our forgotten memories : baek dahui | ❝ do you not remember me..? ❞

our forgotten memories : baek dahui
i know you're not perfect, but you're perfect in my eyes. ❞
character name : Baek Dahui
nickname (s)
+ ) Hui : it's basically just her friends and family that call this. it's a shortened version of her name.
+ ) Baekma : translates to "100"-ma and is a play on words with 100 and grandma. Basically refers to how slow Dahui can be compared to a 100 year old grandma.
   + ) Baekgogi : it's a play on words with her last name and the word "bulgogi" because of Dahui's intense love for meat - she might even like it more than her boyfriend. 
  + )
Reaction Yeoja : because of her exaggerated reactions to everything, her friends call her the "reaction girl" every time she overreacts to somthing little. 
    + )
Monster : because Dahui likes to tackle and cling onto Jongdae a lot, he coined the nickname onto her because she's like a little monster that always haunts and follows him around.
birthdate + age : December 14, 1993  ; 21 years old 
birthplace + hometown : Seoul, South Korea
+ ) Korean : fluent; she was born and raised in Korea.
+ ) English : basic; she was forced to learn it in school, but the only things she remembers are "banana" and "herro me Baek Dahui name."
occupation : university student studying business management & part-time waitress at a kbbq restaurant
faceclaim : youngji
backup faceclaim : oh hayoung
personality :
"hey, what's up! oh my gosh, what is my face in that picture?!" - Dahui is a very loud and very expressive person, but most can already feel it coming when she stares at them mischievously. She was actually a very quiet child when she was younger, but that all changed when puberty attacked. She just had an epiphany that honestly, people weren't as scary as she thought and being outgoing wasn't a bad thing, so she had gradually become louder and louder, her vocal capacity increasing in tiny increments. By the time she had started high school, she was known as "the loud girl with the wok haircut." Dahui tends to be a very expressive person, as one can tell when they talk to her and stare at her face; no one knew if she spoke more with her words or her face, and honestly does not have any shame with making an ugly face - afterall, who's she trying to impress? A boy? She already has her own boy who doesn't care what kind of face she makes, so clearly, Dahui is impressing no one. It does make for a good laugh, though, when she's unconsciously making an odd face and people just stare at her for a while. 
"nooo don't go- ah!" - Dahui is probably the clumsiest girl you will ever meet, judging by how she can even trip over air - literally. She's broken a leg and an arm due to her clumsiness and although it's gotten better over the years, she's still prone to injury, and countless people just have to stick next to her at all times to make sure she's okay and not flailing to her death. Dahui is also probably the clingiest girl you will ever meet, and is very dependent on others. She doesn't like being alone because she's been surrounded by people all her life, so when people leave, she starts to get a little whiny. She likes to link arms with people to make sure they don't leave, and will always annoyingly ask people to follow her everywhere, which grinds on their gears sometimes, but they still do it because of the puppy dog eyes Dahui gives them. Although she can be real irritating when she becomes a little too clingy, she does have good intentions and people usually don't mind too much because she always shows her overbearing love for them.
"are you hiding something from me?" - Blame it on the X chromosomes she was given, but Dahui can be sharp and intuitive at times, and if she really wanted to, she could've probably become a detective. Athough not always, she does sense when things get sketchy and has a feeling in her gut when someone is hiding something, and can be more observant than people think. She doesn't say how she feels publicly, but will often stay quiet about it, since she does respect others when they hide secrets from her; she understands that she doesn't have to know everyone's secrets and maybe they weren't comfortable telling her, but Dahui is just there for them if they need her. Most times, though, she uses her intuitiveness to appear as a love fortune teller because she has a knack for guessing who will be a couple or not (it's sort of her "part-time job" after her kbbq job, if you know what I mean). Even though she's intuitive, she clearly has no sense of intuitiveness with herself and cannot tell at all when someone has a crush on her. 
