I'm still sick and tired lol


So it is Tuesday one of my worst days along with Wednesdays at college as I have 4 classes and start at 8:45 and finish at 4pm...Normally I have to deal with my mood swings after my 2nd class on these days but since I am ill I am even worse today *sigh* Due to the cold getting to my chest I have been struggling to breath through the night and now I am extra tired through the day. 

I am lucky that tomorrow that I don't need to worry about the mood swings because it is a half day and I finish at 12pm then Thursday I have an inset day. However I honestly can't be bothered with college today nope never not today hehe. 




Learning Support (I get help with my dyslexia)

English Literature and Language


*glares at each one*

I haven't finished all the homework given either but hey I am like so slow at things with this dyslexia...I am the only one who can't read Japanese yet in my whole class...that is how slow I am...I might have to talk to あすこ。(Asuko) who is my teacher, I know how to spell that because for some weird reason I can somehow remember this name lol... I am weird/


oh well better get ready cause I have to leave in like 30 mins or I am going to be late for college hahaha



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I hope you start feeling better soon! I can sympathize, I have a panic disorder and it's terrible being away from home at uni :/ I'm in Biology (Lecture), Biology (Lab), Conquest of the Americas (dumb prerequisite history course), Chemistry, and Chinese. I totally get the foreign language thing! My laoshi (teacher) normally calls on me frequently because I'm her best student, but today when she tried speaking to me in full sentences I got lost and couldn't understand a thing that came out of o.o

I have to try twice as hard to get good grades because I'm a hard science major and my scholarship requires me to obtain a certain grade point average and an average of 30 credits a year. This is totally going to be exhausting!


If you ever need/want to talk to me, please pm me! I even have things like snapchat/kakao/line/etc. if you want to use those ^^

We may have to suffer, but if you want we can suffer together(: