Please read everyone! Only takes up a minute of your time :D



Hi everyone.


How are you doing? Had a great day?


This is a love message from me to everyone who's gonna read this <3


Because everyone deserves to be loved once in a while ;D /Does an arm heartshape and wiggles my /


To those who are going to read this, I love you.


Not only me, but many people around you love you too!


If you're tired, just sleep.


If you're happy, just laugh.


If you're sad, just cry. Yes, crying doesn't help but crying sure makes you feel better.


If you're angry, just vent your anger out.


If you're in love with someone, confess to them because you the chance might never come again.


If you're stressed, have a break, have a kit kat.


If you've fallen out of love, don't worry, lots of guys and girls are out there for you to choose.


If you're in love, stay loyal to your partner because you met him/her out of so many people in this world.


If you've quarreled with your best friend, if he/she is worthy, apologise, and get him/her back.


If you're feeling like the whole f**king world is against you, take a nap. Everything'll be better after a nap.


If you're feeling depressed, write a letter to yourself.  “Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.” -Cicero


If you're feeling discouraged, always remember, you're more than one thing.


If you're feeling burned out, remember quotes from your idols. It may be childish but hey, it does help!


If you're feeling lonely, my private chat box and my wall is always there for you to send/post something ;D


If you're feeling hopeless, don't be. We all have that one time where we f**ked ourselves up completely. Like how a saying always goes, "Fall down seven times, stand up eight."


If you're feeling defeated, act happy. It sounds stupid but when you act happy, people around you act happier toward you, and your mood will be lifted up, too.


If you're feeling delighted, stay that way! Because your smile is beautiful.


And lastly, if you're feeling loved after reading this, then I'm glad something has made your day. :)


God bless you x




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eightaenine #1
Orz you made my day. Thanks jagi <3
I hope you'll feel better too!
Thanks for writing this ;)
thank you. It's sweet.
"If you're stressed, have a break, have a kit kat."
HAHAHA !! lol thank you for this !! this sure will help everyone who'll see this !!
BlvckSacrifices #5
Thank you for your blog I really needed that and it brighten up my day and made me feel so much better.