author's notes
( pictures ) : replace the first two with a picture and gif of your face claim. if you can't find a gif, that's fine just do another picture. the same goes for the last two but of your love interest.
( interview ) : for the little questionnaire, it's just to get a better sense of your character in terms of school and what she's involved in. answer in your character's pov.
character name
( leejooheon / Pandari / 10 / イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : Song, Minhae.
( nicknames ) : 
• minnie / because she's younger and it's his pet name for her / brother song minho
( gender ) : f
( dob / age ) : 16 • 01 • 1998 (17)
( birthplace ) : Yongin, s.korea
( hometown ) : yongin, s. korea
( ethnicity ) : full korean
( languages ) : 
• english / learning in school + hobby / semi-fluent
• korean / mother language / fluent
( height ) : 163cm
( weight ) : 50 kg
( appearance ) : people tell her she has the same eyes and face shape as minho. she dies her hair sometimes to an orange brown or blonde. she wears contact lenses but sometimes when she's in a rush or is feeling lazy at home she just wears her glasses. she wears eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick, mascara, and blush. she doesn't wear makeup if she's staying home. when she goes out but not school - like on the weekends - she wears darker eyeshadow compared ot her more subtle makeup for at school. she has short acrylic nails.
the face
( fc ) : Jin jae young
( backup fc ) : kim seul mi
( style ) : at home: she wears oversized sweaters and flannels with leggings, warm clothes in general. since she's more comfortable at home, she is more likely to wear shorter clothing and isn't afraid to show skin because she knows people aren't going to see it except possibly her brother's friends. (x x x x) // at school: she prefers button ups and flannels with skinny jeans. she only wears shorts/skirts if she runs out of clean skinny jeans but this is rare (or when it's required for cheerleading)  (x x x x)// out + datessweaters, flannels, cuter clothing (x x x x)
( extra? ) : she has her ears pierced, one on each side. she wants a tattoo across her ribcage but because she isn't legal yet she can't get one.
the deep end
"i just want to be happy but it's so hard"
( persona ) : nerd in disguise
( personality traits ) : (-) introverted, stubborn, shy / (+) cheerful, funny, smart / (o) dorky, erted, sassy, touchy
( elaboration ) :
(-) it's hard for minhae to go out of her way to talk to people so she usually keeps to herself. she wants to fit in at school and doesn't want to be seen as a nerd so she stays quiet in class and tries to look good while still being comfortable. she hides the fact that she is smart because she doesn't want to be bullied so she doesn't tell people her grades. she doesn't want to get attention from her brother's fame on the soccer team so she doesn't tell people. she is also very stubborn when she thinks she's right. She'll go to all ends to prove that she's right and if she's wrong she kinda just lets it go without admitting she's wrong.
(+) despite her shy and introverted initial personality, she's very different around her friends and her brother. She is actually very funny, loving to crack jokes and make people laugh. she likes seeing people smile so she tries to make them do so. she's also very cheerful around her friends - one of the ways she tries to make them smile. she is an optomist most of the time and helps her friends when they have problems. she is very smart and thinks through a lot of both her and her friends' problems logically. 
(o) she is a huge dork deep down. she plays video games, reads comics, etc. - all things considered activities for boys. she hides this side of her as well because she doesn't want to be made fun of. she only shows it to her friends and her brother who shares many of her hobbies. she is sassy with the people she is close to which ties in with her stubbornness. she banters with her friends and her brother playfully but not when she is at school around a bunch of strangers. her mind is actually very erted. she appreciates the human body and isn't too shy to stare at nice looking people. she often finds herself thinking about guys with muscles *cough* junhoe *cough* among other things. She is very touchy with people she likes and is comfortable with as long as they are okay with it. She often hugs people, touches their hands, and touches their legs and stomachs. the erted side of her combined with her touchy personality make her very imaginative and she often fantasizes about guys (again junhoe).
( background ) : growing up, she and her brother were very codependent and still are. their parents were often out at work so the two siblings are closer to each other than to their parents. he's pretty her best friend and always has been. when they got to high school, he got more popular and their relationship was slightly strained but he introduces her to his friends and they all get along pretty well. she loves both soccer and basketball and wanted to be on the girls basketball team but the coach told her that she didn't stand out enough and that she was too shy on the court. s/he suggested her to join the cheerleading team in order to become more social and learn how to get out of her comfort zone.
relationships ) : 
• song minho / older brother / he's a senior and one of bobby's best friends. they are super cute with each other but no one really knows that they are siblings at school except minho's frinds
• kim jonghyun / best friend + brother's soccer friend + junhoe's love rival / he's a senior who plays on minho's soccer team. he's super sweet towards minhae and pretty much tries to court her subtly. he's one of her best friends and is always there to support her. she supports him too but doesn't realize that he likes her. he walks around shirtless a lot, especially when at soccer practice. they are very touchy with each other.
• kim jiwon 'bobby' / brother's best friend / bobby and mino have been friends since the beginning of high school. as such, jiwon has naturally met minho's sister minhae. he knows she is smart and is taken off guard when he sees that she is on the cheerleading squad because he never imagined she would do something like that. he doesn't say much to her or anyone else about it in public because he knows she wouldn't appreciate it and he respects her because she's minho's sister. they are kinda friends but more of aquaintences. he knows the nerdier and cheerful side of her more than the facade she puts up at school. if he goes to minho's house , the two are very casual.