"you can milk male pigs?!" - Though it's no surprise, Dahui believes in everything that someone says and is so gullible, it's frightening. She'll admit it, she's a danger to society with how gullible she is, and it's surprising how she hasn't gotten scammed yet, honestly. Don't mistake her for being dumb, though, because she is definitely smart, but the things she believes are just so outrageous, it's even ridiculous that she didn't question what people had told her. She tends to be self-conscious of this trait, and tries to filter her words out well, but there's no helping her when she believes that magic carpets are real and only sold in Saudi Arabia. 
"four score and seven years ago i was born... not really, but i'm baek dahui. nice to meet you." - Dahui met Jongdae when she was barely 17 and were introduced to each other through a mutual friend. It was a rather awkward meeting on Jongdae's part, but the two quickly became friends after a rendevous involving kbbq, and although Dahui didn't know it at the time, Jongdae was basically her Ken, and it was glaringly obvious by the tenderly sweet way he treated her. He revealed that their mutual friend was his best friend and that he had recently gotten out of a relationship a few weeks ago, so the said best friend was just trying to help him cope by finding him an even cuter girl, a.k.a Baek Dahottie. Dahui didn't exactly mind, and just told herself that she was a rebound, but after constant rejection of her feelings for Jongdae, she just had to admit it; he was a hunk and her head was in the clouds every time he popped into her mind. 
"you're like portia de rossi and i'm ellen degeneres." - After many rendevous and random hangouts, Jongdae and Dahui had clear feelings for each other, yet did not have the confidence to spill the beans. Now, being the nosy and interactive person he is, the mutual friend that introduced them wondered if they were head over heels with each other, and after conducting a serious experiment (which meant stalking them on everything and everywhere), he deduced that they were, so he came up with a plan. Long story short, the plan involved a lot of blowing and balloons, but it was all worth it when Dahui and Jongdae got together in the end. By this time, Dahui had gotten accepted into a university, so she was looking for a place closer to the campus and was not her family's house, and lo and behold, Jongdae's house just happened to be about five miles away from it, and coincidentally, he was looking for a new roommate because his old one moved to the wilderness to become a hippie and preach about global warming. Jongdae and Dahui decided to split the rent 50:50, and at first, no one in the Baek household liked the idea of Dahui living with her boyfriend because of Korea's social norms, but after they had a taste of the only thing that Jongdae can cook well, a.k.a. kimchi stew, they loved him instantaneously, and Dahui's father had officially given away Dahui in exchange for a life time supply of Kim Jongdae-chi stew, which he gladly agreed to, although Dahui, on the other hand, didn't like the idea of being sold of for kimchi stew. However, with her parents approval, the couple started to live comfortably (or at least they tried, but living in a tiny apartment was a little hard), but four years later, and they're still going strong. 
+ ) Scarfing down food and going to sleep; after all who doesn't?
+ ) Animals and specifically hedgehogs; her and Jongdae own two of these cuties, one being named Dak (chicken in Korean) and Gogi (meat in Korean, but did anyone really need a translation). 
+ ) Being with Jongdae; it's always her favorite thing to spend time with her man.
+ ) Specifically jasmine milk tea boba; all other bobas don't do her justice except jasmine milk tea boba.
+ ) Just Dance; ooh, that might be a game, but to her, it's an intense workout. You shouldn't even compete with her in Just Dance because honestly, she will just continuously destroy you in the game. 
dislikes :
+ ) Others insulting Jongdae; she might do it, but it's okay because it's her. It's not okay when other people do it.
+ ) Paying taxes and bills; it makes her cry when she sees the $50 in her bank account turn into $.05
+ ) School; there are no words to describe her dislike for school.
    + ) Coffee; it's too bitter for her taste.
+ ) This one girl named Kim Joori; she's Jongdae's ex and is a pain in the .
    + ) Getting woken up; Jongdae doesn't like to wake her up because she starts to bite him in her sleep since she thinks his hand is a sandwich, and when she does wake up, she gets extra cranky, so it's a lose-lose situation for him.
