WIN, WHO IS NEXT? Season Two #Rin (린)


applicant. Dontholdgrudges
active rate [1-10]. 7-10
nickname. Flores 

plotline. #1
full name. Shin Hye-Rin (신혜린)
nicknames. Rin :: is a nickname that stuck with her since birth
birthdate. 1994 - 10 - 04 
birth place. Busan, Korea
ethnicity. Korean
languages. Korean :: Native // English :: Advance (second language) // Japanese :: Intermediate
*she is learning japanese :: as she is the leader and aparently yg focuses more in japanese realeses*

face claim:
backup face claim:
- Shopping
- Fashion Shows
- dressing up
- picking outfits for the members 
- surfing the net
- Her Guitar
- Music 
- Composing
- Fooood!!! (specialy spicy)
- Sour candy
- Snobs (just no...)
- Being forced to do something
- She hates bitting her nails (which is a habit she has)
- Ackward Conversations (that just freaks her out)
- Small Rooms
- Bad sense of Fashion (this is her worst enemy)
- (Excessive) Skinship
character history

Rin was born in Busan, Korea, were she spent the majority of her life. She wasn't the smartest kid out there, she had average grades and was the kid you will find with their headphones on and always carrying a guitar. Since she was little she would avoid any sort of trouble, she knew it wouldn't do any good, you could say she was very cunning and sly (. She knows whats convenient for her, she may not have been the smartest, but she was the wisest (life wise). She began to grow interest in music (like to make a living out of it) around her 10th birthday, she began writing her own lyrics, going to instrument and voice lessons. She also studied abroad for 3 years, she went to a music boarding school and during that time entered various competitions. At the age of 16 she retruned to Korea and got recruited in YG, she has been training for 3 years. Most of her adolecense was spent in music, when it comes to music, she is very ambitious about it. 

She started training in YG at the age of 16 and trained for aproximately 3 years. During her trainee times she would often spend her nights in the dance studio practicing by herself, coffee was her bestfriend during that time. After three years  she debuted with her single song Lonely in mid 2014 which got her a lot of recognition for her voice. She later started working on her first mini album (Loving You) released at the end of the year (2014) which included her first single and 4 new songs, which was also a success. After her promotions (about half a month) she return to train with her members and occasionally had some interviews. She also started to write and record songs for her future album (hearbreak, which is almost done),  still has no realese date (probably at the end of this year or next year). She released a new teaser mv (erase) collaboration which was promoted for 1 week before she returned to training. 


Loving You - Rin
1. Lonely 
2. One Way Love
3. I Choose To Love You
4. Don't Love Me
5. Stalker ft. Mad Clown


Heartbreak - Rin
1. Closer
2. Insane
3. Crazy of You
4. Lean On Me - with Jeong Yeol
5. Sorry
6. I Will Show You
7. Im A Woman Too
8. Blossom Tears - with Leo
9. Goodbye My Love
10. Erase (acous.) - with Joo Young
*pretend like half of them have not been recorded*
Family & Friends

Shin Jiyoung | 50 | lawyer | Father | she isn't that close with her father since he is always working, he can barely come home, but she tries to see her father as much as she can. she is also happy that her father supports her dream and he does what he can to convince mom
Lee Dasom | 47 | Mother | she is close to her mother, though she does try to avoid her sometimes, because she nows her mother is unhappy with her decision on being a idol and she will try to talk her out of it
Shin Myungsoo | 14 | student | Brother | she really cares about her brother, even though he can be annoying, she nows for the fact that she as well :: they usually write songs together

Kim Ara | 21 | student at Seoul university | Best Friend | they are childhood best friends and they are very close, though thy can't always see each other since is difficult with her scheldule and Ara classes
Soo Hyesoo | 19 | YG trainee in group dul | Best Friend | they are best friends since they met eachother
Nam JooHyuk | 21 | actor/model under YG | Best Friends, at least what the public thinks | you always see them together, talking and playing around, even texting eachother even though the person is next to them...

YG artists | ... | idols | Friends | getting advice from them
Ex-classmates | ... | ... | friends | meeting some again
Jonghyun | 25 | member of CNBlue | friends (back in Busan | meeting at a music show

character personality

Hyerin is a very ambitious, mature and charismatic girl. If she sets her mind on something, it won't change untill she does it. She is also very mature, she now how to handle situations properly and without hassle. She is also very charismatic, she won't get angry easily and she has this friendly aura. She is incredibly annoying (to her members and clossest friends) she nags a lot and is always overreacting. Hyerin is a very crafty (sly, deceptive) person. What i mean by crafty is that she nows whats convenient for her, shes not exactly bad, she just nows how to get revenge... if she were to go to Hogwarts, she would end up in Slytherin... though im not sure if she would survive as a Slytherin, since she is very clumsy, she'll probably do something unconsciously and then get killed for it... but never less, she is capable of being a leader, she can put all that aside and think for the team.

Fashion style

She is the fashionista of the group, though she wouldn't describe her fashion as girly, its more like casual and elegant. She does have preferences, for shoes, she prefers sneakers (at least with this she won't trip often), for botoms anything but short skirts (she nows she will end up tripping in them) and for top anything loose, basicly anything that looks good and will prevent her from hurting herself... 

behind the scenes

stage ideas. Individual Collaboration Stage (like to show your talents and to prove you are ready to debut) // Making there own song and performing on stage // 
last comments. Here is my app! i hope you liked her! Im excited for this fic!
SCENE REQUESTS. The Pillow talk between Hyerin and Hyesoo // Joohyuk and hyerin secretly on a date
PASSWORD. Champion (im kinda obsessed with the Legend Book series:) or Survivor (like surviving all the hardsips and finally debuting)
trivia. [stage name? Rin // pre-debut experiences? talent shows]  favorite color is Red :: Favorite number is 1004 (reason: her birthday and it means angel) :: She loves watching series, specially with interesting plots :: She wants to act in a drama :: she composes songs for the team :: If she werent a Idol, she would  be studying in Julliard (or a music school) :: She never got a 100 at an exam (except when she was a kid, you now the only exams were drawing or something) :: She would like to rap :: 

love interest
love interest. Nam JoOhyuk
age. 22
relationship. Dating
Back Up: SUngyeol

PERSONALITY. Joohyuk is sweet and kind guy, though sometimes he is stupidly dumb. He is the type of guy to think of others before himself, he's painfully loyal (just to loyal...). He isn't the most intelligent kid eaither, he may endup hurting someone, even if that wasn't his intention (lets just say his stupidness goes to another level 😂). Its not that he is always foolish, he can turn serious, and when he does, its like meeting a whole new person. 

MEETING. Joohyuk and Hyerin used to go to school together back in Busan, but they didn't talk much. There "first meeting was when Joohyuk first came to the YG building. Joohyuk was new in the building and she desided to tour him around. When they first got into the elevator, it was ackward as hell (just no...) they wouldn't talk and would look in opposite directions, but eventually they started talking (since she was going to tour him around the buildin, it wouldn't make sense no to talk) and actually got to now a little bit about each other. 

INTERACTIONS. Joohyuk and Hyerin started dating sometime before her debut, they would go on secret meetings, if they were to go outside their skin would be cover up, with face masks and scarfs, but most of the time they would meet at the dorms, or at a friends house. When they go on dates they usually talk about who their lives have been, their worries and getting to now eachother. There was this time, before they started dating, a scandal had started about them, since they were super close, but they stated they were best friends. Now everytime the public sees them together, they don't even suspect anything, they just think "they are just bestfriends, they've said it before", which is the main reason they haven't got caught.

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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