud considering her normal voice is already loud af.) there's so much i want to do! like big bang in let's not fall in love, go to theme parks, do something in the rain, drive around, show him off to all my friends!
would you kiss on the first date or nah 
— I WOULD MAKE OUT WITH HIM IN THE BACK OF A CAR LOL (she says this quite loudly and watches in amusesment as the face of the camerman turns pink.) yah, i'm just kidding! i'm not sure, actually. i'll just do whatever i feel like doing?? (she shrugs before winking playfully.)
are you the type to celebrate the 12 korean couple holidays 
— (she grins cheekily, flipping her hair.)  YES!! if i had a fake boyfriend, why wouldn't i?? don't you know the cutest time to take selfies is during couple holidays?? and it's the time where most people can see you and your boyfriend and get all envious! what more do you want? 

backup(s) • kwon soonyoung (hoshi), kim mingyu.
birthdate • february 18 1998
occupation • 
high-school student. ("being a loser!" seolji calls out brashly as hansol laughs.)
personality •
the word charming was invented to describe choi hansol, really. not only is his face a work of art, his words are too. he has the ability to twist and turn words, making hearts melt and even bringing a smile to the most grumpy old people. not only that, he's also a very patient person - the kind that would sit and wait for you to get ready, listen to your long stories and generally is very cool with being teased, to a certain point (and then he gets really angry and holds it against you for a long time). on the other hand, he is also very inhibited - he doesn't like to show certain sides of him and sometimes, he's unable to act relaxed or natural because he wants to keep this image of him up. he blames this on his ex, who called him inexperienced and made him feel like he wasn't really worth anything. probably why he doesn't want to be loyal nowadays. thus, through this very statement, his resentful personality is clear. he's the kind of person who would hold grudges and not forgive and forget. 
love story • 
"i might never be the hand you put your heart in." / they meet on the 15th, a week after seolji has booked for hansol online. their first meeting is at a popular cafe and it's fun and a new experience, to say the least because hansol is all sorts of charming but he's never met someone like cheon seolji before. they go through basic details and hansol immediately takes a liking to the girl, because she's equally as professional about this as him. in fact, the first thing she'd told him was, "don't ing expect me to fall for you because i'm pretty enough to get a guy on my own, it's just that it's easier to find you." (look at seolji trying to save her pride smh) it had been a new change. like every new couple, their relationship's quite awkward at the start, with cliche dates - they aren't really used to each other's presence yet. hansol makes her blush and hit him quite painfully whenever he says something charming, seolji burps openly to his disgust, they are forced to take numerous selfies until they get the perfect one to post online, they had even shared an awkward first kiss where their noses bumped. 
"so, if you like doing thngs that we shouldn't do." /  it isn't until a few weeks later, when they finally know each other better (hansol finds out that seolji is naturally violent and loud, she isn't screaming at him so it really isn't necessary to prepare surprises for her; seolji learns that she should stop prodding hansol for more information because he doesn't like sharing)  that their relationship blossomed into something both eccentric and memorable, to say the least. seolj, determined to make the most out of hansol whilst he's here, especially since she has forked out four months' worth of makeup and clothes, does things with him that she never really got to do with daehyun, things that she's always dreamt of. they dance in the rain, laughing as hansol slips on the sidewalk and falls flat on his face. they stay up till the sun rises, eating fried chicken, as he holds her in his arms, tells her how pretty she looks without makeup. they try to bake together and it ends up in a food fight and seolji laughs at how it looks like poop and hansol is almost crying with laughter when he sees the look on jaebum and jihoon's face when they tastes their final product. he lets her put makeup on him for the boyfriend-makeup-tag and vice versa, both bursting out into uncontrollable laughter and taking numerous goofy selfies. they purposely kiss in front of daehyun, both shrieking away in squeals when they get kicked out of the bookstore for public display of affection. they steal jihoon's car and drives around to places they don't even know, sharing kisses every five minutes.  