    + ) Going to work; there's nothing fun about smelling like burnt meat at the end of the day, despite contrary belief. 
trivia :
+ ) there is a force preventing Dahui from taking out the trash; she can wash dishes, cook, mop the floors, but she just stares at the full trashbag and ignores it, waiting until Jongdae gets home so he can take it out.
+ ) Dahui is obsessed with Apple; she has a gold iPhone 6, a silver Macbook, a space gray iPad, etc. Basically, if it's Apple and not a watch or pencil, she probably has already bought it. 
   + ) along with her love for her iPhone, she has a strange obsession with phone cases and buys a lot of cheap ones, only to use them for one day and then she switches to a different case the next day.
+ ) she loves social media, especially Twitter and Instagram. she's honestly a master at putting filters on photos, not to brag. 
+ ) she's obsessed with stuffed animals and has a collection of Barysans (fat chickens) and Gudetamas (lazy eggs) on her bed, usually lying on Jongdae's side of the bed.
   + ) honestly, she doesn't work out, she just spends a lot of time on Just Dance.
  + ) Jongdae says she's a bad driver, but it's just that Dahui doesn't like  to drive... or at least that's what she says.
  + ) she's the type of person to start randomly laughing at something for no reason and once, she burst out laughing at a funeral, so it was very awkward for her. She blamed it on Jongdae though, and said he told her a joke, and jabbed him with her elbow when he was about to protest. 
 + ) she's probably one of the weakest people you will ever meet. The girl can't even lift 5 pounds without dying.
 + ) there have been countless occasions where weird pictures of Dahui would end up stapled around the school, but now she's used to it and will gladly take a picture of herself making a weird face next to the weird face posters. 
+ ) her brother & sister are twins, but have a better telepathic connection with Dahui than each other. 
+ ) Dahui is such a child that Jongdae almost actually got a babysitter for her when he was about to go out of town. 
+ ) she is the biggest procrastinator ever and once, she actually finished an eight page essay in two hours - although she got a D on it, but hey, at least she finished it right?
+ ) she has glasses, but hates wearing them in public because they're like goggles or the Harry Potter glasses.
+ ) Dahui got braces as a kid, so now her teeth are all straight, but the lack of wearing her retainer all the time makes them look kind of crooked some days. 
+ ) Jongdae hates when Dahui gets sick because then she starts to cry because she has to take her meds and she usually starts pulling his precious hair and thrashing her arms around, usually attacking him in his precious face. 
+ ) her most favorite color of all time is baby blue - mostly because she's a baby and blue is cute. 
+ ) whenever Jongdae comes home from work, it's been her tradition to run at him and tackle him - it's safe to say that he's used to it by now.
+ ) she loves Pokemon but at it. Jongdae really had to explain to her why it wasn't good to have a team full of Butterfrees, but Dahui's only response to that was "But they're so cute!"
+ ) Dahui loves singing karaoke so much that she even bought her own machine, but it's no fun when Jongdae doesn't wanna listen to her scream the songs and also when her neighbors complain about the noise.
+ ) Dahui hoards lotion and perfume like there's no tomorrow. If you look inside the bathroom shelf, you will see rows of her lotion and perfume, while Jongdae only has one bottle of cologne that sits in the corner all alone because he never uses it.
+ ) She's one of those girlfriends that send weird Snapchats to their boyfriends all the time and usually, she's always making a weird face and Jongdae is always having to explain to his coworkers that it's his girlfriend that's making the face, not a monster. 

