Author Tag: Meet everyday9 [Stolen from DarkUlrich which was stolen from soothighs]

I figured that since I'm writing a new chapter in my life, I should do something that's a little out of my comfort zone.  You guys are going to get all the dirt from me today, so be prepared.  Please, don't make me regret this... 

Stealing this from DarkUlrich who has stolen this from soothighs.  Sorry, but I just couldn't resist.


1. Are you a boy or girl. 

I was born with a , so that only concludes... 


2. What is your uality?

I love men.  Men are too hot for me to turn gay.  Although  I do have my woman crushes here and there, nothing serious, perfectly normal.  


3. What race are you?  

I'm actually half Mexican, but if you were to look at me, then you wouldn't believe me.  Therefore, I just say that I'm white so no one bats an eye... *siiiigggghh*


4.  What story got you into AFF?

Behold! The filled, action packed, cheesy romance story of the one and only DarkUlrich"Surprise, Surprise for SNSD's New Manager."  To those who read my stories and are fans of my works, if you haven't checked this guy out, please do so, he started it all for me.  


5.  What story do you enjoy writing the most?

That's like picking your favorite child (which I don't have by the way, I'd have to get married first before having children).  My stories differ a lot so it's like comparing apples and oranges.  They're unique in their own ways and I enjoy writing them separately. 


6.  Who introduced you to the site? 

Reddit (of course).  I was looking at a thread created by a guy who wanted to discover new fanfics, then DarkUlrich's fanfic was recommended to him.  I clicked, then BOOM... the rest is history.  I'd link you to the thread but I think the post was deleted.  


7.  Who is your ultimate bias? 

If you don't know who this goddess is, then you've been living under a rock your entire life. 


8.  Do you think people will actually read this? 

I hope they do, because I've had a lot of people ask me in the past about what gender I am, what's my name, etc, etc...  People are getting lucky today, I'm spilling all the beans!


9.  What genre type do you think you are best at writing? 

Uh, I think romance? Maybe... But I do like writing comedy as well, especially dialogue comedy (if that makes sense).  Yeah... dialogue... I love writing dialogue.  


10.  What is your favorite fanfic of all time?  

The same answer to question #4.  Again, that's the one that started it all for me.  And why is it you ask? (kidding, you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you anyways).  Well, you'd have to read it to understand why.  But there is an honorable mention that should go to Friday Night Lights, written by MyHeaven.  That story was the first to put me in tears.  


11.  Do you have any spoilers you'd like to tell your readers? 

What's the fun in that?  If I tell my readers the ending to everything, then most of them wouldn't continue to read.  Pssshhh, hell nah... 


12.  What do you want to say to your readers?  

Only my readers know that I've said this over, and over, and over and over... THANK YOU!  You're the reason why I keep writing these silly little stories and continue on with them.  I don't know where I'd be in this site without your support, so thank you so, so, so much.  *sends a thousand hugs and kisses*  (If that's okay with you of course, if not then high-fives are cool too) *high five*


13.  Though it's rare for an author to reveal one's face... can you do it?  

How about a half photo of me? (haha)  You guys better not make me regret this decision... I'm serious... 




Yeah, I look young as , but that's the way it's always been.  I swear I'm a grown woman.  Besides, this picture was taken last year when I was in my dorm back in college.  And it's probably the only good photo of me since then.  I'm not really much of a picture person.  I like taking pictures of things, not myself. 


14.  Random question, but what's your sign? 

Not much of a "sign" person, but I was born on January 1st.  You guys can figure that one out.  


15.  Age? 

27.  Yeah, I'm getting there.  Seriously, I'm sure none of you will believe that age once you see my picture, but it's really true.  


16.  Your name?  You don't have to reveal your name if you want to, but if you aren't willing, write N/A. 

Rebecca.  Although I prefer to be called Becca, please and thank you.  Again, don't make me regret revealing this information to you... 


17.  Do you know other languages languages besides your mother one? 

Basic Spanish.  I'm not fluent, but I can talk just enough to carry on a simple conversation.  Other than that, nope, none.  I at learning new languages.  


18.  Your favorite song? 

Can I cheat and write down some of my favorite songs? (lol...) 

  • Blue Bayou— Linda Ronstadt 
  • I'm With You— Avril Lavigne 
  • Fly Me to the Moon— Frank Sinatra
  • I— Taeyeon (my most recent favorite)  If you haven't listen to the song, then please do so.  And buy the album to support our darling kid leader. 


19.  Your favorite MUSIC VIDEO?

I'm cheating again... 

  • I'm With You— Avril Lavigne
  • Please don't...—K. Will  (You're missing out on life if you haven't watched this crazy )
  • Genie— Girls' Generation (the music video that made me a SONE) 
  • Catch Me If You Can— Girls' Generation (I promise, you haven't watched this music video as much as I have)
  • I— Taeyeon (beautiful music video, that's all I can say) 


20.  Any small GIRLcrush?  Or MANcrush?

Girl crushes— all the girls of SNSD, Anne Hathaway, Emilia Clarke... that's it.  

Man crushes— Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hardy, Zac Efron, I have more, but those are my top three.


21.  Least favorite fanfic genre? 

genderbender and you.  I've tried, but I just can't get into them.  Sorry :/


22.  Favorite person on Asian Fan Fics?

I love all people.  :D


23.  What kpop idol do you look up to? 

I know that Tiffany is my bias (and I look up to her as well), but Taeyeon Kim is the idol who deeply inspires me.  We seem similar in a lot of ways and she truly motivates me to continue on.  That may sound odd and/or cheesy, but hey, I don't care.  Taeyeon is amazing!


24.  Which K-pop group merchandise do you really wish to have?  

I've got a tons and tons of Soshi stuff, but I really need to start collecting more Orange Caramel merchandise.  Orange Caramel is my 2nd favorite group if you didn't know that already.  They're seriously awesome!


25.  What is your goal at the moment? 

Not take a single moment for granted.  Honoring my mother in everything I do.  Work hard to have a good life.  Be an inspiration.  


26.  Last question for you dear AFF authors.  If you were to ever hit the gold star, what would you do? 

Sounds tasty to be honest (LOL).  But in all seriousness, I wouldn't care.  I write for my own self and for my readers.  Whether 100 people are reading my stories or 10,000 people are reading my stories, it just wouldn't matter.  


I hope you guys really enjoyed this.  I'm not really one to do this sort of stuff, but I think you guys deserve to hear some truths from me since ya'll have been so patient.  Love you all, have a great day!

And again... DO NOT make me regret this... :D

Also, this was kind of fun to do...



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already thought you are a girl from the beginning, especially on those part of author notes, i can't remember which part, but from that i already know that you are a girl, so yeah, no surprise for me :D

although that eyes in the photo are killing me, it's like....manga's eyes lol, okay i'm done :D :D :D
You have a ? 0_____________________0
MY LIFE IS A LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what I get for not asking in the first place. And damn, the way you write your stories on Fany X James and Sica x Trent, I could have sworn that you're a guy. I'm so not gonna lie. I had the same thought as bigbanng.

And thank you very much! I'm honored. ^^;;;;
bigbanng #3
I thought you were a guy coz ive read your fanfics and the way you write your .. its like a guy who is typing it hahah