I should have re-thought over my subject choices....


I chose to study 4 subjects at college - well I had to because I chose Japanese and that course is different from AS classes so I had to chose 3 AS and 1 certificate. 

I am struggling...the work from the subjects is literally causing me to get sick...I was going to drop one subject but was told I would have to pick up another and I just had to stick with it because the subject (Photography) was only a filler because there was no other subject I liked. 

Photography is my most hated subject out of the 4, and it seriously is stupid how much work I am expected to do. Yesterday I had to take the day off because I had worked so hard and stressed so much that I got a stress headache and omg the pain that I felt in my stomach. I was up till 11pm on Monday doing work for Photography, I slept for maybe an hour and a half before returning to the work and I didn't finish it, nope I still haven't finished it either. I have to do three pieces of work at once with Photography there's that much work....I am already behind anyway and my teacher is quite pissed at me for not being in class yesterday she even sent me a mean email. 

Communication and Culture is alright I am slightly okay in that subject - even though I honestly have no idea what the teacher is talking about half the time. 

English Literature and Language is definetly adding to the stress as I don't understand anything my teacher says because my old school never used the language used in college English...it is literally a new language.... 

Japanese is my favourite subject even though I am the only one who can't read the Japanese words yet...*sigh* she made a mockery of me in front of my class when I couldn't read... Not my fault I am a slow learner and we have like weeboo's in my class (I AM SERIOUS WITH THAT) who want to be asian and stuff I was like what on earth are you talking about you idiots. 

Anyway I am becoming very stressed and my mental state has been rather awful recently due to the fact the guy I had my first kiss with has shared personal information about me to people I do not know and he has also stated some rather disgusting things to his mates about me as well...he is still thinking I would let him ever touch me and do the deed with me lol after what I have found out I am never going near that bastard again and if I do happen to see him I will happily put his sorry in hospital. This has made my mental state vulnerable and with all the stress given from each subject I am finding myself crying all the time...I had to text my friend while I was on the bus on Monday because I felt as if I was going to do something stupid... I felt unsafe on my own... I feel so sick and my headache still is here...I want to just drop Photography but I don't want to pick up another subject *cries* 


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