family :
+ ) Father : Baek Hwanshin : 52
+ ) Mother : Baek Seomi : 52
+ ) Older Sister (Fraternal Twin) : Baek Dahyun : 23
+ ) Older Brother (Fraternal Twin) : Baek Dawook : 23


kim jongdae
i love you- ahem, young girls... yeah haha just kiddin'... ❞
love interest : Kim Jongdae
back-up love interest : Lee Seunghoon
birthdate + age : September 21, 1992  ; 22 years old 
occupation : Accountant
how many years together : 4
personality :
"girl what u say" - Jongdae is your average sassy-pants with a good sense of humor and endearing aspects, along with not-so-endearing aspects as well. He can be very cheeky, which tends to get on other people's nerves a lot, but that's one of his main traits. A lot of the time, he will have sassy remarks for those that try to be smart with him, but he does mean well. Jongdae is very humorous and likes to find the joke in everything. Most of the time, he'll crack out a funny pun or make a joke that makes everyone laugh, and he really does enjoy making others happy. Although he doesn't appear to be so, he's an incredibly hardworker and is often never given credit where credit is due because everyone sees him as mostly a "troll," or a "jokester," and often fail to see this quality of him. 
"don't worry about it, you're not taking too long. i can wait." - Jongdae is a very patient person, as many can tell when he interacts with Dahui. He isn't the type to blow up easily and is the type to just bottle everything up until it all explodes months later. He doesn't like the feeling of getting mad at others, so he tries not to be, and although it was hard for him in the beginning, he has gotten better, after getting used to Dahui's obnoxiousness that gets a little out of hand sometimes. Although it doesn't fit his jokester-like appearance, he's actually very gentle and kindhearted. Jongdae treats Dahui very well and is very protective over her. He tends to be very shy when it comes to things concerning love and affection, so that's why he's never too affectionate with Dahui, but he tries his best. Even after four years, he still stutters whenever he tells her "I love you," and sometimes doesn't even tell her that because he chickens out, but Dahui gets what he means anyways. Jongdae isn't overly showy with his love and isn't a big fan of PDA, but it's the type of love that you know is there, so it's no big deal if he doesn't show it. He's sometimes selfish when it comes to sharing food or bed space, and can take it too far with his retorts, but all in all, he's a gentle person with a big heart that is full of love (although he doesn't show it all the time). 
meeting :
"it wasn't cliche, but i enjoyed it anyways." - Dahui and Jongdae met on purpose, but it was a rather odd first meeting, honestly. They had met when she was a senior in high school and he was a freshman in college and their meeting happened because his friend, who was also her best friend's cousin, introduced themselves to each other and left them on a blind date because "Jongdae had been looking a little lonely without his ex and he had once commented that you were cute, so I think he wants to hit you up. You're welcome Jongdae, and you're welcome Dahui." This was extremely embarrassing for him while it only amused Dahui, so she just went along with it, and refused to be taken home when Jongdae offered to give her a ride back to her casa because she wanted to have fun that day and not worry about her college apps (which were starting to kill her, although she hadn't even started on them yet). The two had decided to just go out for some K-BBQ, after Jongdae got excited about the fact that she worked at one and they talked a lot during their date - although they both refused to call it a date at the time. At the end of the "hangout," he asked her for her number and she gave it to him without thinking about it too much, but that night, he texted her and they just hit it off.
and now :
"have you seen the undies with the American flag on it?" - After they hit it off, it was clear that they had a growing affection for the other, but weren't sure if the other person had the same feelings towards them, so they didn't dare say anything, but tried to hang out as much as they could (it was extremely obvious that they had a crush on each other, but were too scared to admit it). One day, when they invited the friend that introduced them to each other, he commented carelessly that they really did look like a couple and asked if they were one and they both rejected it in unison, which was a little suspicious to the said friend, but he didn't say anything about it. Later on, he planned a surprise for them that would definitely get them to reveal their feelings for each other and three cups of coffee and 50 balloons later, he arranged it so that the balloons were in Jongdae's house and somehow got Jongdae and Dahui to come over together, and bam, the surprise was unleashed. Dahui was surprised and thought that Jongdae did it, so she said yes and commented how she had a crush on him for a while, and although Jongdae was about to say that he didn't do the balloons, he kept his mouth shut and gave his friend a wink, signalling that he owed him big time. 
