MissTER ficwriters wanted!

I've decided to send a call-out to anybody who either likes missTER or even writes about them already...to participate in this little challenge project i'm starting.

i was inspired after meeting a new misster-friend on AFF. it seemed we'd been writing our separate fics around the same time, shipping the same pairings and with a certain plot element that was the same, but used differently.

after consulting ellienor3345 we both agreed it would be fun to make the project a reality.


if you know the tv show Iron Chef....think of this as the Iron MissTER lol.

i will give you 3 special ingredients and you must write a MissTER-related fic that incorporate all 3 in any way you see fit. It can be a one-shot or something longer, totally up to you. you can think of the secret ingredients literally or figuratively, choice is your's. (for example, if i listed 'apple' and didn't specify, you could interpret it as the fruit, or "Apple" the company; or if i offered 'snake', you could literally put a slithery snake into your story, or you could refer to a nasty person as a snake).


the main point is to see how different writers come up with different ideas using the same allotted themes. Soooo...!


Project #1:

MissTER special ingredients that MUST be somehow incorporated into your story:

1. Chocolate

2. Fear of heights

3. JIN (DIANA) pairing


No cheating: ie: brainstorming with other writers UNLESS you are co-authoring officially. Please only post your story once it's complete so that others don't get influenced by what they read in your fic.


i need your advice though. what can we call these fics once we post them? can we write "Iron MissTER project #1: ______" (fill in the blank with the actual title of your story)? And would you like me to set a deadline? some writers prefer having a due date to push them to work faster/better, some others hate it. if we make a deadline, how long shoudl we say? posting one month after topic is assigned? 1 week? 3 months?


everybody give me your input! this is not an APPLY fic, but i WOULD like your input, suggestions and an idea of how many of you would be interested in participating.

there is no PRIZE at the end, and i won't be judging the quality of your fics. it's just for fun, and to overall have more missTERy goodness to read :)


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snappsnack #1
oooooh. this is super tempting. i'm in. also iffy on a deadline.. true, it will make me go faster but then i might panic flail.
yay rexxie!!
PrinceCharmingRex #3
oh im so doing this.
ok ellie...keep me posted if you decide about deadlines.
ellienor3345 #5
I think it stands for friend maybe? I will definately participate! I'm not sure if I want a deadline or not...
ps, ellie, i have no idea why i can't get rid of the {F} in our username. it doesn't even appear in the source code when i edit the blog post lol