bae 。choi suyin

CBAF-pCUYAAEVYV.jpg red-velvet-yeri.jpg
choi suyin
birth name choi suyin 素音 (her first name is chinese since her mother is chinese.)
↬ yinnie | the nickname used by her members because it's just a shorter way to call her other than suyin.
↬ Munchie | this is the nickname given to her by her friends, members, and family because she eats like a pig.
↬ satan | the nickname her friends call her when she embarasses them.
↬ chicken little | the nickname given to her by s.coups because he knows that it will tick her off when someone calls her small or little.
birthdate december 19, 1997 & 18
birthplace & hometown Anyang, South korea
ethnicity 1/2 korean and 1/2 chinese
nationality korean
↬ korean | she lived in korea for her whole life so she is native to the language.
↬ chinese | she speaks two languages at home because her mom is chinese but her chinese is at a conversational level
↬ english | she started speaking a small amount of english when she entered big hit entertainment.
faceclaim red velvet's yeri
backup fc gfriend's sowon
height & weight 159 cm & 47 kg.
appearance suyin is a small girl measuring at 159 cm. and weighing 47kg. she was always on the slimmer side when she was younger and she weighed 49 kg. but after training she didn't have to lose quite a lot of weight so she only lost 2 kg. which her members think is a complete lie because she is known to have a huge appetite so her members are a bit skeptical about her being thin when she was younger, which she knows that they are only joking but she sometimes question that herself. even though she is skinny, her trainers have to keep a close eye on her because she is always sneaking food in her clothing. currently, her hair is blonde and is naturally straight. she doesn't do a lot of things with her hair because she is pretty lazy and she thinks it looks fine the way it does so yeah. she has pretty long hair that reaches to her chest. she is really pale so when she tries to sunbathe she just gets really burnt and it's embarassing so she baracades herself in a bunch of clothing to hide that large red mark from the sun. she has pretty big eyes that are natural which some people think that she's got her eyes done. she has a baby face that some people think she's the maknae when she's actually not. she has pretty bad eyesight so she has to wear glasses but only when they are in their dorm. her glasses are like the big, black square glasses that "nerds" wear. she isn't planning to get any tattoos but she has two ear piercings on both of her ears.
her style is more on the edgy side than girly but she'll wear a skirt once in a while. but she's more of the casual and edgy gal.
+) extravert, funny, energetic, bold, optimistic
-) impulsive, dramatic, embarassing, slow, competitive
"is she high right now or is she just that crazy?" at first, suyin seems hella innocent and quiet but she's the mastermind behind it all. suyin always has an impact on her immediate surroundings. the best way to spot her at a party, is to for the whirling potato that is moving from group to group, talking to everyone like she knew them since she was a newborn. laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy humor, she loves being center of attention. though she doesn't hog it. she appreciates it. she is the person who'd love to crack jokes at the most awkward times, breaking the ice immediately. she is the person that could make you laugh on a cold and sad day. she is the person that seems to drink 70 cups of coffee every hour because of how energetic she is. she's always jumping up and down like a kangaroo. there really is no "off" or "mute" button on this girl. she is gonna keep screaming and jumping around until she has completely drained herself and someone has to carry her back home.
"i'm right! right? this chick is mentally crazy!" suyin is the person that lives life on the edge. she doesn't care of what's gonna happen next. all she cares about is doing things. she never hesitates doing the big kid rides at the amusement parks. she isn't really nervous for the most daring thing out there. she sometimes make fun of the people that are too scared to do something that is hella crazy to them but is actuallly really safe to her. she doesn't give a if she doesn't make it back alive or not. all that matters to her is that she lives her risky life with joy and she could die for all she could care. finally, suyin is an optimist. even if the chains on her bike broke off, the tires caught on fire, and her seat kept spinning around, she'd say, "but look! the little bell still works! the bike is fine!" whenever she's like this, people would call her delusional for having so much hope. she see's that glass as half full while others see it half empty. she always looks on the bright side of things and a few things would bring her mood down.
↬ *hides face* "i'm right what the hell is she doing?!" since she is a bold person, she just jumps into things without really thinking about it. she doesn't really think about the consequences or problems that can occur. she rushes things way too quickly. for example, it's like she saves money for a car she's been wanting for 2 years now but just like that, her stupid doesn't think straight through and she buys 32 boxes of cotton candy and 25 tubs of ice cream. she likes to do and not think about it. because what comes with thinking is time, time is limited, she fears there's never enough. at times, this gal can be very dramatic. it's like in kindergarten, another girl stole her pink eraser and then all of a sudden, suyin turned it into world war iii. she sometimes turns the most stupid and smallest situations into a tragic shakespeare play. she is the most embarassing person. she doesn't really care about the way she looks and just does whatever she wants in public. she'd sometimes go up to strangers, look at them straight in the eyes, and run away saying that they are a spy from russia, here to kidnap all no. 2 pencils. she'd even embarass her friends and family. if you tell her who you think is cute, she is going to point at him and say, "ohhhhh! so you like him right? the one in the blue shirt who is staring at us weirdly right now? he is cute! go get em tiger!"
"lord save me." she is a slow person. literally, someone would tell her a joke in the morning, she'd process that, and then 7 hours later, when she's about to go to sleep, her lightbulb flickers on and she just bursts out laughing by herself at how funny the joke was. legit, she has the mentality of a four year old. it requires a lot of her brain juice to actually think so that's why she doesn't think a lot of the times. it's like her brain catches the information but just hides it in the nook and crannies in her brain until later on and then she'd take action. finally, this gal is over competitive. she'd do anything to win! there is no such thing as losing for her. lose and all of it synonyms are not in her vocabulary. she'd do anything to win. she'd throw her teammates under the bus if she has to. there's a lot of yelling and screaming and kicking and swinging for her to be at the top. she just loses all control when she plays a game. so play games with her if you dare because there is gonna be a few tears.
born on december 19, 1997 in anyang, south korea, choi suyin is the oldest of two children. she is 4 years older than seung min, her really annoying younger brother who could sometimes drive her insane but she still loves anyway. both her parents are doctors so they make a good amount of income so serin was never poor. 

