Craziest weekend!

Hey, how's everybody so far?

Loving your days? Well so do I.

I wanted to share what happened to me during my weekends.

It's pretty weird!!

And love the fan fics you guys came up with!

So creative! =D


Every weekend, me and my family usually dooutdoor activities like paint ball wars, zip line from high places or go bunjee jumping.

We went on a simple zip line tour, and I always had more than 15 tries.

I was in line with my older sister, and we saw a group of foreign tourists in front of us.

It took me 30 seconds to realize they were Koreans, Chinese and Japanese tourists.

Some were even Indonesians and Malaysians.


"Sis, where's your hat?" asked my sister and I looked around for it.

I saw my hat in the crowd of tourists who were mingling with each other.

I ran quickly as possible to avoid getting embarassed.

When I grabbed my hat (actually, it's a newspaper boy cap), one of the tourists picked it up and began talking to me in Japanese.

I replied of course, but in Japanese.

The other tourists also said "hi" to me, and one of the 30-ish Korean tourists said in English, "What part of Korea are you from? North or South?"

I was REALLY shocked when they asked this.

I said in Korean, "No, no. I'm not a Korean at all, mister"

(I speak 9 different languages [Yes, I beat Alexander's record!] but I'm a bit choppy at French and Cantonese)

Then, my sisters suddenly came over to see what was taking me too long.

My eldest sister looks Chinese, my younger sister looks Japanese, and my youngest sister looks Taiwanese-Korean.

The Chinese tourists then asked my sister (in Mandarin), "Are you a Chinese tourist too?"

Sis replied, "I'm not." in Mandarin.


When we went back to our van, my mom asked us what took us too long and I explained everything.

She laughed out loud, and she was still laughing when we were inside the van.



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What fun! Adopt me please so that I can do outdoor activities every weekend too! ^^<br />
What a fun experience!
oetori #2
That's awesome. Fluent in lots of languages can be a great advantage for your future! I'd like to learn more languages myself. :)<br />
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Oh you didn't hang out with your parents when you're younger? Well, I guess at least you're hanging out with them now... unlike me lol.
@oetori - My mom, dad and grandparents from both of them forced me to learn those languages. I'm a little shaky when I talk in those languages though.<br />
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Awww...too bad but I feel for you too. When I was younger, I didn't hang out with my parents at all!
oetori #4
oh, by the way, I love how your family do outdoor activities on weekends! haha my family used to do that too... but not anymore :(
oetori #5
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That's so friggin amazing! How did yo learn those languages? o__o