I am a victim of Bullying



It all started with my group of friends. Last summer we had a fight as I open up to them that "I feel like I'm being an outcast." There they 
started telling me what they hate about me. It seems like they hate EVERYTHING about me. I cried & cried that night thinking "woah. They see me as that kind of person. They should have tell me from the start." It was hard for me since there's five of them and there's only me. I tried to stay away to avoid more conflicts. Two of them went to visit our house with their parents to make it all up to us. They cried & cried saying "We're sorry, we're just being honest with you. Let's start over and make this friendship work out. " That time I didn't cry because I was so hurt and I felt like I've given out all my tears from the last time I cried. Well anyway I said okay and I tried to reach out to them in school. But guess what they're the one who's staying away from me. I thought "We'll make this friendship workout." Well I didn't give a damn about that no more until our issue spread out my other batchmates. There I started to talk to them once again but it felt like they don't care at all. So I let it go. Then just this week, starting my Sunday with annoying issues.  

One of my friend posted on twitter, rude things about me. I deactivated my personal twitter account to avoid issue so I've got my friend to screen capt the conversation. I've got my mom read those and she got so angry, of course who wouldn't. It was really offending. It was sent to my adviser for an action to end all of the rumors. There comes a time where I wanted to do a suicide but still I thought of my parents and those people who stayed for me.  Then today I've discovered the song called "You're worth it" by cimorelli and it's really a good song it's lyrics gave me hope in life. So now I am feeling okay and ready to move on. Ready to let go of the past. I want to end it all and if they keep on judging me til' the end. I know karma makes it double or triple for them. Atleast I myself know I've done my part as a human being. And I've come to the realization that "Why would I cry for them when there's people who's a lot worth it of my golden tears." Anyway BTS Predebut song "Tears of School" also gave me hope in life. Specially Suga's part. "They made the weaklings weak, they made the strong powerful." Which is true. Yes there's a lot of them against me but I don't believe in justice rather I believe in KARMA which is a lot powerful than any punishment in the world that exist. 


P.S Thanks to my haters I've got to enhance my talent in composing my mixtapes. And 
I've done one. The others are on the making and I am happy to say that I am ready to move on and smile 
and watch the haters to hate me more. 

"So much that you've been through that nobody knows." 


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chimchim04 #1
I'm being bullied in my school too but,I have three other friends that protect me but I'm the strongest to them but I'm the second smallest -_-|| yesterday the bullies lock us on our room and they took my book that book is precious to me I write lyrics but all of them is not finished and I draw there too but when they took it they ruined my drawings, my drawings was namjoon, jimin, and jungkook the others was not finished but they only ruined jimin and jungkook but I was really mad because they ruined jimin and he was my bias when I took my blog back I really cried hard because I don't have time to daraw it again because of school, then told my teacher about it he as mad and told the bullies why are they doing this because we where girls why would they bully girls boys shouldn't do that to girls but I'm still really mad they ruined me drawings and I really hate I even shout at them saying they've never matured and I even cursed...... I'm sorry it's so long I just wanna tell my feelings to someone...
Those haters aren't worth your time and tears. There a lot of other people that truly care about you. As you can see there are a lot of people here that soport you. I've also been a victim of bulling from my suppose friends just because I looked and had different style than them. But I realize that if they don't accept me from me then they're not really my friends
It's good that your being strong right now, You're gonna meet people in your life who are good and supportive, that's the best people to be around. Stay strong, I support you. Life is good, don't worry and stress over people who will just bring you down. Stay strong.
I'm glad your not letting them get to you like that. Its better now that they don't want to be your friends because you can always make new ones even though it's hard.
We all go through life making and losing good friends. In the end, the ones who really love will stick around.
I'm rooting for you!! Hwaiting~
I'm so glad that you're being so strong and fighting through this. Those 'friends' of yours don't seem like good people, best to just stay away and ignore them. Meet new people, is old say is the best thing to do right now. But yes, karma would definitely hit them soon and they'll realise that they lost such a good person like you.
If you do need someone to talk to, feel free to message me anytime :))
Stay strong ^^
just ignore them, I can feel you since I've experienced those things too that my 'friends' are backstabbing me and I didn't know a fcking thing until one of my classmates told me. Stay strong T^T get away from fakes and be with those who will like you because you are you :)) FIGHTING~!
Don't let the haters bring you down! :)
I would type a lot more but my dominant hand is really badly burned right now so I'll just say this:

I am a firm believer in Karma so those people who treated you badly will get what they set themselves up for. They aren't worth a second of your time so don't worry about them. I know this is a lot easier said than done, but I'm glad you seem to be doing better (correct me if I'm wrong) :)
If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to pm me :)
I felt that kind of friendship when I was in elementary school. I was too innocent back then to even know that my friendship with those were not really true to be called as friendship lolz.
I hated this one girl because she was just ing annoying lol. But I still tried to approach and befriend with her, which I didn't understand why. When she ignored me, I became silent. But as the time moved, I became stronger and even talked back to her (which i am proud about myself, hehe ^^) when she had spicy words to me. But now, that girl and I are not really close tho. Sometimes we say hi to each other when we met (we are in the same junior high school now) and I think she changed into better now. Though I heard there are still some who hate her (lol).
I just hope you to stay strong and let it be. Just be yourself. Gradually, you will find better friends than those fake friends. Like me, I found better friends in my school now than my elementary school back then :))
Fighting! ^^
And yes, keep smile! Even to your haters! That will show them who is the boss ;)
Stay strong and cheer up! :)
I'm proud of you :)
stephani_bap #12
keep strong! there's still plenty of people that need you more than "they" need you
I want to show you this.


And I want you to remember it. Because, even for that one small moment, that's what you were.