being a child of two doctors, her parents always pressured her into being a doctor herself. they were overachievers with suyin so they put her into every tutoring class as possible and gave her all of the books she needed to pass her classes. they always wanted her to achieve and do well in school so that colleges would see her and think that she'd make a great student and would be a great doctor.

being a good student was a big problem for suyin because she was a hella slow person from the start, making school hard for her. but the thing was her personality is very out there, she was kinda the troublemaker so her teachers sometimes had to send her to the principals office because she would act up in class. her parents would get super mad because they'd think the colleges would see how she is really misbehaving and wouldn't accept her later on.

so her parents would always spank her everytime she was in trouble and would ground her so that all of her entertainment was taken away. her parents always signed her up for things that she hated to do but would look good on her college application such as tennis, swimming, golf, and piano lessons. all of these things piled up on her and her parents constant stares, forcing her to study more and more really stressed her out.

she always loved her music because she knows how to play piano, she always sang whenever she played. singing was the only thing she enjoyed out of all the activities she was forced to do. she secretly sang in her room ever since the age of 9 whenever she was grounded. once her mother walked into her room when she was singing and her mother asked her if she wanted to have a professional vocal trainer to come and train her. the only thing was, serin had to keep it a secret from her dad. she's been seeing a vocal trainer for 5 years without her fathers consent because she knew how he'd blow up if he found out.

so back to the thing earlier, suyin found out about kpop at the age of 8 at her elementary school. so when a flyer for big hit entertainment auditions landed on her porch, she took it as an oppurtunity to show the kpop world that she has a great big voice. she secretly went out in the evening when both her parents were working and her grandparents were taking a nap to go and audition for this company.

when she auditioned for big hit at the age of 14, big hit immediately wanted her to start training but first she had to tell her family about this chance to make a name for herself that she's actually proud to be, not a doctor. when she went home that day, her father was furious that she came home late. but before he could ground her, suyin told her whole family that she was given an oppurtunity to become a singer which is her dream.