( trivia ) :
• she is a major science and math nerd but she tries to hide it because she doesn't want to be bullied
• she sleeps in an oversized shirt and underwear
• in her free time she likes to read and play video games (she likes to play with her brother)
• she fantasizes about guys (junhoe) a lot
• she actually really admires bobby's basketball skills
• she knows all basketball and soccer terminology
• she likes cold weather over hot weather
• she gets along more with guys than with girls
• she's never had a boyfriend before
• learning english is a random hobby/passion she has and she dreams of visiting los angeles and new york
the interview
"i'm not a nerd, i swear!"
what clubs are you involved in? ) : I guess now i do cheerleading (?), but none really... i don't have much time for anything... I'm usually very busy with stuff at home.
what's your schedule like during the day? ) : I'm pretty busy actually even though im not really in any clubs. Watching the basketball and soccer games are my top priority. Soccer especially though cuz... well... my best friends are on the team.
(5:30am - wakes up
6:00am-7:30am - practices basketball on her own in empty school gym
7:30am-7:45am - showers in school locker room + does her makeup/hair
8am - school starts
3pm - school ends
3:00pm-5:00pm - cheerleading practice
5:00pm-6:00pm - practices basketball
6:30-10:00pm - homework, study, dinner, + shower then sleep
specialshe goes to as many of her brother minho's soccer games as she can and will sacrifice her basketball or homework or sleep time to see him. it's the same with the boys and girls basketball games too but she's less dedicated to the girls basketball because it's usually at the same time as the boys but at different places.)
favorite subject? least favorite? ) :
I like that i'm good at it // favorites - math and english
i swear the teacher hates me // least favorites - chemistry
what do you want to do when you're older? ) : i want to work as either a math or teacher or a kindergarden teacher or a vet... I'm not sure which one though haha...
anything else you want to tell me about your high school experience? ) : honestly ive seen a lot of go down when it comes to bullying so i try to avoid persecution haha. (She hides a lot about herselr in an attempt to avoid being bullied.) for the most part it has worked so far as i fly under the radar. (this year she becomes more outgoing - she has to be as a member of the cheerleading squad)
the romance
( love interest ) : Koo, Junhoe
( backup ) : kim, donghyuk
( grade ) : junior
( personality ) : on the outside he is outspoken, open, loud, and stubborn. he teases almost everyone except for the people who he really respects like his father (and the girls who fawn over him). he treats his hyungs better than his dongsaengs but he'll still tease them if he has the chance. sometimes his sharp tongue goes too far when he gets angry and he hurts people's feelings. on the inside he's actually kinda soft. despite the fact that he has girls fawning over him nonstop, he doesn't actually have any serious or sincere relationships with girls. he usually uses girls as just ornaments of sort (the way they hang off of hi makes him look good) and for physical needs if you know what i mean.
( meeting ) : the first time they officially meet she bumps into him on the day of cheerleading tryouts and he recognizes her vaguely because he's seen her at some of his games (in the stands) and because the boys basketball team was required to watch the girls basketball tryouts. he's like "hey you look familiar... oh yeah you were at the tryouts!"
( interactions ) : at first Minhae is quiet around him but when he starts teasing her she ends up letting out more of her outspoken sassy side. They pretty much just mess with each other but Junhoe started it. They both have rather powrful personalities even though she tends to keep her thoughts to herself unless super steemed. he started messing with her because she doesn't act like other girls around him - she doesn't throw herself at him - but he kinda wants her to. she doesn't show that she likes him because she doesn't want to be the 'typical' crushing fangirl. they end up getting close and fall deeply for each other. since the first time she saw junhoe, minhae feels almost suffocated when she see's him - goes dry and she can't help but to want to adore him openly. she doesn't like how girls cling to him but she won't say anything because she doesn't want him to know about her feelings. when junhoe starts to persue minhae, he slowly stops taking advantage of the girls that throw themselves at him. his friend start noticing but don't really say anything about it. he persues her pretty openly in the beginning, especially around his friends which goes along with his image at school. eventually he becomes softer around her.
( relationship ) : she knows who he is because she has been crushing on him since she first saw him playing basketball. she goes to all the games because she really likes basketball andbecauseofhim. he didn't know about her however until he bumped into her on the day of cheerleading tryouts.
( status ) : honestly i don't mind as long as it's a happy ending but i'd like them to be together.
the goodbye
( comments ) : I hope you like her ><
( questions ) : is everything okay? I hope so haha.
( concerns ) : i hope it makes sense? honestly i feel like it might be all over the place T^T please tell me if you need me to clear anything up! please tell me if anything isn't okay.
( scene suggestions ) : 
• junhoe seeing minhae practicing her basketball skills early one morning or late at night
• junhoe kissing minhae for the first time
• interactions between bobby and minhae (because they know each other through minho)
• junhoe asking bobby about minhae when he learns that she is minho's sister and he knows that bobby, mino, and hanbin are really close
• junhoe and minhae touching each other (him touching her thighs and her touching his arms)
• bobby finding out first that junhoe and minhae have feelings for each other
• after one of their games that they win (maybe a big one like the first playoff game or something) minhae runs up to him and hugs him - shocking both of them - and congradulates him before he has to go to the lockerroom for the after game team meeting and to change. he's the last left one in the locker room and he reflects on what happened with the hug. he remembers how she felt pressed up against him and gets [idk if you are okay with stuff so if you aren't then just skip this part and make it him reflecting on his feelings hahaha] and jerks off thinking about her.
• junhoe softening up around minhae
• brother/sister moments between mino and minhae
• junhoe showing up at mino's house and being shocked when minhae answers the door in an oversized sweater with short shorts and glasses with minimal makeup on.
• minhae opening up to the cheerleading squad and showing more of her true self
• minhae going to some of the soccer practices as she waits to walk with mino home + jonghyun running around shirtless
( password ) : my type
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )





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