"hey i found it under this pillow, do you still want it?" - Time skip to four years later, and Jongdae is fresh out of college and was working as a part-time accountant for a book-keeping firm, while Dahui is finishing her last year of university and is still working at her kbbq place. They still keep in touch with the friend that set them up together and occasionally have lunch with him, but after being together for a while, they basically have the same friends list now. When Dahui was accepted into college, she decided to move in with Jongdae because he lived close to the university she was going to, and he was looking for a roommate anyways, so why not? A few years later, they're still in the same apartment, but it's a lot cozier than before, when they had to fit two beds in a one bedroom apartment (since Dahui's parents were not too keen about them living together), but they have gotten rid of the bed because Dahui almost broke her leg while tripping on it, and Jongdae decided that it was time to ship it back to her parent's house. They have assigned chores (that Jongdae never does because he's a lazy fart), and Dahui's usually the one cooking and washing dishes, while he cleans the table and the floors. Even though Dahui is generally a neat person, the apartment never seems to be clean because of Jongdae's messy habits that she usually has to clean up. Despite that, the couple have a good relationship and generally never fight seriously, and honestly, Dahui never really yells at him even if she wants to because seeing his face makes her melt in happiness (cheesy, she knows).
interactions :
"jongdae wtf you smell like anchovies right now" - Jongdae and Dahui don't have the idealistic relationship that most couples dream of, where they have exotic dinner dates every week and gaze at the stars every night, like they do in the movies, but rather, they have a wild relationship that makes them unique compared to other couples. After dating for a few years, they have gotten way used to each other and can do practically anything to each other, and the other won't get mad, literally. Like if Jongdae farted next to Dahui, she won't even say anything other than "So did you eat too many beans today or is that the smell of kimchi farts?" Their relationship is the way it is because of Dahui's odd personality, but both of them don't mind, mostly because Dahui doesn't want to change her personality and Jongdae finds it endearing. They always tease each other about everything and probably cannot go a day without trying to playfully fight with each other. Whenever Jongdae comes home from work, Dahui makes it a point to tackle him or hop onto his back in an attempt to get him to give her a piggyback ride (although failing most times because she is too short to reach his shoulders), and from a third person's perspective, it appears that Dahui only annoys Jongdae and he has to take the brunt of a hyperactive girlfriend, but they don't exactly see the moments where Jongdae has his own annoying moments, as well. Despite Dahui being a spontaneous and weird girlfriend, she truly means well and has deep affection for Jongdae, which can be seen from her overly public shows of affection for him. 

the argument and the accident
i hate you! why did i date someone like you? i should've stayed with my ex! ❞

the arugument — her thoughts"I have no idea why he's so mad, honestly. We were arguing about my project partner that goes to the university I do, and Jongdae says he has a crush on me, but he doesn't! I even told him that he was crushing on another girl, but he doesn't believe me! He told me something about the "way he looks at me," and how he "always stares for way too long," like I'm sure he's just overreacting! I can't believe he's arguing with me about this because 1) we've been together for four years already and 2) I only have feelings for him and he should know that! I'm not about to have a crush on my project partner just because he has nice hair! Jeez, my project partner was just leaving our apartment because we were finishing up our management plan, and then Jongdae starts badmouthing him right when he leaves. Well, not badmouthing him, but the way he was talking about him was a negative connotation. He started saying nonsense about how my partner likes me, but how does that even make sense when I make it so clear that I have a boyfriend that I love too much to even let go? We fought about little things sometimes, like how I ate too much of Jongdae's food, how he can be busy with work, and all that stuff, but this was the first time he raised his voice against me. He's usually a gentle person, so I guess he was extra stressed out about this, but he shouldn't have been! I feel so betrayed, it's like we don't have the trust I thought we did. Then, he goes and mentions his ex, like what the heck? She was out of his life four years ago, why is he mentioning her? It was killer when he told me that he hated me and wished he stayed with his ex..."