her grandparents, brother, and her mom was very supportive. well her mom was kinda supportive but she was kinda mad how serin went behind their backs to audition. her father on the other hand, was not supportive of her choice but after her grandparents talked to her father, her father gave in but gave her a time limit. if she didn't become successful in 5 years, she had to drop out and become a doctor.

suyin took the deal and called big hit that she would train. 
food | like anything that is edible, she will love
red | her favorite color
crazy adventures | she loves the thrill and going on adventures
horror movies | she likes that exhilerating feeling and the storylines behind them
unicorns | dont judge. it's her favorite animal
embarassing people | she likes the faces they make whenever she embarasses someone
playing with her food | she likes to create art with people's food and in the end, it just looks like globs of food is sticking together
teen wolf | i mean have you seen the boys? she watches with subtitles
snapbacks | she has an obsession with snapbacks
children | whenever she sees a toddler, she will scream and chase him/her but accidently scares them so they run away from her

grapes | the one and only food that she despises and the food that she wouldn't eat even if her life depended on it
losing | she likes to win so losing isn't really an option for her
sound of cracking knuckles | it annoys her and it makes her cringe everytime
the rain | she feels like it just brings down the mood
diets | she loves her food, so putting her on a diet is like getting a dog but locking it up in it's cage
high heels | they are her worst nightmares. even though they look hella pretty and makes suyin look taller, they are like torture devices to her
serious situations | she just gets really uncomfortable and sometimes she doesn't talk at all because she's scared she'd say the wrong thing at the wrong time
romantic movies | she finds them to unrealistic (She's just really jealous)
cats | she has a fear of cats
being quiet | she's a really loud person so this sometimes kills her inside
tennis | forced upon her at the age of 6
swimming | started taking lessons at the age of 4
golf | forced to play at the age of 9
piano | she started playing when she was 5
singing | her talent and she started singing at 9
excited | whenever she's excited, she jumps up and down like crazy
nervous | she starts talking really, really, really fast
mad | she has a punching pillow with her best guy friend's face on it and she just punches it like a crazy woman.
bored | she'd start singing under her breath
she's the only short one in her family since her mom and dad are pretty tall and her brother is decent in height. (Dad: 5'10, mom: 5'6, brother: 5'11)
some of her fears are cats, failing, and serial killers
her average in school was a c
when she was younger, she was in a small phase where she only liked girls but now she grew out of it and she only wants da mennnnn
she is right handed but eats with her left hand
she is good at impersonating minnie mouse
she at cooking but bakes really well
she is pretty athletic and she likes to excercise
she always carries food with her where ever she goes
she is good at tongue twisters

father | choi kwang seok | 48 | cardiologist | Her father and her don't have a really good relationship because of her choice of becoming an idol instead of a doctor. since suyin's brother is planning to become a doctor, her father focuses on seungmin more than suyin. he's always bossy and stubborn towards her and he seems like the person that rarely smiles. he has a completely different personality for his wife though. he'd do anything for her and he'd take care of her with his heart. but deep down, suyin knows that he'd being hard on her because he wants to make sure she's successful in life. | 5.5 out of 10
mother | mao xiu mei | 45 | obstetrician | her mother and her have a better relationship than her and her father. she's closer to her mother but they aren't close enough for suyin to talk to her about everything but if suyin needs advice, she'd go to her mother. her mother cares for her a lot. she's like the kind hearted mom so she doesn't scold her kids a lot but when her kids do something out of hand, then xiu mei will become really strict and she's actually scarier than her husband when she's mad. overall, they have a good mother and daughter relationship. | 8 out of 10
brother | choi seung min | 14 | high school student | she is the closest to her brother, seung min the most. she acts like the over protective sister but at other times, she is teasing him constantly. even though he could be the most annoying person in the world, she has a really close bond with him so if anyone hurts him, watch out because his noona is out to get you.  | 10 out of 10