"i'm perfect for you." / it all comes very naturally, mainly because it's fun to do crazy stuff like that and the unplanned moments are funnier than the actual moments. for the first time, hansol even opens up to her, when they're lying on the beach as seolji barbecues the pork belly, because he feels comfortable around her. he doesn't want to say that he has feelings for her but rather, they are able to click and have fun together. as for seolji, she does really enjoy hansol's presence in her life - yes, it feels good that people gawk and admire her whenever they go out on public dates together but it's just easy to be around with him, he accepts her for who she is. (okay she may be delusional because she paid him but if he didn't like her, he should get an oscar for his acting) 
"i might never be the arms that hold you any times you wanted." / they've been together for about three months when it happens. daehyun, out of no where, decides to talk to seolji. she'd been surprised because after their breakup, he'd blocked her on facebook, removed her on kakao, unfollowed her on instagram and she thought that he had wanted nothing to do with her. turns out, under the stars, in the bus stop where they first met, daehyun asked her for another chance. "take me back," he'd said, eyes welling up with tears, "i made a mistake, and i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry." too surprised to say a word, seolji had ran back to her house and for the first time since their breakup, she cried. because she had been waiting for this moment forever, so she could push him away and turn the tables on him, swear at him, tell him to go himself, possibly punch him in the face. . . but during that situation, she didn't know what to say but shake her head. so, she'd called hansol up, telling him in tears what daehyun had done. with a soft, almost gentle voice, he had reminded her that, "we're nothing real, you just hired me so if you want him back, go ahead" and this hurts her in some inexplicable way because she doesn't want to admit it because she was supposed to have self-control but damn it, she's grown feelings for hansol. confused, she decides to confess what she's done to nayeon, who apologizes for asking seolji to change and advises her to break up with hansol before it gets out of hand.
"i can be the one you love time to time." / with a month short from what they agreed on, they break up whatever they have. hansol thanks her and says, he did enjoy spending time with her and she's special, will always be special to him, because she's different and she should never change. with his trademark cheeky smile, he tells her, "the right boys will stay. don't force yourself, let yourself be lonely and let people see past the pretty girl with the big pride. you don't have to be all strong and all the time" with that, he gives her a last kiss and for the first time, it's soft and sweet and geniune and affectionate and even if they ended up only being friends (who still message each other from time to time, and hansol shares his latest dating experinece with her), it's worth it. she now considers hansol her first love, even though their beginnings may have been artifical.   
miscellaneous •
— gosh, hansol has tons of dating experience, which is to seolji's benefits because he knows what to say and what to do and most importantly, how to kiss. honestly, seolji likes listening to his stories about his exes, because well, it's interesting. 
— HANSOL AND SEOLJI KISS A LOT, , ,  one reason why hansol got sent to seolji is because he fit into her requirement of "being able to kiss me whenever i want" 
— there are two reasons to why seolji picked hansol: first, he's very handsome and she could just imagine how shocked daehyun would be to see her boyfriend + how people would stop asking her to change. two, she liked his profile. she liked how his ex was the determining factor of this.  
— hansol's a very face-to-face kind of boyfriend. rather than send sweet texts, he's more the type to shower affection through skinship, take her on well-planned romantic dates, use his touches to send spind-tingles. however, due to seolji's request, he's tried a new aspect: technology. instagram photos with her, twitter mentions for her, facebook posts and all.  
comments •
seolji was kinda inspired by eunji's character in sassy go go & reply 1997 and jung ddolmi from d-day!!
- i'd say that hansol and seolji were all along fated to be friends rather than in a relationship - that's why they had fun being around each other. . . cause when they were fake together, it made hansol feel like he was being with a close friend who he kissed and complimented a lot HAHAH 
questions • is it okay for seolji to be based in busan? or would you prefer me to change it to them being in seoul? 
scene suggestions •
— seolji and hansol having an "english" conversation which ends in hansol laughing till he pees his pants #notsmooth RIP RIP AHAHAHAH 
— a date at the movies where hansol stares at seolji and she's like "what" and he's like "you're just too pretty" and she blushes   
— kissing between seolji and hansol and jaebum / jihoon walks in on them and he vomits on the floor out of disgust (and also because he just ate too much) 
— [ tw: racism ] people talking about hansol because he looks quite caucasian?? and seolji gets rlly upset after hansol tries to play it off as nothing but she can see how unhappy he is and she confronts them in public and hansol can't help but smile   
password • BEEF ILY 


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