the argument — his thoughts : "To be honest, it was my jealousy that got the better of me, but seriously, that guy was way too close to her for my liking! It's not that I don't trust her because I do, but I don't trust her dumb project partner! I don't wanna play a game with him, fighting over Dahui when she's clearly my girlfriend, and I certainly don't want him trying any funny business with her. He was trying to get so close to her, and Dahui was denying it, but honestly, that girl doesn't sense anything! She's so dense and it's so aggravating sometimes because this guy does have a crush on her! She's just being stubborn and just because a guy says he has a crush on someone, that doesn't mean he's being completely honest! I was so mad about her stubbornness, so I raised my voice, but I really didn't mean to... it was the momentum of the conversation and how she wasn't listening to my points! I... ugh, I'm just mixed between being sorry and being annoyed about it because a guy knows another guy best! Just like how girls know other girls best, but Dahui doesn't seem to see that, and ugh... we've never fought like this before, even when she really annoyed me in some occasions... maybe I'm just being irrational. Or not. I don't know. One moment I'm upset, and the next I'm angry, and then it turns into a cycle, and - I don't know, I'm just a mess right now. Oh, and then I mentioned my ex, which I know was probably the worst thing to do, but it was in the spur of the moment! I might have accidentally blurted out that I should've stayed with my ex... just accidentally..."
the accident : "After I mentioned my ex, Dahui just looked so heartbroken and upset that she frantically ran out of the house and I panicked; I didn't know what to do. Should I chase after her or should I just stay and let her calm down and come back, but judging from all the kdramas she watches, the likelihood of her coming back voluntarily was low, so I quickly rushed out, but once I stepped out of the door and onto the staircase, I saw her body lying limply at the bottom of the staircase, and there was blood - a lot of blood - gushing from her head, and I panicked even more and called 112, and it was a blur, and - and - and they came and she was hauled into the ambulance, and I came along... They said she was in critical condition since she hit her head hard, and I knew how clumsy she was, so I felt even worse! I was so crushed and I felt so anxious... what if Dahui didn't live? We had a whole bucketlist of things planned out, but without her, my life wouldn't nearly be the same. If I lost her, I don't know what I would do with myself. Just seeing her lying on the gurney massacred my heart, and if only I was more understanding, this wouldn't have happened. I have so many regrets... and when I went to the hospital, she had to have surgery, so I waited there, my anxiety keeping me from resting peacefully, and every time a door opened, I would get my hopes up, hoping that I would see Dahui get wheeled out, alive and real, but every time I looked up, it was just a nurse from probably another surgery. After what felt like forever, the doctors told me that she was fine and that she would heal, but after hitting her head, she might have lost some of her memories. I didn't expect those memories to be our whole relationship, all four years and all, gone. When I walked into her hospital room and she asked me "Who are you?", I think everyone could hear the sound of my heart being pierced."


do you live together with your love interest?
answer : "Yeah! It was easier to live together and pay rent instead of paying for the dorms, so we just did that and it was easier like that."

how long did you guys "avoid" each other after the argument? did the accident happen right after the argument? explain when the accident happened and what happened after the argument.
answer : "The fact that he even thought about saying that to me killed me and I was a wreck. I was so done with arguing with him, so I immediately left our apartment and while I was walking down the stairs in a rush, I tripped and saw black..."
"After Dahui had left, I immediately regretted what I had said and went out to go chase her, but when I opened the door and stepped out, I saw her lying on the ground, bleeding from the head and- and I called 112 and got her to the hospital and when she woke up, she couldn't recognize me at all- I'm just... I... sorry..."

comments / questions? : HI MINT <333 I FINALLY FINISHED THIS APP AFTER FOREVER LMAO. i hope you like dahui!!! btw i took a step away from the car accident storyline cause i wanted to be ~unique~, but if you would prefer me to do that 'cause it'll be easier for you, then it's ok i can always change the accident LOL. also, i was vague on side characters a.k.a the project partner and the friend that introduced them together because i didn't want to restrict you and anyone can be their friend and dauhi's business partner LOL ya. 

{ back to the story ; turn-in ; example application }


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