best friend | kim taehyung | 20 | bts (idol) & is on punching pillow | they first met at the company while they were training together. the first time she met, she had a crush on him. but upon knowing him, she started hating him but in the friend way. they started handing out and people thought they were together but that wasn't the case at all. they became really great friends and they insult each other constantly like all friends do but they are kind and helpful when certain situations happen.  | 9 out of 10 
↬best friend | kim mingyu | 18 | seventeen (idol) | they first met each other at her middle school because they went to the same school. she first met him after school because she needed tutoring and he was one of the tutors. they started hanging out after they started talking to each other like crazy. she always saw him as a friend and an older brother so things never got awkward because he felt the same towards her. she feels like she could talk to him and that their friendship is never gonna grow into anything else but just childhood friends.  | 8 out of 10 
friend | jeon jungkook | 18 | bts (idol) | they first met at the company when she tried to steal his food but he glared at her and they just had a glaring competition for a long time before she quickly took a bite of his pizza. he screamed at her and all she did was stick it into more. and that's where their friendship blossomed! he still tells her that she owes him a slice of pizza that she didn't return yet after these years.  | 7 out of 10 
stage name sapphire (that's her favorite gemstone)
plotline dope
position main vocalist
backup position danger (lead vocalist)
talent twin
singing twin- red velvet's wendy (red velvet's seulgi)
dancing twin- apink's namjoo
speaking twin red velvet's wendy (Red Velvet's seulgi)
training duration big hit entertainment; may 2011-now; 4 years
predebut works none
social networking accs 
instagram | sapphxrx_bae
twitter | suyinonphire
love interest choi seung cheol, s.coups (idol & seventeen)
backup love interest kim taehyung (idol & bts)
relationship status flirtatious friends
personality s.coups is the person that is really loud and fun to be around. he just shines the whole place up with his smile and deep dimples. he is the person that could always cheer s up with his energetic and humorous attitude, sometimes adding a bit of aegyo here and there. Even though he is fun and loud, at times, when things start getting serious, he turns into "leader" mode and becomes strict. that doesn't mean he's being mean. he'd just encouraging the members to do his best. suyin could talk to s.coups forever and the two just never gets tired of each other. especially since they are both loud as hell. there is no shutting this couple up.
first meeting & interactions they first met when she was hanging out with mingyu on one of her days off training and she decided to stop by the pledis company to greet mingyu and his friends. s.coups was there when she was walking around greeting everyone she saw. while she was walking into the cafe, s.coups rammed into her and considering her small size, she practically flew across the room. s.coups burst out laughing but still being a gentlemen, he helped her up. she started to laugh herself but her laugh was quickly changed into a smirk and she shoved him with all of her might.
"Ya!" s.coups yelled
"you should've watched where you were going." suyin said, as she stuck her tongue out causing s.coups to smile
"well if you were just a tinnnnyyyy bit taller, i would've seen you."
she scoffed and quickly said, "if you weren't so fat, you wouldn't have knocked me over so hard."
mingyu walked in and saw the two bickering (it's more like she was yelling at him and he was just standing there looking amused)
"you two! stop fighting and let's get something to eat."
during the whole walk and eating process, the two just couldn't stop teasing each other.
somehow, at the end of the day, they exchanged numbers and just teased each other through text message.

they really care for each other and they tease each other a lot. he teases her because she's like half his size and she teases him because he's so stupid. they could talk for hours when they're together but they just dont realize it. they also don't realize their feelings for each other. whenever they're together, theres always tension that others could feel but not them. it's like their blinded by each others love. when their friends confront them about liking each other, they just deny it and laugh about it with each other but they know that something feels so right about them being together. whenever s.coups talks to another girl or suyin talks to another guy, suyin or s.coups would quickly find someone to talk to but is secretly just staring at their friend. they're close enough to hug each other and other stuff but their feelings are intensifying and with every touch, comes a faster heart rate.
future relationship dating
what will you do if you debut under bae? i will work harder to make sure that bae will become successful but to also show the fans and my father, what this group and i are capable of. even though the training will become more intense and there will be restless nights, i will still give you all my everything. bae is my number one priority and each of the members are here to showcase all of our individual talents and we will work our butts off to impress all of you! please support bae!
comments hope you like suyin!
suggestions bae get's their own showtime, we got married special where all of the members appear on the show, s.coups questions suyin about her relationship with mingyu because he's getting jealous (he doesn't tell her he's jealous), s.coups and suyin confess their love to each other!
password lemon head
lxndsxy / lindsey / 10 out of 10
credit. juengdo


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